Reviews for In the Dirt of the Day
RionaEire chapter 8 . 7/23/2014
If I were River's caregiver/Simon/Kaylee/whoever I would not send her alone in a ship to Mal's moon, I'm glad she got there safe and sound but I'm not willing to take that risk, I'd have gone with her. I love how Mal and Inara are rearing a child together, its never too late eh? :) Its beautiful.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/23/2014
This chapter almost made me cry, the things that we remember, that make up who we are, the beautiful things and the things long past but which still are a part of us. I love your use of imagery in this story, Mal's dirty boots signifying his final rooting to a fixed location to find his strength from, because it won't be taken away now etc. I love your subtilety, things don't have to be a big production in order to be good and for us to know about them and so forth. Your use of sensory information is very good too, sites, smells, sounds etc. I'm glad River and Simon and Kaylee and all the kids live together and they can all look after each other and River is safe and well seen to and I think she is content. I bet Inara is a very good teacher. I like how the charactors are older but they're still beautiful anyhow.
RionaEire chapter 1 . 7/23/2014
This is beautiful, exquisitely rendered. I love how time has moved forward and everyone has moved along in life but the deepest feelings still remain. I also like how it isn't a fairytale life, but its a good life rooted in real joys and quiet pleasures, the kind that we really find and not the kind that fill sensational stories. I like though that people are happy in a realistic way, life may not be perfect but beauty can be found there. Where's Jayne, I still haven't heard anything about him yet, glad to have heard of the others though and know they're happy in life, even if its different than they may have hoped or expected. PS, I'm glad you're writing everyone right so far, often in future fics charactors are poorly written and rendered unrealistically. I eagerly will continue reading this.
Lightsbane1905 chapter 7 . 7/21/2012
Well, great job pulling my heart strings
Indygodusk chapter 7 . 10/13/2010
That was lovely. I enjoyed how you set a contemplative mood and managed to keep it throughout. Thank you.
luvagoo chapter 1 . 10/11/2010

I love reading different versions of what happened to them after the movie, being left with so...much and so little at the same time.

I actually never thought of anything like this, but it makes sense in a beautiful, poetic, achingly sad kind of way.
JoBelle chapter 7 . 4/26/2009
Why hello there fantastic Mal/Inara fic! Where have you been all my life! This was beautiful and poetic and graceful and gorgeous and just how I can see them finally happening. There's too much between them in Firefly, they're both on too different paths but eventually they had to converge and this is just perfectly how! Wonderful fic :)
hippogriffs chapter 7 . 2/16/2009
They danced barefoot on the terrace before bed and all three kissed each other goodnight. Cheeks and eyes and noses and lips.

that was my favourite line. this was absolutely beautiful

wow, its been about three years since you wrote this, wow haha.
Summersurf chapter 7 . 3/2/2008
I really really love this story, it's beautiful!
just slummin chapter 1 . 7/17/2007
I just re-read this after searching for it again for a long while, and just wanted to say that is it still just as beautiful as I remember it! I am by no means a Mal/Inara shipper (Mal/River being my thing), but THIS story told in THIS way makes it a beautiful concept. Reads like poetry! Lovely!
MizJoely chapter 7 . 11/14/2006
Please keep going. I personally have no problem if this story just goes on and on until Safa is grown and gets Serenity to fly again!
Startide Risen chapter 7 . 10/30/2006
Achingly beautiful. My favorite line: "When did we get old enough to talk like this?"

Lovely, lovely.
Goldy chapter 7 . 9/14/2006
Oh, wow... that was almost achingly beautiful. The descriptions and the prose flowed so well, painting a picture of a life in little snapshots. There are so many unanswered questions about those missing 17 years, but it fits the story. *sniffs*
lady scribe of avandell chapter 7 . 1/8/2006
i think it almost needs one last chapter, to wrap it all up. it's quite beautiful, peaceful. sere mi eru...lsoa
devianttart chapter 7 . 11/27/2005
I think this is the perfect end to a lovely little slice of life story. Good job and good luck w/your thesis.
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