Reviews for Just Curious
Sacred Dust chapter 1 . 2/12/2011
That was absolutely hilarious. Best RS fic I've read, and it must be one of the most popular at 42 reviews. Good work, Lady Yami.
SaigoNoSefirosu chapter 1 . 3/1/2010
this was really good
imanokie01 chapter 1 . 1/29/2010
Not a fan of yaoi but I just had to say the last sentnce was knock em dead material. Too funny. :)
Rose chapter 1 . 7/18/2009
Nice one! so you going to do another one? that was cute not too many on this pairing but yeah good work!.
Chai-siss chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
Oh my! how could you write it so well! I find I am in trouble to like the yaoi you wrote...
Nina Neves chapter 1 . 6/24/2009
You have a really unique and quirky voice. It kind of wandered every so ofen, but overall I really liked it. C':
human circuitry chapter 1 . 9/20/2008
OK SO YEAH. i know you wrote this like, 293847298374 gajillion years ago, but it was too good to pass up. XD "stupid knobby elves. think they're better than us humans because... stuff." i freaking CRACKED UP. that and the Oprah bit. GOD. XD i think you wrote Jack very well. i also hope you get this review. i love Radiata Stories so much. *sigh* Gil/Jack is hot. m.
WakaWakaNevermore chapter 1 . 8/9/2008
Omg. This whole thing made me giggle, but the last line is what made me keel over laughing. Great job!

*calms down slightly* On a serious note, your grammar, punctuation, and spelling is all correct... Imma go laugh some more.
Aukianu chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Not only did this make me giggle it's my otp of this fandom!~ I thought I would never find one... Pout!~ Not all of us are 14 year old girls! I agree that most things are far to overdone or unrealistic, but a few are well thought out and tactful, or like yours adorable!
vampwhisper chapter 1 . 4/27/2008
BWAHAHA! 'Just Curious' was awesome!

It was very cute, light-hearted, and your style of humor is utterly perfect for it :)

Sequel? Maybe longer? More Gil? :D
LostDonut chapter 1 . 12/9/2007



you should write more yaoi XD

Anyways, great going d-(.~)z

Hope you write more...

This pairing never accord to me when I was playing the game.. BUT NAO I WANT MORE XP
Brandie the Baka loves Haku chapter 1 . 11/16/2007
Oh, myeh gawd! I loved this! I want more, so i'll have to write it!
Creeper Keaton chapter 1 . 3/14/2007
I absolutely loved this one. It's just amazing... Can you write another? I can't write anything decent, so I really one the actual authors out there. Anyways, if you like Seph/Aeris, go to Jen's Sephiroth and Vincent Tribute page (if you haven't already). It's a really good Seph/Aeris fic. But it's really long... anyways, write more and be free of writer's block!
Forcystus'lil'sis chapter 1 . 2/1/2007
*mouth hangs open* dasang! Those poor two!
Hermaphrodite chapter 1 . 12/20/2006
xD Aw. I liked it. *snuggles*

And yeah, I understand your thoughts on yaoi. But, even if you say that, it's the exact same for straightness, too. o_O If that's the right word. Whatever. I don't know. _;

I like Gil's wings. XD *felt the need to share that with you*
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