Reviews for A Mandalorian's Promise
Guest chapter 28 . 3/19/2018
What happened to this fic is ? I loved it
RyderofClouds chapter 28 . 6/24/2016
Oh my...this was the first fanfic I have read. That was 8 years ago when I was a huge Revan/Canderous fan and it was nice to revisit it again after all those years. Your style of writing and your portrayal of the characters got me hooked on the story instantly and made me interested in fanfics in general. Thank you so much for the great memories!

It's a shame that the story will most likely stay without an ending, but it's still enjoyable nevertheless. I hope your dream of becoming a writer came true and if so I'll be interested to read more of your stories! Thanks again and have an awesome fulfilled life! :)
Janneia chapter 28 . 8/18/2011
Love! Love! Love! I absolutely adore Canderousxfem!Revan and yours is such a nice fic to read. Also, the way you've written Dustil is to be commended - he's like a sane man in an insane world and ah, Mission - priceless!
Vayluh Arwen chapter 28 . 9/12/2009
I flicked through, going through the motions, picking a story to read for a bit before doing the washing up and heading for bed. It's now two in the morning. TWO. I have WORK tomorrow! And I still haven't done the washing up! What has your story DONE to me, SERIOUSLY!

This is actually awesome, I read the other Lady Exile one first - stupidly - so now everything makes a lot more sense - and I love it even more!


...I'm gunna go to bed now.

Ta for the bedtime story ;)

Lady Exile chapter 15 . 11/28/2008
I like this story.

No doubt I'll be up all night finishing the story.

I think you should write more!
loves-winged-dark-angel chapter 28 . 7/5/2008
sweet keep it up
Awreel chapter 3 . 4/6/2008
Justagirlcalledbob chapter 23 . 2/27/2008
The Fico chapter 28 . 1/5/2008
This is overall very well written. The recurring theme of the hunting knife is intriguing. It's great that the thought lines are short and in a different text. This story is not a stretch of character and weaves a great tale. Some small spelling mistakes but that happens and doesn't hurt this work. I look forward to more
Northstar1 chapter 28 . 12/26/2007
Whoah whoah whoah! Last updated Feb '06? Sweet Mother Mayhem, is there any way we can get more chapters?

I've been enjoying this fic on my day off (which means I've gotten zip done), and I must say I'm enjoying it. I love the few Canderous/LSF Revan fics I've been able to find.

Gah, I guess I've just got a soft spot for the galaxy's most lovable sociopaths. Anyway, this is a far different Canderous from what I've had in my head, but interesting none-the-less. I do hope you can find the time to bring us some more chapters.
Lady Tragic chapter 28 . 10/23/2007
I applaud you for the first Revan/Canderous fic I actually liked! Most of them just seem kinda forced, but this was good. And I like getting to see more of Dustil. There was one hiccup I noticed- All of a sudden Pol/Revan having multiple personalities and Juhani being in charge of her brain-sorting got dropped in there, with a sort of "Oh yeah, this has been going on all along". It's a nice touch, but I think it needed a bit of a lead-in. All in all, I love it, and I hope you finish it- I notice it hasn't been updated for a while. I want to know what Canderous has in mind for that dagger!


(Ain't I just?)
Willow-Bee the Cat chapter 28 . 6/23/2007
Please tell me you're going to update this eventually.
SiriusBlackFan2 chapter 13 . 6/12/2007
"Some people were troubled by any use of the Force, even the lighter arts such as healing. Juhani slotted the Mandalorian into that category and made a mental note not to heal him without express permission or dire need."-This section would be excellent for future use...I could thinking of some dire situations!

"Team Floozy!"-Hilarious! But typical of some men...not thinking a woman can fight too!

Poisoning his knife-sounds like something Calo would do...

I am glad Pol was there to heal Canderous...doesn't sound like his implant was going to clear the poison from his system quick enough.

"Force Slap!" Canderous better watch out!

Your Jolee was spot on, as was Canderous' reaction to Juhani's "finding out" about Revan...he'd do anything to protect her.
SiriusBlackFan2 chapter 12 . 6/12/2007
Damn! That shattered cheek sounds like it would hurt...cybernetic implant or not!

“What happened to your cheek Canderous?” Juhani asked with a frown.

“Pol hits me.” He joked expressionlessly.-This exchange cracked me up! He should really be careful though, people may believe him!
SiriusBlackFan2 chapter 11 . 6/12/2007
I agree with Pol-I hate mornings! Morning people such as Canderous should be shot! LOL! I know, good luck with that!

Loved it as usual!
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