Reviews for Balance of Justice
brothermine chapter 1 . 12/7/2015
Aww this was simply amazing! So powerful and sad! And v good point how none of his crimes include murder!
Mezurashii chapter 1 . 6/9/2014
I really like what you did with Norrington here. Most people write him as an everlasting antagonist with a stick so far up his ass that you'll never be able to get it out but you did no such thing. You kept true to his character and even gave him some extra depth. I love how is not without burden despite the fact that he has no love for pirates. Reading stories like these remind me what a great character Norrington really is.
You're missing two charges though, Forging letters of marque and one I can never understand because governor Swann is speaking but that's just me being OCD :P
mrspencil chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
Again, very vivid and true to character. Thank you:-)

Mrs P:-)
damsel-in-stress chapter 1 . 2/19/2009
Ouch. That was almost physically painful to read. The emotions just throbbed out of it and I was mesmerised by your description and effortless capture of the mood.

You got across in horrendous detail just how James felt and honestly you made me want to throw my arms around his neck and hug him.

You also manages to make Jack and Elizabeth's characters shine through without them really even being in the story which is an achievement in itself.

The last line was perfectly placed, giving me just a hint of a shudder and just the right amount of foreboding.

You would have to be heartless not to be moved by that.

Thanks for sharing.

Firey-Moonlight chapter 1 . 11/20/2007
A beautiful ending to a touching fic. Made me flinch in some parts, especially that part about Jack's death being ugly, good job
Jennifer Lynn Weston chapter 1 . 7/9/2007
There is nothing pretty about a death by hanging. In fact, he expects Sparrow’s death to be particularly ugly. The pirate is not a heavy man.

That made me shudder.

Great writing!
mildetryth chapter 1 . 6/2/2007
Wonderful. One of the best I've read up till now.
Cactus Wren chapter 1 . 2/12/2007
Brilliance. BRILLIANCE. You have got Norrington *down*. I loved his noticing that with all the crimes Jack's been charged with, "murder" is not on the list. And the chilling understatement of "In fact, he expects Sparrow’s death to be particularly ugly. The pirate is not a heavy man."

I also appreciate your description the painful reality that Elizabeth may not "love" Norrington, but she does care for him. That she's cared for three men in her life, and *all three of them are fundamentally good men*.
teacrumb chapter 1 . 8/10/2006
I never actually noticed that murder wasn't on the list. Very well written. You always have interesting insights into these things.
Shoofly chapter 1 . 7/25/2006
Norrington is a character with such promise. Out of all the characters in Pirates he is the least developed, and because he had (past tense - :P)the appearance of being so stodgy people tended to have little to no interest in him. I like your take on his feelings during the whole "hanging Jack" process. I hope you write more for this poor, under represented character (at least fic-wise...all the slash doesn't count for me because that isn't my bag).
Dawns Heart chapter 1 . 7/12/2006
Incredible final line, in a very intriguing story. However did you come up with the idea?
WayLowHalo chapter 1 . 7/5/2006
Wow, this is an awesome story, you're a great writer!

I normally don't review things that have been finished for so long but I found this on the favorites list of one of my favorite authors and I after I'd read it I couldn't help but review!

I think you've done Norrington quite well. His sense of duty mixed with his honor and his want to do what is truly right even if he can't. Excellent job mate!
Eliza Urchin chapter 1 . 5/30/2006
I LOVE your Norrington! I love him so much! and I love you for writing him that way. Love, love, love. Okay obscure reference to the last unicorn, you weren't supposed to get it. Still, imagine if you can a giant purple tree sqeezing Norrington in sufficating affection. _ disturbed? yeah, me to.
just jacs chapter 1 . 5/22/2006
this was amazing. I really enjoyed this well done
Rogue-Pirate chapter 1 . 3/5/2006
May God have mercy on your soul, Jack Sparrow. May God have mercy on mine.

Beautiful ending to this, I love your work and I cant believe I haven't stumbled across it before now, it is definately my loss. Keep up the great writing.
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