Reviews for Cheating Death
Samanthawolfe chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
Dammit, why did you do that to me? The feels, man, the feels! Sitting here boohooing like an idiot...beautifully written but heartbreaking!
Guest chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
Well done!
I usually don't like death fics but I have to admit; this one was brilliant.
ccase13 chapter 1 . 2/12/2012
Dean would definitely haunt Sam and the Impala. Without Dean, Sam might have shot his father with the colt when the demon was possessing him or would have died as a good man at Cold Oak and joined Dean in the blameless hearafter.

I wonder if Sam and Dean after Dean went to hell might not have envied the brother with a ghost brother.
TheKritty chapter 1 . 12/3/2009
Oh man a death!fic. I can't read death!fics when they're multi-chaps - and since this wasn't one and it was SO SO SO well written, I could deal with the fact that Dean was dead at the end.

I loved the way you let Dean go, one end he deserves propably more than gore and blood and incredible weight on his shoulders and pain *thinks of things that are to come, 5x22*

Well, there was pain, but pain he could manage and I loved the hurt!Dean although my heart hurt and I felt SO sorry for him!

And the end? It made me smile and cry at the same time!

Very very VERY well done!

eternallycharmed chapter 1 . 12/8/2008
That was beautifully written and so so sad. And you just know that Dean would haunt the Impala and Sam. Great ending. ;)
drkstormynite chapter 1 . 7/28/2008
If Dean ever died, I know this ending is how it would be...Sam with his remains and Dean haunting the passenger seat. Thanks for a great, and heartbreaking story.
Agent Five chapter 1 . 9/11/2007
This is just awesome. Which is strangely weird for a death-fic! But - even tho it's decidedly sad - it's not canon, it's an alternate universe. A 'what might have been' - and thank Kripke it didn't!

But I just love your style and the maturity of your writing. It's so well done and enjoyable. Despite the inevitable. And even that is just perfectly matched. Just as Dean would want it. His passing is just a short sentence and the aftermath to the point.

But Sam chatting to ghost Dean? Gorgeous.

I really enjoyed this.
AnickaMarie chapter 1 . 9/5/2007
*Sob* That was so sad, but well written.
MeShelly chapter 1 . 7/2/2007
Bittersweet and well-written. Pacing through his heart's deterioration was incredibly sad, especially the phone call from his father. I think my own heart just about broke, and the scene where Sam found the pills crushed the pieces.

"I. Can't." I love this aspect of Dean's character-pushing against everything else. Passing in his sleep is the least he deserved, though his dedication to the hunt apparently bypasses even the cremation process.

I realy enjoyed reading this. Thanks for posting!

Child of a Pineapple chapter 1 . 3/31/2007

I really liked just made me sad.

Great job!
Ephemera2 chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
This story gave me chills. What a sad, haunting, and chilling take on "Faith," my favorite episode episode. (Isn't it everyone's?) I appreciate so much about the story: the precise and carefully crafted language (and thank you so much for respecting the rules of Grammar. I won't read any story where someone uses an apostrophe to denote a plural, rather than a possessive... I just can't); the truly in-character dialogue; the descriptions of place... and then the fabulous twist at the end. I am excited to have foudn a new author to enjoy and look forward to finding the time to read all of your stories.
Sera and Tails chapter 1 . 2/16/2007
Beautifully written and I -loved- this: "When he started talking the words spilled out of him quickly and far easier than he would have expected. John learned of the initial accident, the miraculous healing, and the gradual return of the illness. What Dean didn't say was, "Can you come?" even though that was what he desperately wanted. Let John deal with Sam. Dean had dying to do." Perfection.

"He just didn't wake up again." Couldn't hold back the tears when I read that hell, I've gone all soft.


sugarquill4ron chapter 1 . 1/10/2007
oh this fic hurts me so :( i love the ending, it was bittersweet, but my heart is still screaming for a miracle and for Dean to be alive and well :( beautifully written! *hugs fic*

"Driver picks the music, dead guy shuts his cakehole."

LMAO. i feel bad for laughing but it's damn funny, lol.
Zadrak chapter 1 . 11/20/2006
My word! I loved this too! Nice twist on the shotgun shuts his cakehole line. That was actually sweetly sad. Good work!
November'sGuest chapter 1 . 8/18/2006
Nice job, that was brilliant! That was an interesting way to not save Dean, yet make it acceptible with a humorous twist at the end.

I also kept thinking you couldn't cheat death, interesting to see you actually pick that idea up and run with it!

Nicole aka November'sGuest
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