Reviews for The Plan
parasiyte chapter 3 . 7/16
this is good
Guest chapter 2 . 5/29
I love it

It has rei x shinji and they get revenge in the best way possible

Sometimes gunman, you make me wither dislike these fanfic
Or absolutely love them
There is no in between with you
willcraftNEX chapter 2 . 2/8/2019
Rei, you sneaky snek

you make us all proud
Guest chapter 1 . 6/28/2018
i still don't understad Shinji's friends call him Shinji, then why Ayanami's friends call her Rei? The first name is the name of the family, the second is the name of the you refer to someone formally, you use the name of the family. Casually, you use the actual name of the person and if you are close enough you put a honorific on the end like chan or kun. Why FF writers can't understand this.

I'm not angry at you, it just got annoying, but i hope i helped you.
Sexism chapter 2 . 4/4/2017
The amount of abusive women in these types of fics are amazing to me. Will hit a man over anything. (Not that anyone should hit anyone)
savvy001 chapter 1 . 1/24/2016
love shinji and rei
T.Dragon chapter 3 . 8/13/2013
Well it finally has to be said...You have done it gunman, for once I am totally and utterly speechless, there are simply no words to describe this fic. congrats!
T.Dragon chapter 2 . 8/13/2013
smooth...really smooth there rei...not much else can be said on that end.
Ryuus2 chapter 3 . 10/18/2011
You know, I've gotten the impression from reading some of your stories that you don't have a high opinion of Rei's intelligence. Though I would like to disagree, I can't think of any evidence to prove you wrong, except in one category: manipulation. Her 'father figure', as bad as he is, is the greatest manipulator in anime, easily managing to match wits and win against a cabal of like-minded individuals, and he has never hidden this from Rei. If from nothing more than observation, there is no way she hasn't picked up a great deal from him, at least enough to push plans like this one through with mild effort.

And what a plan! Intricate in its seeming simplicity, and with plenty of room for adaptation up to its final and most difficult stage, convincing Gendo, a task only few people in the world can say they've accomplished. This is definitely something to be grown upon.

This story being more than 5 and a half years old, I doubt my vote counts anymore, but I would like to see the lemon you mentioned you were writing at the end of this. And if it's already on your page, then I look forward to reading it soon.

Keep up the great work!
Rose1948 chapter 3 . 7/12/2011
::snickergigglefits:: Sweet, cute, hilarious, and altogether enjoyable. Thanks for sharing!
Prodigal Priest chapter 2 . 6/20/2011
Oh God... this version of Rei is *EVIL*!

Love it. _
Tetris Ex Machina chapter 3 . 8/13/2009
Great story (haven't used that in a while)!
Mike Kromer chapter 3 . 1/28/2009
Who knew Rei could be so cunning lol, loved it
Lord Sia chapter 3 . 10/25/2008
Heh, funny thing is, I've never seen the opposite, but I can imagine it; Dominator Shinji, taking out his... Frustrations, on the Eva crew. His father goes into the big, nice, warm Eva 01-tummy, Ritsuko becomes Rei's litle toy, and Misato and Asuka become Shinji-sama's Bitches...

Would you write this for me? Pretty please? This one was so funny...
Reishindict14 chapter 3 . 6/10/2008
Go! Have some lemon! Haha! I found your story make me really happy and satisfied but also hang up in the air and i wish for more! Go! Gunman! Go! If you have time please me for any updates of your if you wouldn't mind it's ok,gud luck,.
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