Reviews for Watching and Waiting
Jai Rose chapter 18 . 7/17
Man, I love rereading this story. :) It's an oldie but goodie
DannieLawman1995 chapter 4 . 9/29/2019
Wow. What an asshole. He saw the whole thing but didn't step into save/defend her when she needed it the most. Nor did he go after her or bother to mention where she was even as 6 hours went by. And even when they realised something was wrong, his mind was somewhere else?! Really? Lemme guess: Fung is one of those manipulative-for-the-greater-good-no-matter-the-cost kinda guy.

It's also typical and ridiculous that it took hours and like 2 missed meals for the boys to notice something was wrong and that she was missing! Does no one care for her properly just because?
Akatsuki Demon Kiera666 chapter 18 . 2/27/2016
Just finished reading this amazing fanfic after getting into a fit of nostalgia and watching Xiaolin Showdown and Chronicles all the way though once again, and I outright loved it! I cant wait to read the sequel!
Madzie chapter 7 . 6/23/2014
Really good so far but u can be a bit more clearer with positioning of people e.g was kimiko on the floor or wall
LuvinAniManga chapter 18 . 4/1/2013
Wow, that was really great! I heard the sequel was a great read, so I figured I had to read this first before I got to it, and I very much enjoyed it! You're writing is fantastic! The characters were SO in-character and the development was perfectly paced and just...awesome. Great job! This has to be one of the most realistic XS fanfics I've ever read. Thanks for the great read. Now, onto the sequel!
Taeniaea chapter 18 . 11/8/2012
cool story
kio868482 chapter 18 . 6/25/2012
curse you for ending there i stayed up all night reading this story because it was that good. if you have already written a sequel then i must go find it. if not then i demand that you do. if you have please tell me the name of the story thank you so much for keeping me up all night
Jai Rose chapter 4 . 5/2/2012
Oh Spicer. -shakes head- How can you consider yourself a man?



Kimiko is brilliant as always!
Jai Rose chapter 3 . 5/2/2012
Wonderful! :D what more can I say?

I read this story a long time ago and thought I should reread it and comment on every chapter- So... here I am. :D

Jai Rose chapter 2 . 5/2/2012
AHhhhhh! Love it! :D
Jai Rose chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
So I don't know if I reviewed this chapter- But, THIS STORY IS AWESOME AND DESERVES ALL THE AMAZINGNESS! :D

Just thought I should let you know!
Lily-Beth.Bluebell chapter 4 . 1/29/2012
This story is just getting more and more exciting :D
Lily-Beth.Bluebell chapter 3 . 1/29/2012
Uh ohes is all I can say.

Reading on
Lily-Beth.Bluebell chapter 2 . 1/29/2012
I'm a complete scardy-cat and this evil shadowy thing freaks me out but I LOVE this story so I'm going to keep reading.

I confess myself a bit of a RaiKim shipper so that moment with the hair stroking was cute. At the same time, I love how when you write, I can see it actually happening in the show itself. Every character is so IC. And you're managing to balance their dialogue and actions perfectly which I just fail at.
Lily-Beth.Bluebell chapter 1 . 1/29/2012
This story is really intriguing so far and it's quite an old story where this site is concerned :D

I'm so going to be reading on and hopefully filling your e-mails with annoying reviews :P Everything is so fantastically written and I'm terrified of this evil force already :O

Reading on
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