Reviews for Something More
hahahha chapter 1 . 11/22/2010
i am surprised that you are the only person to write a fanfic about hayama and nazumi


write another different one please!
RosettaManga chapter 1 . 1/25/2010
(Sorry, my english is not good)


I never thought that AkitoxNaozumi's fanfic would exist... I just can say: Kya I was not was the only person who thought it xD

I could not understand very much, but I don't care. Thank you for the illusion x)

Congratulations ¡Auf wiedersehen!
ramica14 chapter 1 . 11/30/2008
man i can just see sana's reaction if they were to tell her. great story. you could take this story really far. like next chapter could be where they tell her and she could be really upset then hayama feels real bad and tries to leave naozumi and tell him it was a mistake or something like that. i love this story. great job once again. i hope to read more from you
alltootroublesome chapter 1 . 8/19/2008
WHAT IT IS A GAY FANFIC? i don't mean it in the offensive way but i just am no t use to reading about gay stuff.. BUT IT IS SO GAY WITH TWO BOYS NOT JUST ANY BOY ITIS THE HAYAMA WITH A BOY! I THINK I AM GOING TO GO CRAZY!AH!
RockTheRave chapter 1 . 9/8/2007
Mayu of Light chapter 1 . 10/12/2006
*shocked* *shaking from excitment* *blushing* X I just wanna let u know...that YOU ARE GOD! *does dance and bows* *hugs you* 3 There arent many Kodocha lemons. Let alone Kodocha shonen-ai lemons! And have the one yaoi lemon... Now ur mah best friend~! I'm makin a kodocha lemon too~! Tell me wat u think! o would I LOVE to do that with Akito... *drools*
Fuss16 chapter 1 . 8/21/2006
I logged on thinking 'I want to read a Naozumi x Hayama fic'. I got my wish. xD E. This is so cool. I love the description, and how they seem perfectly in character. Though...Naozumi creeps me out, here and in the fanfiction. Which is good. I think.

Great job!
TheUndertone chapter 1 . 8/8/2006
wow...I kinda feel bad for Sana...poor thing is probobly gonna fall over dead...ROTFL
kitsunechibiko chapter 1 . 7/11/2006
It's so disturbing! But I love it! It's just the fact that they're, like, 12 years old. Completely wonderous!
KittyKittyMeowMeow chapter 1 . 2/18/2006
I love you. So much.

I've been looking for a story about these two! XD -yay- thank you so very muches!
HopelessOsaka chapter 1 . 2/3/2006
XD Ahahahahaha... My desperate YAOI-loving has sent me to reviewing a lemon. I always read Yaoi lemons...just don't them...but I've been waiting for a NaozumiHayamaNaozumi. ...You know, there used to be another one here about two years ago, but then it disappeared. *sigh* Made me sort of pissed... ...Well, you've given me NaozumiHayama-fantasy-hope. There's nothing I can find on the Internet-actually, if you know of one, can you tell me? There are a lot of rare pairings I get hooked into, but can never find a fanfic about...hmm...

_~ Luffs and kisshes! Osaka