Reviews for The Chronicles of Draco Malfoy
Salaces chapter 1 . 6/7
I wish youd keep writing... I laughed so hard with this fanfic... it really has brightened many of my days, and years after I keep coming from time to time to reread it.
Thanks for having put the time and effort to write that. Ill keep praying you continue it, or write something else.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/14
The best fanfic I've ever read...and I've read more than plenty.
For me it's rare to actually laugh truly while reading anything at all, even comedies, but while reading you during my commute, I've had to cover my mouth and refrain from laughing aloud. Your writing is wonderful, like nothing I've seen. The story is not only hilarious but is truly original. I could go on and explain further every thing I love about what you've created here, but I have the feeling you won't read this :(
I truly hope you'll find the time and will to continue, somehow, someday. Take care, and THANK YOU for sharing this. You're wonderful.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/30/2019
This is sooooo good ! Definitely one of my favourite Dramione - no, wait. This IS my favourite Dramione fanfic. Hope there'll be more chapters !
katpink chapter 10 . 7/7/2019
Oh I truly love this! I hope there are more chapters coming, but given it's more than a decade since the last update, it's just wishful thinking... (Sad face)
0odr8co's'girl0o chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Please continue?!
Cecily Mitchell chapter 10 . 4/4/2018
This story is the bomb
Aaahawesnome chapter 10 . 12/15/2017
Or fan fc are soo awesome ...plz update...especially ur do u manage 2 do it
Lydia Ravenclaw chapter 1 . 9/5/2017
Super Funny! My eight-year-old daughter heard my gales of laughter and demanded I tell her what was so funny, so I read her the scene where Crookshanks keeps appearing on Malfoy's couch. She loved it, too. I only wish you'd written more, because this is hilarious and I'd dearly love to see what happened next. _
Asprix chapter 5 . 1/29/2016
?! And yes I did that just to spite you. :D
StarDustTeen chapter 10 . 9/5/2014
Fantastic! just fantastic! continue soon!
Raynee Jeffson chapter 10 . 7/24/2013
OMG! I loved it. I think we are beginning to see some Hermione-Draco feelings. When is the new chapter coming out? I hope it is soon.
I also really like your sense of humor and the free-flowing attitude of the stories. My friends asked me for good harry potter fanfic recommendations and I put this at the top (because seriously, no contest!
But please don't give up on this story at any point in time because you don't think anybody likes it
We all do! Sincerely, Raynee
Guest chapter 10 . 6/8/2013
Shame it's not finished, but anyway . . . I love sarcastic, insulting, comedic Draco, I love him even more with Crookshanks/Mugshots, and that argument with Pansy was hilarious. Almost cried tears of laughter.
lord periperi chapter 2 . 4/15/2013
I have to comment before I finish reading this chapter, lest I forget.; I LOVE Draco's humor, I love the fact that the light tone is permeated with serious words, deeper thoughts, and it makes you wonder if, in "reality" of the story, the tone IS serious, the reader just "sees" the reality in moments when Malfoy's filter slips. It's a filter he uses on his everyday-life, to pass through the day with minimum (emotional) damage, so to say. And actually, that is true to Malfoy character, his ability-to color reality in imaginary tones.
And I'm simply so delighted that Hermione i the rock of truth, of harsh reality-because, indeed, would any sane, normal, decent person in her situation (Bella? Is there still the famous Malfoy Manor torture scene in this universe?) forgive him so easily? And then factoor in Hermione's stubbornness in the equation.
Yeah, don't think so. ;))
*Off to read on. Rock on! (pun intended;)
lord periperi chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
Oh, this is marvelous so far!
ArgentNoelle chapter 8 . 3/16/2013
I love this story. It's so funny, and everyone's in character, and it's got a great plot. IT'S AMAZING.
But now it's almost done. :(
I suppose you aren't going to finish this...
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