Reviews for The Passion of 3
Stina Whatever chapter 9 . 7/8/2010
love this story. especially the source versus cole thing
ally0212 chapter 9 . 9/16/2007
please come back and add more soon.
Harry2 chapter 9 . 8/19/2007
Buffy, this 'Attack first, ask questions late' attitude has GOT TO CHANGE! You cannot attack someone like the SOURCE of all Evil, let alone Willow, without knowing what you are getting into! You keep this up, Faith is going to be back in action before long!
Harry2 chapter 8 . 8/19/2007
OH MAN! Xander, WHEN are you going to learn when it is right to shoot your mouth off and when not to? I mean SHEESH, if it hadn't been for Buffy and Willow, you would have been ATOMS! Now back off! As for Phoebe and Willow, these two need to have a LONG TALK!
Harry2 chapter 7 . 8/19/2007
Sounds like Willow and Tempus are getting closer. I think, that once they talk Willow is going to find out she has a lot more potential than she ever thought that she had before!
Harry2 chapter 6 . 8/19/2007
Sounds like the Seer saw something she didn't like! TOO BAD, SO SAD! This future WILL come to pass, and you are going to be TOAST! Learn to live with it!
Harry2 chapter 5 . 8/19/2007
The source is not exactly lying in this case. Willow did come to him, but she has not made up her mind if she wants to stay! Question is, what will Phoebe's reaction be when she and Willow meet!
Harry2 chapter 4 . 8/19/2007
Willow is many things, but a fool is not one of them! The Source can tempt her as much as he wants, but Willow will make her own choice as to whether or not she joins up with him. And bringing in the Charmed Ones is going to REALLY make things interesting!
Harry2 chapter 3 . 8/19/2007
For Willow to both use an energy ball and to Shimmer to where he real father is, shows that her powers are growing and faster than anyone else expected! Lets see how she reacts to the truth about her nature.
Harry2 chapter 2 . 8/19/2007
Sounds like Tempus is starting to bring Willow down to his path of life. But he needs to proceed very carefully. She is VERY powerful and could cause a lot of headaches if she isn't handled carefully!
Harry2 chapter 1 . 8/19/2007
Oh boy! Willow could end up being the daughter of TEMPEST! YIKES! Battle mode time!
Morgomir chapter 9 . 4/8/2007
Again,this is such a good story.
Morgomir chapter 4 . 4/8/2007
I really like this sory. I'm a big fan of The Source and dark Willow.
sleepy26 chapter 9 . 3/18/2007
very interesting story, can't wait to read more
ethereal girl chapter 9 . 12/5/2006
Wow what a great fight! Willow taking the Sources side and Phoebe fighting for Cole. LOVE it. And that both Piper and Cole DID see the expression on Phoebe's face. har har. Piper's comment had me flat on my tummy "The man parts fit inside the woman parts. End of story". Guess the passion of 3 could tell her a lot different! Ah and again Cole commune with the Source it always refreshing to read.

Could I ask for some phoebe/willow slash..and a jealous cole/source?

pls update soon, you won a loyal reader here!
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