Reviews for By the Light of the Moon
Guest chapter 20 . 8/6/2012
Love it love it love it ! Great Fic :)
SoConfusified chapter 20 . 7/3/2008
That was a very, very interesting fanfic. I loved the ending (I'm glad to see sweet Elphie has SOME happiness in her life). I would also like to say that for your first work of fanfiction, this is VERY well written!

In addition, congrats that YOU ACTUALLY FINISHED IT(that seems to be the general issue with an author's first work-IT NEVER ENDS!)!

While I am aware that this has been posted for some time, I would like to say that you have shown yourself to be an accomplished writer, and I can't wait to read more of your work!


**Reviewer would like to apologize for any grammatical errors contained within her review, it's been a long day**


Your New Fan,

Seashell Rachel chapter 6 . 8/30/2007
YOU ROCK! I loved it so much! Sorry this isn't more constructive but I don't actually think you could improve this! Elphie an Fiyero forever! x thanks for makin me happy with this! x
molly chapter 20 . 6/3/2006
why the HELL haven't I reviewed this yet.

a resounding aw fills the air.


loved it dearest.
NewYorks chapter 20 . 3/11/2006
ok, so, the review may be a lttile late... but they are important nontheless, right? haha

I loved the story! the development of the characters and your writing makes me enjoy the whole story throughout! I REALLY liked it. I wished i had spotted it sooner, but hey, at least i got to read it! and review it!

So, anyway, I really liked it. I can't wait to read more from you.
happilyinsane13 chapter 20 . 3/10/2006
I LOVE IT! YOU ROCK! *sob* They get back together, and he has now met his beuatiful daughter! Trust me, I shall imagine Kaiya's future well! They go off and live somewhere with Kaiya growing up. Glinda and Boq are good friends and they all teach little Kaiya everything. O, and of course she might go to Shiz. If she falls in love, I can just see Fiyero freaking out. LOVE IT! This was a fabbulous ending to a fabulous story! You should make a sequel! Lol! LOVE IT! And THANK YOU!
abovethenightsky chapter 20 . 3/6/2006
It's over? Stories come and go so quickly here...but I loved every minute (and, really, thank YOU.). I'm speechless, and I'm happy with the way things ended up here. Great, great, great, as always.
lillian townsend chapter 20 . 3/6/2006
This deserves an AWW! great job.
Kennedy Leigh Morgan chapter 20 . 3/6/2006
Oh *sob* I'm so sad that's the end but it was so sweet, I loved it. I love how Fiyero is so enthralled with and I like how you leave the rest for us, even though I'd love to see more, it's nice to kind of finish it in my mind. And thanks for the little dedication, you made my day. Anyway, I loved the whole story, again, I'm sad/happy to see it end and I can't wait to read more from you so get writing!
Veronika Green chapter 20 . 3/6/2006
No! Now what am I supposed to do before I go to school...? Lol, no. I have to say, though, I'm gonna miss this story..a lot ( Meh, I inspired you to write this? Haha, that's funny, cuz yours is a lot better than mine.

Please start another fic soon, cuz I'm a very bored person... )
Molly chapter 19 . 3/5/2006
OMG i love your fanfic soo much! i have been reading it every time it updates and i just had to let you know that i really think you are talented and "the eastern sky" ending was great! i love fiyeraba! thank you for the amazing writing! ) ) )
Kennedy Leigh Morgan chapter 19 . 3/4/2006
Yay, I win! Fabulous chapter! He's not only alive he's back. I love Elphaba's reaction too, it was funny and sad and true to the character. I really liked the writing in this one too, you covered a lot of plot and story points in only a little space but you did it well so everything made sense and I didn't feel like you skipped a ton of stuff. Again fabulous job, I don't want it to end but please update soon!
Lillian Townsend chapter 19 . 3/4/2006
hey, great job with this one. Sadly to say, for some reason the whole "Eirny, Alma" and "Yackle" thing went over my head, I guess I didn't put too much thought into it. Great job.

Veronika Green chapter 19 . 3/4/2006
I am absolutely loving that Elphie and Fiyero have met up with one another again D. I love the way Elphaba and Kaiya interact with each other (you right it so much better than I do, lol). And, umm, yea..I've got some other things that I love about this chapter...I just can't remember what they are..]

I must have Alzheimers.
abovethenightsky chapter 19 . 3/3/2006
I am so sorry, I've fallen behind on my reviews. But let me catch up:

1. Elphaba's interactions with her baby are fitting. So sad, yet perfect because they're believable.

2. Fiyero. Is. Alive. Period. This makes me so, so happy.

3. I loved the integration of Yackle and her sister.

4. Elphie and Fiyero...together. ::sighs::

5. Still lovin' it! Amazing, amazing, amazing. Write more soon.
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