Reviews for Galbies
Ems4179 chapter 1 . 11/27/2012
Oh good lord, poor Irvine. Not liking the rest of the gang much in this minute - especially Squall.
KeishiHideki chapter 1 . 10/2/2010
I didn't know if I was going to like this at first, but I actually really do. I can see Irvine having a loyalty issue, because even if the Balamb SeeDs are his friends now, you can't just forget about your past and all your other friends ya know? I do see Irvine being the type. Especially if all that had been going down at Balamb! I don't see Squall as being as vocal as this, unless he was really angree, then I think it's possibly :3 Good job!
ADarkknight chapter 2 . 4/30/2007
Now, that's original. Keep going, i hope Irvine beat the crap out Squall soon XD
gossec chapter 2 . 4/29/2007
Wah, poor Irvine... You are going to write more, right? I would like to see Irvine fight against Squall and the rest actually. Update soon!
LadyTwist chapter 2 . 4/27/2007
Wow! I didn't realize there was going to be more to this story, but I like it! You do one of the best Irvines _
coldfiredragon chapter 2 . 4/27/2007
I've waited for ages to see the second chapter of this and I must say I'm still in love with it. I love the mix of original characters, the creative cursing and dialogue, the whole sequence of Irvine's escape. Can't wait for more and I desperately hope that you don't take as long getting chapter 3 up as you did chapter 2. I really enjoy the tone of this fic.
Thalione chapter 1 . 4/22/2007
Fabulous story! I can't quite put my finger on why, but this is definitely one of my favorite fics of yours. Clearly wonderful.

:) Sugastar
Rhapsosodoso chapter 2 . 4/22/2007
omg...its like...scandalous. i really like it. update soon please!
Evan chapter 2 . 4/22/2007
To my knowledge, us California crazies are proud of the title. ;) I love the story, even if I hate the situation and how the others are reacting. I had thought this was an one-shot originally, not to sure if I like you adding to it or not. When it remained only one chapter, it spoke a lot against how the others where acting. Reading Irvine sit and struggle and try so hard gave a lot of emotion. Adding the next chapter, actually doing something further and having him run, no matter that being a conclusion one might draw, lessons the impact of the first chapter.
Manders1953 chapter 2 . 4/18/2007
Well you stupid rednack, I'm a Californian. XD No, I wasn't offended actually, California natives are pretty crazy actually, scares me sometimes...

In any case, YAY you got another chapter up! Finally! Will the next one be up sooner? Pleaassee?

And the excessive use of original characters wasn't bad, not to worry. I liked it actually, sounded like Irvine was rambling actually... XD

Me likely this chapter!
Selphie Ivy chapter 2 . 4/18/2007
This is an interesting, different take on FF8, well done! x
BUTTEREDROSIE chapter 1 . 3/28/2007
wAH! POOR IRVINE! this made me so sad... Squall can be such a bastard sometimes! Your writing was amazing, as usual. How do you have so many original and creative ideas? You're unreal! I LURVE YOU!
GiGgLyGaL chapter 1 . 2/2/2006
good story. i liked how you portrayed everyone.
coldfiredragon chapter 1 . 1/24/2006
I just love this fic. Please continue with it. I want to see how Irvine's opinions of his 'friends' in Balamb continue to deterorate. Keep up the great work.
Maia's Pen chapter 1 . 1/15/2006
Hey! *cheers* An awesome brand-spanking new one shoter from Skandranon! _ I am grinning so hard that my face is actually starting to hurt . . . _ *ouch* _ *ouch*

Okay, before I get into my review let me just tell you that I am replaying Final Fantasy 8 now. I started last week and I’m on disk 3 now. You totally got me re-hooked on the characters so badly that I HAD to play it again. I AM LOVOING IT! I must thank you for it too because “Pleasantly Depressed” got me obsessed with Irvy and Squall . . . they are so totally always in the party together when I choose teams, ehehe! _; Rinoa is more annoying than I remembered . . . *kicks Rinoa*

Okay on to the review: LOVED IT! AWESOME! *cling* You so rock.

Omg: “How many Galbadian girls does it take to screw in a light bulb – one, but you might want to wash it off afterwards” _; ehehehe . . . that was so randomly witty I HAD to laugh!

Geeze I wish Irvy was my instructor *suppresses a mental drool* I would SO be staying after class, like, everyday! *naughty snicker*

Wow though. . . poor Irvine. . . it really was insanely hard for him being from Galbadia- to deal with all of the chaos as it spread. His slow-building stress/frustrations were very real. I can’t believe how rude and nasty some of the SeeD’s were to him! .

Never good: - Clearly he’d had some more to drink, and he’d probably been a bit angry, because he woke the next morning with bruises on his jaw and a hangover.- _;

Oh CRAP! WHAT AN ENDING! The pressure I’m feeling right now. . . GA! Does that –have- to be a oneshot? ! OMG! I wanna know what happens top Irvy! *cries*

CoNgRaTs on a kick ass fic!

*hugs* Maia
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