Reviews for But Not Forgotten
Jayjayha chapter 4 . 8/18/2019
Eh a little too easy to kill off Maria

And Max? Meh
linelm chapter 27 . 10/7/2010
Lovely, absolutely lovely!

I think this was a wonderful story! Well written, great storylines and both Jack and Sam were in character!
Eolivet chapter 27 . 8/24/2010
Wow! That was a great way to spend yesterday afternoon and this morning...I feel like I've just read a novel! :) That was wonderful - I loved the premise behind it (killing off Maria is such a juicy scenario) and all the J&S scenes were fabulous (and hot, too!) The cases were great, and there was even some great humor (your Danny voice was hilarious!) And that ending - AWWW! I always wanted to write that for them, but never could. I'm so happy you wrote their happy ending! What a treat! :D

Thank you for sharing the link with me...I'm excited to read your other work! :)
siamesecattwin chapter 27 . 8/1/2010
This is the very best of all the WAT fic I have read here. I had to absorb it all before I could review. You write these characters the best of anyone with so much thought and affection. It is a brilliant work. **Please don't stop**
blueheronz chapter 3 . 3/23/2010
Off to read the next chapter because this is what I need right now. Great grasp of POV, Jbird.
blueheronz chapter 2 . 3/23/2010
OK. It's official. This is fantastic FF. You've delved fairly deep into Jack's life rather than glossing over all the little details and his relationship with Kate and Hanna to get to the "good stuff" with Samantha. This choice adds a weight and depth - meaning - to the story, and dignity and humanity to these characters we so dearly love.

blueheronz chapter 1 . 3/23/2010
Great premise. I love AU and you need it with this show/ship, unfortunate though that may be. This is the first FF I've read from WAT. You've captured Jack's voice - Sam's too. I look forward to reading more as time allows, and perhaps trying my hand at a Jack/Sam fic one day.

The best thing is how you've tuned in to that awkwardness between Jack and Samantha - how by that season they didn't know where they stood with each other, but they knew that they still cared.

This is why I'm especially interested to see where you go with this.
meb6266 chapter 27 . 3/23/2010
Wow! That was a perfect ending to a very long and winding road. Thanks for sticking with it and giving it (and us) the ending it deserved, with so many perfect twists and turns along the road. You write angst deliciously and always leave us wanting more. XO
Loves Jack chapter 27 . 3/20/2010
Only one word...MAGNIFICENT! Jbird, I am totally sad that this chapter has ended such a brilliant ride. This was such a GREAT story, I can't tell you how much pleasure it has brought me to read this (some parts over and over again... ). I can't rave enough about it! It's so satisfying to finally have the happy ending that Jack and Sam deserve. And, definitely LOVE the "pseudo stripping" and "afternoon delight!" Jbird, you are an AWESOME writer! CBS should have definitely hired you for their final season/episode! Even though I'm a little sad BNF is over, what makes me happy is that I will be anxiously awaiting your next story...or epilogue wedding... (hint, hint) Thank you again!
Feerie chapter 27 . 3/14/2010
Thank you so much Jbird for this fantastic story, I am so NOT disappointed by the end. There was just a bit of everything which made it so perfect even though I am a kind of that the story is finally finished.

BNF if definitely one of those fanfic I will read again and again and still enjoying every single word.

I am looking forward to read your next one, especially if it is set after the serie final, maybe will finally get this end we, and Jack and Sam deserved.


lovewinter chapter 27 . 3/13/2010
YAY!I was checking here twice a day lately... I knew we were near! LOL! Great job. You wrote the right ending and at the same time you satisfied our "dirty" minds. Thank you, jjbird! Please, keep wrinting. We need something to keep our love going.
Mariel3 chapter 27 . 3/13/2010
See? It's wonderful, and everyone agrees! You found the perfect way to see to it that everyone won in one way or another. Great going - and thanks for sticking to it, through thick and thin!

I'm hoping you haven't stopped thinking of new possibilities for stories - they are many!
DianeM37 chapter 27 . 3/12/2010
Damn, jbird, you are one terrific author. This ending was just spectacular! I have loved every chapter for the past four years of this story, always anxiously awaiting the next addition, and I knew you would give us a very sexy and satisfying ending. I will really miss BNF...what a great ride it has been...but I know you have some more stories for us, so I'll try not to feel too sad. Thank you for giving Jack and Sam fans something to look forward to. It's been great!
emmaloufudge chapter 27 . 3/12/2010
Just finished BNF! Absolutely wonderful ending! I liked the way the girls accepted Jack's announcement that Sam was going to be a part of their lives once he stated that was how things were going to be. The fact their grandmother had told them they weren't going to live with her no doubt had sunk in and Hanna must have realized she could no longer bully Jack into doing what she demanded.

I liked your solution so that Jack and Sam could be together. It was a win-win situation for everyone. Jack would continue to be a supervisor, Sam could stay in her job, Viv finally got her promotion. And I just love Viv's comment to Martin, "Oh, just give it a rest, ... Get over yourself."

I'm very happy with the way you've wound up this story, I know the last chapter was a bit longer than initially planned, but I believe that was necessary to properly wrap up the story. It would not have read well if it had been divided into 2 sections.

Thanks for a wonderful story! I've enjoyed every word of it!
lia marou chapter 27 . 3/12/2010
Thank you so much jbird for the wonderful journey along with our fav couple!I'm sad because this story came to an end,but at the same time I'm happy seeing Jack and Sam happy together!

Thanks again and keep writing,please!
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