Reviews for Die to Live
Oblivisci Tenebris chapter 14 . 8/27/2012
I really like this story. i've read it a total of three times. I really enjoy the idea
of soul bonding. I also like how you gave a back story to their friendship using flash backs
and didn't just say they were secret friends and leave it at that.
I don't think everyone should have been sympathetic to ron after his cruel
selfish and very illegal behavior i found the punnishment rather fitting but the attitude towards
him a little to kind. i love this fic and find it well written and enjoyable and will be adding it to my favorites
The Side Of The Angels In 221B chapter 13 . 7/30/2012
Oh. My. God. Your are stunning! Can I kill Ron (biased git)?
Ice-cream-and-cake-cake chapter 2 . 7/28/2011
She's happy that their going to die? Wow she is such a sadtistic
Betrayed soul chapter 14 . 4/24/2011
Wonderful story I loved it!
yay chapter 14 . 4/23/2011
I liked the beginning, but the whole "soul connection" thing was over the top and annoying.
Chibij1s chapter 14 . 8/23/2010
this story rocked! :D
krisV chapter 4 . 3/18/2010
this story is so good i cant wait till i have time to read more
evillygood chapter 8 . 10/29/2009
ahh how sad but amazingly well writen!
SnowBaby94 chapter 14 . 6/21/2009
hey i really enjoyed this finfic/story ive never and most likely never will write anything worth posting. thanks for writing it.

Ginnya chapter 14 . 6/25/2008
I realy like this story. realy.
noob chapter 1 . 4/1/2008
Dude, through the whole cake scene, I kept thinking, "eat the cake anna mae! White man tell you sing, you sing your heart out, but I tell you eat some cake and you can't eat some cake!"
emenem10 chapter 14 . 3/31/2008
I read this WHOLE story without knowing it was by you! I went to click on youru name to see what else you had written not already knowing that it was You! Well then, another fabulous job well-done! This is another superbly original stoary done very well! Much Love, Emily
Gin's Comettail chapter 14 . 3/30/2008
That was a great plot and I really liked the way you handled their relationship!
Cadaverous Apples chapter 14 . 12/22/2007
I really liked this. It was very interesting, and I especially liked the way you combined the past and the present to create a workable story. I look forward to reading your other stuff.
m-girls chapter 14 . 8/29/2007
cute story.. good writing!
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