Reviews for Ironic Synchronicity
Allie Danger chapter 1 . 11/26/2012
an amazing first chapter..
idreamof chapter 16 . 12/1/2010
I've read and re-read this so many times it's rediculous... I'm talking over several years...

and I JUST noticed that your penname is Echo back to back.

Figured I'd let you know.
lovesFanFic chapter 37 . 6/4/2010
Thank heavens for Cifrel. The futility of each of them insisting on killing themselves was getting ridiculous. Good grief. This is why you need a high king - someone has to have the last word, and be acknowledged as the one with the responsibility not to go sacrificing himself.
lovesFanFic chapter 29 . 6/4/2010
Pip is the cutest nickname for "Peter." Now I have to find someone to use it on.
lovesFanFic chapter 27 . 6/3/2010
1. The angst is really out of hand.

2. Your author's notes are hilarious.

3. The Pevensie family seems to have a very delicate psyche in this story. Dad went crazy (and then really lost it when he saw Peter), mom's going crazy, Peter's losing it, Susan's giving up, Edmund has a martyr complex.. I realize that this is a stressful stiuation, but seriously? Aslan (who I realize is much more fallible and less omniscent in your stories than in Lewis's) picked these kids to be his monarchs for a reason. At this point, Lucy's the only one who's approaching the situation in a queenly manner.

4. Cifel does realize that if he lends a hand earlier, it will cost him 300x less effort, right? He wouldn't have needed to zap the chimaera with his life force if he had helped them fix the boat in the first place?
lovesFanFic chapter 4 . 6/2/2010
Oooh, very creepy.
lovesFanFic chapter 2 . 6/2/2010
Normally not really my thing, but your AU is compelling. Everyone is entirely in character so far. Well done!
lovesFanFic chapter 1 . 6/2/2010
This is brilliant. Beautiful storytelling. I can't wait to read the rest - and I'm interested to see where you go with the dad, since no time really elapses for him while they're in Narnia.
hiii chapter 23 . 4/12/2010
In all the times I've read and re-read this (and I've done it many times), somehow, I don't remember ever seeing this:

" Would you read a small set of one-shots on the Pevensie's childhood, featuring:

The Peppermint Palaver, Candlestick Crisis, Nightmares abound, Swinging in the Rain and Aristocratic antics?"



I'm ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with the Narnia universe you've created in both this and Mistaken Perception - and the Peter angst/hurt Edmund comfort dynamic you write so well.

I would LOVE to see more of it, in whatever form!

You're absolutely brilliant, never quit writing!

Much love,

- _ :)
Princess Lucy chapter 10 . 12/4/2009
I just realised something in the dreams that Edmund has,Little Peter sort of borders on a creepy child.
Princess Lucy chapter 4 . 12/4/2009
I've read this story countless times ,but have never reviewed as of yet . I absolutely love this 's epic and I wish you would finish the seemed to left us hanging.
Princess Lucy chapter 35 . 5/18/2009
Oh my gosh.I love this story so epicy and I was crying when IO read this chapter,though I do wish you would finish "Mistaken Perception" for my sake at least,there's so much left unsaid
Katy chapter 23 . 6/3/2008
well, i felt now is a good time to review - the reference to Peter in conjunction with a fisherman? too too amazing. as a devout Catholic myself,i am loving your spin on it (and i'm normally very pro-canon, so its nice to find a readable story that is so divergent), and your grasp of writing is wonderful.
Deitra Pawley chapter 7 . 12/3/2007
Little Peter is a bit scary the way he acts
Deitra chapter 1 . 12/3/2007
Ok this is my first time reviewing this story so sorry but Ilove love love love itsad and funny at times and oh all around perfection in the words of Georgie Henley "Fantastic"
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