Reviews for Old Soldiers Never Die
aries12345251 chapter 25 . 2/9
well the ending is trash got hit by a weakling fudge just too add for a drama tsk tsk
wolfzmasterz chapter 26 . 2/5
Amazing story, you should do a few follow ups type stories of “what’s happening now” type update I really like your take on harry with guns lol.
redheadfaerie chapter 19 . 1/17
hahahaha burninating the countryside
redheadfaerie chapter 18 . 1/17
so i love the omake's, but especially these ones with the girl guides... they really make it feel like im watching an anime lol
santa s angry elf chapter 26 . 1/14
loved this , different, funny very well done. congrads.
HoneyBear84 chapter 26 . 1/11
Loved it
SanadaTenchi chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
It’s been over 10 years sense I found this story. And being in the Army every time I go over seas I read this over and over again. Love the story and the humor. Helps remind me some days why I’m still in doing what I’m doing. Thank for the pick me up mate.
Jaely chapter 12 . 12/23/2019
lol well then Uncle Vernon would shit himself to learn that Curry, a strictly English invention! Though the spices mostly originated from India, with a little bit of North Africa, and Asia thrown in here and there, the blends of spices that became known as the Curry we know of today, where made by Returning British soldiers and other British personnel that had brought the spices home with them, but didn’t know the actual recipes in which they had been used in the dishes they had loved so much that they bought the spices for in first place. Instead some of these people began to combine these spices to into something that was palatable and seemed close enough to what they remembered.

After that Curry became a ‘spice’ of its own, though it’s actually made up of several different spices, and a number of Curries can have a number of different blends in them. In fact, in India you would be hard pressed to find a place to buy Curry, as its a strictly Western concept. So Yeah, a little history lesson for the Ignorant Uncle Vernon!
un-named-2019 chapter 22 . 12/22/2019
I think you could make an original story about McClain's granddaughter and have every other or every two chapters end with a visit to McClain to debrief. I think it would sell well if you got it published and I would certainly buy it.
PGHammer chapter 10 . 12/7/2019
Bugs Bunny in the Marines? Yes - as part of a *series* of such cartoons. (What folks forget is that Warner Brothers (as a company) was heavily patriotic - and that was *especially* true of Warner Animation. In addition to that *wascally wabbit* enlisting in the Corps, both Yosemite Sam *and* Elmer Fudd joined the Army (in Sam's case, he joined the Cavalry - makes sense; a lot of Calvarymen joined the beginning of the Tank Corps - such as both Patton AND Bradley), and it was not just Warner Animation, either.)
PGHammer chapter 7 . 12/7/2019
His grandson is someone Harry knows - loves his plants, and is normally as threatening as a fern. (That should set off the alarums.)
reddir chapter 19 . 12/3/2019
I loved the grandaughter McLain bit at the end, such the nice explanation of why such criminals should be sent to jail rather than just summarily executed.

(I think this is my third or so readthrough, still a great fic.)
OrdinaryAvgGuy chapter 5 . 11/27/2019
Great story.

I heard a variation of the flagpole story. Supposedly, a question on the OCS test asks something along the lines of, "You have a 50' flagpole, a 20' rope, and a 15' rope. How do you set up the flagpole?" The correct answer is turn to the nearest NCO and say, "Sergeant, get that flagpole put up."
stacygrrl2002 chapter 5 . 11/24/2019
I luv this
Edgar Allen Poet chapter 26 . 11/19/2019
Ever think about a sequel to this? Harry touring the war zones of the past 25 years? Has almost a sharps rifles feel about it... i know id read it
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