Reviews for Farewell, mi amour
Guest chapter 9 . 1/13/2015
I was listen to music while I was reading this and a song came on. This was kinda perfect for this story. But now I can't remember what the song was. Something about never letting you get away. But I do like this story. Very… I don't know a word that's good enough to properly describe it so I'll leave it at that. Very…
Gemini.Rose12 chapter 9 . 8/16/2014
Please please continue, at first I was confused, but know I'm beginning to understand it more and it's getting good!
Belle'Masque chapter 9 . 2/1/2013
TheQueenAt17 chapter 2 . 1/20/2013
I love having unanswered questions from early on in the story - it makes it even more awesome when you find out if you have been waiting long! (not too long, mind;)
Keep up the good work!

TheQueenAt17 chapter 1 . 1/20/2013
I think that this is the best prologue I have ever read that wasn't in a book - you deserve to be published, man!

YaoiQueen17 xxx
EpicNibbs chapter 2 . 10/8/2012
hmmm... i kinda like it but im not too far in right now
I.Walk.Threw.Walls chapter 9 . 4/23/2011
I know you haven't updated scens 08, but I'm going to review anyway _ This is a great storry, and I would really love to see whats going to happen next :P But wishes can't all be granted _
Chen chapter 9 . 11/28/2010
OMG! I was so captivated by this fanfiction that I didn't sleep at all last night! This is the best Sasuke-Naruto fanfic that has ever been made! The rocky relation between those two is so touching and angsty! Kya! Love the tender moments they have! Please please please load another chapter for I LOVED the last one! I am so not used to cliffhangers and feel like I'll go crazy! Please write what happens next! The suspense is KILLING me! Oh! This is so good! Please write more about their reactions to one another! What will Sasuke do next? Poor Naruto! This story is the BEST!

Itachi is a sadistic jerk as always! But did you see the anime episodes? His story made me cry! He was actually a good guy! I was so wrong! That Danzo guy always irritated me so much, Sasuke should show him who's boss!

Loved the confinement scenario! I enjoy the captor-captive relation so very much! The human psychology gets to me everytime. Sasuke was so CUTE when he was with Naruto in the hospital room. Those kinds of tender and lovable moments are what I enjoy the most.

I want something exciting, like a threat that comes along to steal Naruto from Sasuke. Now THAT would be interesting! OMG! I'm a huge fan of love triangles! Oh, by the way, the above statement was just a suggestion. You don't have to shape the plot that way if it doesn't suit you. I mean, afterall, this is YOUR story. Back to my pitiful pleading: PLEASE write another chapter!

Hope to see a new chapter before the New Year (I only say this because it'll indicate to me that you read my review!)

No pressure though! Do your best! I'm rooting for ya! Hehehe... I think you are BORED to death by now so I'll just stop here. However, thanks for the chappies so far!
YaoiFanGirl5678 chapter 9 . 7/6/2009
Hey, I know it's been a while sence you've writen chapters for this story, I would like to know what happenese to Naruto.
Alaga chapter 9 . 5/30/2009
XD i suck at predicting so ye/ i think this is whats gonna happen.

Naruto gets hit into a branch and thought it was the end. but when he woke up he was in his bed in the Uchiha thingy and then a bodyguard comes in and he takes off his mask. "Hello, im Uchiha Itachi"

xD yea i suck xD well good story keep it up
Alaga chapter 5 . 5/30/2009
i like it
Lulu67 chapter 9 . 4/26/2009
Nightly Halo chapter 9 . 3/5/2009
hmm...i hate it when Itachi's the bad guy ._."

cuz the manga he isn't T_T" I won't say anymore about that since I dunno if you're caught up in japan or not, hah.

Anyways, wtf woman! how can you just end it there and -gasp!- no updates since september of last year? tsk tsk P

If you want i can beta this story for you X3 you make mistakes sometimes ;

anyways, so yeah. For some reason this reminds me of something...hmm...i feel like i've watched a movie that somehow relates to this, haha. anyways, i'm really sleepy so i'm going to bed, tomorrow's friday! Ya know what that means? the weekend! wo~~ :3


Nightly Halo chapter 8 . 3/5/2009
ah, one quick question X3

how old is everyone? O.o
Nightly Halo chapter 6 . 3/4/2009
If tears were the sea,

I’ll sail on my small boat,

If you’d disappeared from my sight,

I’ll set out to find you,

If your heart had strayed away,

I’ll catch it back,

Because without you,

what is that from?
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