Reviews for Original Spell
Alauralen chapter 2 . 6/14/2006
Another great chapter, I think you have captured the chracterizations rather well. Can't wait to see what happens next! You have a good flow to the story and i am enjoying it immensely!
Alauralen chapter 1 . 6/14/2006
I love how you have managed to seamlessly meld the movie, and the show that it provided the idea for, together so well. I feel bad for Phoebe, but I know you will have her pull through, as she always manages to do after avoiding the issue for a while. I can't wait to see what happens!

I like your style, you definitely do not suck! I knew you were being too hard on yourself when you said that! I am enjoying it and am moving onto the next chapter now!
goldenshadows chapter 6 . 2/24/2006
this is the first practical magic crossover i've read, and i'm enjoying it so far. Hope you write more soon
The-Cheese-Fairy chapter 6 . 2/11/2006
Viggo as Aaron? Nice. *takes moment to drool* His character is becoming ever-more intruiging. I can't wait to see where you go with this! Yeah, this review is short again but you've really made me want to go and watch PM! Hahaha. I loved the Piper/Wyatt phonecall. Cute. :)

Hope to see an update in the near future.

Laur x

PS. Oh, I want to see the trailer!
The-Cheese-Fairy chapter 5 . 2/11/2006
Best chapter so far. Definitely.

I am really really loving the little friendships you've worked up between Antonia and Paige, and Kylie and Phoebe. I have an inkling feeling the K/P relationship is going to be built on, and I'm glad. The connection they have is brilliantly written! I love it! I hope the A/P relationship is built on too. That would be nice.

The 'witch witch, you're a bitch' chanting was used VERY effectively here to illustrate a point. (And HAH, to Billie... because I'm mean.) I loved the scene where they walked onto Awful End (nice name btw!). It was written magnificently! And I hope Billie's learned her lesson.

I'm really loving these scenes between Kylie and Phoebe. They're very cryptic, but very intruiging!

Can't wait for more.

Laur x
The-Cheese-Fairy chapter 4 . 2/11/2006
One word- cheese.

No..., scratch that.

One word- AWESOME!

This Aaron guy is arousing my curiosity. I admit a laughed out loud when he offered Phoebe a playboy. I think it would be cool if he was to stick around. I'm assuming the bookshop will become important.

Yes, a short review, but I can't think of anythign else to comment on. Haha.

Laur x
The-Cheese-Fairy chapter 3 . 2/11/2006
So they crashed just outside Salem? Awesome!

I love how you write Piper's character- the correct mix of snark and care. Her concern for Phoebe was very accurate. )

I'm not entirely sure I like how Paige is coming across as a moody teenager though... I'll see where you go with it.

That is possibly the only thing I'm not liking about the fic though! It is seriously awesome! Hahaha, Phoebe's pregnancy symptomes! How accurate you are. And the description of the house was great! I love how you keep using flowers to decorate your descriptions! And then Paige rambling- haha!

The greeting on the lawn was very sweet. I can tell I'm going to like the interaction between the two witch families. I want more Sally/Piper interactions though! I can see them getting along very well!

And hmm... I'm guessing you're not a Paige all? Just how it comes across. Lol.

Aw, I loved the scene between Phoebe and Kylie. I'm intruiged by both of their willingness to talk to one another, and by some of the things they said. Buterflies in jars... hmm.

Another awesome chapter. Can't wait to read more.

Laur x
The-Cheese-Fairy chapter 2 . 2/11/2006
Review Numero 2.

Aww, I loved the banted between mother and daughters in the kitchen. It seems you have the girls characters very well defined! Very much like they are in the film.

I have a question. Do they know Paige? ["It’s going to be just like when we were kids. Having them here . You hanging out with Piper , me and Phoebe getting into trouble. Just like it used to be.”] If the last time they saw them was when they were teenagers then they've never met Paige...right? s

Hmm... nice how you had Phoebe recite the love spell, but if it was Phoebe, then what did Sally recite? I'll wait and see D I'm loving this fic a LOT.

AAH! DON'T END THERE! ... *realises there are still 4 chapters left to read and feels like a moron* ... That last scene was AWESOME! I realise now that they do not, in fact, know Paige. Lol. And *gasp* Car crash! Ah! You're writing rocks, dude!

I'm off to read chapter 3!

Laur x
The-Cheese-Fairy chapter 1 . 2/11/2006
Let me tell you you are a very lucky writer to be getting reviews from me... I've been slacking recently! Haha, but when RJF told me about a Charmed/Practical Magic crossover- my favourite TV show and favourite film- I litterally jumped!

I'm reading the AN blurb at the top...something I don't agree with is Paige being single... Hahaha, not that it matters really. She's just my favourite sister.

And I'm rambling and you probably stopped reading this review a while ago, but here goes:

I'm very very intruiged as to how you are going to combine these two worlds. I've always wanted to write a Charmed/PM crossover, but have never given it great thought. I'm glad someone shares my liking of it, because it truly is a great film! I think I'll watch it tonight...

God, I rambled AGAIN. I have a feeling every time I review anything all I do is ramble... I'll start my review fro real now.

You have great writing talent! The first scene with Sally and Mr Rodgers was a VERY good opening scene. Difinitely attention grabbing. I love how people have been dying just like her husband. Wait, reword that so I don't sound like a homocidal maniac- I'm intruiged by how the way in which the victims are dying is the same as how Sally's husband died. Interesting. Can't wait to see how this turns out.

Oh, so The Charmed Ones are her cousins? Cool! Haha, I love the immaturity you gave Paige in the driving scene. Very early-Paige. An aww man, Billie. *spits* I hate her. Haha, I'm such a kind person. Hopefully your talent will enable Billie to become a more likeable character...(If that is possible...)

And hmm... Phoebe is pregnant and miserable? I think I started reading this at the right time. Up until about 3 weeks ago I h.a.t.e.d. Phoebe, but I'm coming around to liking her again! So a Phoebe centred fic is a good thing I gues. )

I take it they're driving to the Owens' house? that review was odd. But I'm high on CAFFIENE! And soo... Yes! I shall review again. Soon!

Au revoir.

Laur x
Blue eyes6 chapter 6 . 2/7/2006
I'm dying to know who the father of Phoebe's baby is.

Can you give us a hint?

Another great chapter. Loved it.
Blue eyes6 chapter 5 . 2/2/2006
Another great chapter, but I'm a little confused. Does Kylie have the power of premonition, like Phoebe? And whose the father of Phoebe's baby? Cole? (Hopefully)
PheobeColelovers chapter 6 . 2/1/2006
Loving it though I have a a question-the man under the roses, not the same as in the movie is it? Can't wait for another chapter
CharmedLilAngel chapter 6 . 2/1/2006
Once again, you managed to captivate and draw me in. I can not tell you how much I love this story. You are extremely good at capturing the character's emotion and behaviors and little Kylie...I luff her! She is so cute...but yes, I love how you've made Phoebe and Kylie connect...awesome. Well,hope to see an update soon!
Blue eyes6 chapter 4 . 2/1/2006
This story is great. Even though I never saw Practical Magic, I still kind oif know who they are. Nice touch using Billie.
Blue eyes6 chapter 3 . 2/1/2006
Another great chapter. It seems to me that Kylie acts older than what she is. Love the way she took care of Phoebe.
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