Reviews for What if
devin.kelly.9889 chapter 28 . 3/9/2018
Update please
CrimsonPetal.lynn chapter 28 . 5/9/2011
*-* -admires from afar- Sakura... what's wrong with you? -sobs- -goes to Dragoon for comfort, than sobs- i-I love t-t-this s-story. Can't -sniffles- wait for next -sob- Chappie. -hugs Dragoo, than hides face under a pillow (that just happens to be here)-
CrimsonPetal.lynn chapter 5 . 5/9/2011
Forget my last review, it's embarrassing.. -hides face-
CrimsonPetal.lynn chapter 4 . 5/9/2011
I love you! :O *-* -stares at you- This story is amazing, You keep Syaoran in perfect Syaoran Mode. *o* I love this Story uhh, man I forgot the word... This way of CCS being.. (I guess that's better..) Okay, I'ma stop mumbling, Can't wait for next Chapter! *O*
Ella1331 chapter 28 . 1/6/2011
Very interesting story! Loved it! Pity that you won't continue it!
Annerlise922x chapter 28 . 8/8/2010
i just came across ur story and finish reading all the chapters. and i have to say, it's an amazing story, and u really write well but it has been 2 years since u last update, i do hope u still intend to finish this story " anyway, i wish u luck in writing and hope u can update soon
Vanessa Li Potter chapter 28 . 7/20/2010
Hi! The nickname is an actual account, I just feel lazy to log in from the BlackBerry.

Now, after my randomness that has nothing to do with the story, I just have to say that I love your story!

Is so cool, and funny and it gives a new twist to the CCS world, which is something that most fanfictions last.

I specially like the new kind of bond that Syaoran and Sakura seem to develop.

And just like Chewbacca says, WOW... Or maybe is more like a WOO... Point is, you have a great story here so please don't stop!

PS. Good luck with life! I know it can be hard.
Greentulip chapter 28 . 6/24/2010
You haven't updated this for like, what? 2 years? :))

Well, I won't be human if I say I'm not direly wishing for you to update this but, no pressure! :D


AliceElizabeth2 chapter 28 . 5/28/2009
Hm... So I'm betting that the fake sakura is the mirror card, because in the show

She has real human feelings. (chewbacca). Anyway, great chapter, and the dream was really creepy. (chewbacca LOL)
AliceElizabeth2 chapter 15 . 5/28/2009
WOO! You tell 'em sister (or brother I'm not see which you are sorry) haha cliché can be a good thing some times, as long as the whole story isn't cliché.

Great story and I love how Li showed up. I would have actually thought it pretty cool if it had been Touya though. Great story.
Christine chapter 10 . 5/28/2009
Omg! It's Clow! Yeah I TOTALLY didn't see that coming (sarcasm) so anyway, good story. You wanted us to give you somthing we liked and/or something we didn't, hm I liked the way you changed the story while still keeping everybody in character, I didn't really like... Well I can't think of anything I didn't like really, good job.
SliferRed chapter 28 . 3/8/2009
Awesome story!
Isi chapter 26 . 9/9/2008

I know I've sent 2 other emails today, but I've finished the first season and will be starting the second tomorrow...and I just realised that the second season only has two chapters. Are you still writing! Are you still submitting your stories on Fridays!

I hate being kept in suspense and I'm like, really into your story now and I really want to read the part where she has the judgement thingo (with Yue and all) and I don't even care how much you've changed it I just wana read it!

Please reply this and tell me your still writing cause oherwise I might just not be able to resist the urge to smash my computer.

Isi chapter 26 . 9/9/2008
Are you still writing? I hope so...

I really want to read what happened at the part where Sakura will face Yue for the judgement! I don't know how much you will change it but I hope it will be better than the anime and I want to know what happened to Syaoran (who was covered in bruises and cuts, according to Sakura's dream).

Your writing is really good! Keep it up! And thanks!
Isi chapter 8 . 9/9/2008
Hey. I've read up to this chapter so far. Just wanted to ask, how many chapter sis this going to be? Because it's really good and I want to continue reading! Hope it's finished, oryou are still writing.

Lol. Love Syaoran!
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