Reviews for Child of Destiny
NMC chapter 25 . 11/11/2019
I wasn't sure about the premise at first but quickly couldn't get enough. I like that you leaned into the mythicism, the show kinda hedged between godly intervention and science and couldn't decide but your take works incredibly well. I really came to love Laura as a character, which is rare for me as I don't usually connect with OC's. I ached losing Dee too, even though I'm usually not a fan. Really you just did an amazing job and flipped everything around for me. Lee and Kara have a beautiful relationship here too. Thank you.
dinki66 chapter 23 . 12/28/2018
No, actually liked Dee in this story
dinki66 chapter 7 . 12/28/2018
Yey - go Tigh. It's great when he is like this.
LlamaMathilde chapter 25 . 9/16/2018
This is an awesome story. Thank you for writing it. I love their happily ever after and like to reread it.
alexrockx chapter 25 . 11/8/2015
Wow is all I can say! I started this story yesterday and I haven't stopped till I finished it! What a great storyline! And I cried like a baby these last two chapters! Thank you for this and hope to read many more!
Guest chapter 25 . 3/4/2014
This was a fun read! I appreciated that you gave us clues about things that would happen later on, without being too obvious about it. Also, teenage Laura reminded me a bit of Dawn Summers (from Buffy, if you're not familiar), which I really enjoyed.
liferscove2118 chapter 24 . 10/19/2013
I don't know whether to love you for writing something so lovely or hate you eternally for making me cry?

You've written a wonderful story. Nice job.
K chapter 16 . 8/6/2013
That's the second story I read in this Fandom where I have the feeling of reading an argument rather than a story, I means that there are ideas that are be pushed forward; forgiveness, cooperation between Cylon and Humans and many more I won't bother to mention but that belong to the same "field".
And the characters are twisted around and put in situations fitting this agenda.

It's not uncommon, in fact all stories are kinda like that since they are tales told by people with specific scenarios in mind, but to me the mark of a great story is when things appear to work organically. When events and character actions simply appear natural and make sense-fiction is much more accommodating than real life for that.
Here it's too much slanted toward one side and one argument :
- Laura the president, or Kara, or Laura the little Half-Cylon, talk down the skeptics Adamas and make them see reason or accept that they need to make a leap of faith. And this happen in the whole story in different variations, either in the Kara/Lee/Laura relationship or with the other characters like Racetrack, Cally vs Pegasus crew or other "disbelievers."
It's just too heavy handed to me. The other story that garnered this reaction from me-I forgot its title-I didn't comment on because it seemed even more apparent, and having nothing nice to say I just chose to make no comment.

On the other hand here I can say that for the first chapters, I actually could believe in the way this story was going, so for that, the author must me commanded.
cilepe chapter 24 . 12/3/2012
Evil Gaeta! Poor guy.
handshakesandheartaches chapter 1 . 8/12/2009
im totally impressed with how long this story is! i'll have you know that its actually longer than Twilight, one of my favorite books.

i loved the entire story, and i commend you for have a real plot line throughout the whole thing. you were also able to make lee and kara have a real relationship that included sex without making it graphic, and you were still able to keep the rating T. not many people can do that and not have the readers feel like they lost an aspect of the story.

great job again, i find that it would probably be easier to go though your stories when i have a bad day and need to read something instead of going through the archive :o)
Serenechemnerd chapter 25 . 4/29/2009
I love this story! Thank-you for writing such an imaginative story
NotYourBusiness chapter 25 . 3/18/2009
Ever consider writing a vignette about Anders, Boomer, and Caprica?
NotYourBusiness chapter 23 . 3/26/2008
Wonderful story! I read it before I had an account. And you got two of the Final Five right, isn't that great? My guess is Dee for the fifth one, but who knows?
StarSplit144 chapter 24 . 12/30/2007
Did you actually just HAPPEN to guess Anders and Tory? That's hilarious. Great story, very amusing, and interesting, and nice and shippy. And I was actually sad when Dee "died" I would be in the actual show if they made her awesome again - ie no LeeDee

TamSibling chapter 25 . 10/26/2007
I have to admit, at first the premise of this story seemed really far-fetched and I didn't know if I could go with it. But then, I started reading and gave it a chance (because I am a diehard K/L shipper) and I am so glad I did! This was just wonderful all the way around. Sad and angsty and funny and touching. Beautiful.

I really love your stories, so thanks for sharing!
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