Reviews for one short of a title
PumpkinHallow4814 chapter 1 . 6/28/2012
He he, that was really good! You spelt break wrong, you said brake as in car brakes not break as in to break something , I don't particularly care about spelling I just thought id let you know that I find it amusing! ;)
r.a.b. shoulda lived chapter 1 . 1/29/2011
OH SNAP! I totaly loved this. Vampire Slayer, Remus being her dad! this was awesome, and for lack of better words, kick-ass
Fabulous and Feminist chapter 1 . 7/31/2006

whos spike

its not very hermionieish but i love it
amethystique chapter 1 . 2/3/2006
Not A Bad First Go At HP/BtVS Xover Fic, However I feel That You Need A Beta Reader to Correct your Spelling And Punctuation Errors and Maybe Even A Brit Picker. LOL ;o)X
Growl Snarl chapter 1 . 12/4/2005
i love it! i love the charlie/hermione pairing, i love the father!Lupin, i love godfather!Spike... that so rocks, spikes like my favy btvs character... well, one of 'em... just so ye know though, you misspelled spike the first time it was in the chap... you wrote "Spkie!" but besides that spelling mistake, it rocked socks...!
WillowRosenbergWinchester chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
Its good.

Spelled Spike Spkie earlier on in chapter.

Hmn, maybe we can get Willow and Bill getting together?



Sweet Lil Hellcat chapter 1 . 11/27/2005
Okay, This is NOT a flame. Your story is okay, but it needs work. It feels very rushed through and you need some help in the grammar and spelling department. Try finding a beta-reader (editor of sorts) maybe even someone to bounce ideas off of. Other then that it's okay. keep working on it.

PS. I think the names you were going for were Angelina and Fleur. Not Angila and Fluer
amrawo chapter 1 . 11/25/2005
great story! i liked it a lot!