Reviews for A Lump of Coal
Sunset Nightfall chapter 1 . 9/13/2016
This is very sweet. And I cried. Thank you very much.
Kyah-chang chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
Lolita chapter 1 . 3/9/2012
You're so good at writing fiction about Alucard and Integra that it's almost scary. Seriously, it's so neatly and perfectly packaged. You're like a pro!
maxwell02 chapter 1 . 8/3/2010
This story is seriously disturbing. I can't remember the last time a fic creeped me out like this...very well done!
shadow of the lost chapter 1 . 3/7/2010
so good! _
Totor0 chapter 1 . 11/5/2009
hihihi. very cute. could you do one with an adult Integra on it? scratch the father christmas. I just want the christmas part with Integra and Alucard on it. teehee. :)) please please please?
Mr. Evil Eyes chapter 1 . 10/26/2009
Aww! That was so cute! Loved it! Keep writing more Alucard/Integra fan fiction!
Metropolis Kid chapter 1 . 4/25/2009
:D Very nice. While i can't say I was completely pleased with the idea of killing Father Christmas... or turning him into a monster to begin with, the rest of the story made up for that. I really like stories about Alucard and Integra during their first years together. There is just so much ground left untouched by the Manga, Anime and OVA. It's nice to see their relationship in it's earlier years, the mutual respect just starting to build and them adjusting to one another.

I don't really see how 'being born to kill' would make someone 'naughty'. The world needs all kinds of people, even those who possess such... 'dark' gifts. But it's not someone's nature that makes them good or evil. Rather it's the actions they commit, how they chose to use their gifts. At least in my opinion.

But it was still cute to see Girly-Card save Integra from Father Christmas. Haha. When he first mentioned that only children could move during the 'Endless Night', I was wondering if Alucard could get around that by transforming into Giryl-Card. :)

And I loved the ending. Her servant fgiving her a lump of coal, and then sucking her into a long snowball fight was great, my favorite part. :D

Thanks for the very enjoyable read. This is going in my favorites. :)

Have a good night, and God bless.

Metropolis Kid.
Renuki chapter 1 . 4/17/2009
...Oh my.

I can't decide on whether I should pity the reindeer or cackle.

(...okay, this Father Christmas scares me. D: *whimpers*)
Kira-k chapter 1 . 1/27/2009
I really liked this fic. It was sweet!

Father Christmas was creepy... but at least Alucard was there. And the last two paragraphs were the best.
bahleeeted chapter 1 . 1/11/2009
OMG Girlycard ate Santa!1!1!11!
Effective Immediately chapter 1 . 12/14/2007
I had read this story a few months ago before I had my account; I thought I'd never find it again.

It's just so beautifully written, and what a twisted take on Saint Nick. This is the perfect story to read on Christmas Eve!
bluelotusflower chapter 1 . 8/12/2006
Such a perfect ending. Wonderful story.
Nekomata chapter 1 . 6/26/2006
For a second there I thought "Girlycard" was the snowqueen or something.
Indygodusk chapter 1 . 6/9/2006
What an odd and unique (in a good way) story! Very well done!
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