Reviews for Tearing at my Soul
Haruko Kurimasu chapter 1 . 1/4/2009
I'm glad to find an Aerith and Cloud story for once. I know a bit about Fatal Frame- it's a horror game that requires you to capture spirits with a camera, right? Too bad you haven't updated in 3 years- this chapter left me wanting to read the next part (which I will)!

I wonder why they're travelling- I thought for sure they'd be helping set up Edge or something. Well, it's your story, so don't mind me.

Oh, and Aerith wears a borlero jacket, to be more specific._
DarkAngelus1 chapter 2 . 6/2/2008
Interesting concept. I liked it. It's not listed as complete, so will there be any more?
AerithGast88 chapter 2 . 6/1/2006
hi, i like this so far _

cant wait 2 c what happens next
Rio 2.0 chapter 1 . 1/13/2006
Oh my gawd! I was thinking of this idea too! I'm so happy someone wrote something of the sort, and I'm so happy you actually have talent! Please, continue this, I love both games, and truth is, I finished Fatal Frame I like, 10 minutes ago! lol yay! Anyways, please continue!
tiana chapter 1 . 1/12/2006
hey rose! claire here! this was frikin awesome, love to see number two!