Reviews for Breath
NatsuxLucy4ever chapter 14 . 3/18/2018
So, Usopp likes Sanji? I'm okie with that, but I'm waiting for Sanji to choose to go with them! Also, I miss seeing ZoLu T_T
NatsuxLucy4ever chapter 5 . 3/13/2018
I know you said you like hurt/comfort so I should've been prepared for this, but I wasn't T_T
NatsuxLucy4ever chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
I started dying at Hairpepper X'D That was so funny! But this story seems interesting :D
DaLantis chapter 21 . 10/6/2016
I'm saddened ;'( This was such a great story and had such a great emotion and plot (sighs) it, it deserved a better ending.
I suppose that isn't fair to say, but that's how I feel. This entire story was amazing from the first to the second to last chapter! It was soooooo good and then, boom, the epilogue. No offense, but it was crap. It didn't explain anything and left soooo many unanswered questions. You are such a good writer and I am really not trying to leave a burn response because honestly, I hate people who do that, but this story had so much potential. I understand not wanting to finish it, but at least explain what happened a bit in the final chapter or make a final epilogue that makes sense. This one was just so...randomly irritating.
Sighs. Sorry. Seriously though, I got so pulled into this only for it to end so abruptly. I would love to see you give this the completion it deserves some day. I really think you did well with this and could have made this a star story if it hadn't ended in such a way.
Anyways, thanks for writing it.
Yvonne Park chapter 21 . 10/1/2013
I really enjoyed this story, and was extremely disappointed that you just left it hanging like that. You are very talented, and this store was quite well written. I want more! It made me so sad that you had created such a riveting story, and it held so much promise for a good story to keep going, and then it just stopped. Boo... :/

zairoon chapter 21 . 7/2/2013
Aaaah ah... such a disappointment to see you never managed to finish the story. that was such a great plot, with very long, very detailed, well written chapters... you seriously took my breath away. I am so sad the story ends like that though... Anyway, thank you for your work! 3
zairoon chapter 17 . 7/2/2013
Aaaaahah... my god... I'm the one who keeps having strong heartbeats! Seriously, are you trying to kill me with this fic?... AAAAAH this moment betwen Zoro and Luffy in the men's quarters... aaaah my god... I really thought they would finally kiss... I am SO Frustrated! ... Loved this chapter. Completely...
zairoon chapter 11 . 7/2/2013
Oh my.. this is such a cute chapter... I mean the whole ending in the dark with Zoro and Luffy... so sweet... I loved it 3
deadhemoglobin chapter 21 . 3/9/2013
Goddamn epic. I'm crying tears of joy. Seriously, this is the BEST AU I've ever read. The storyline kind of fits with the manga itself, and with that I am so thankful. The interaction between the characters, esp Luffy and Zoro of course, is so freaking beautiful, it moved me to tears. I love how emotional this story is. I mean, the way you constructed each character's POV is so perfect, I am speechless. Although there are missing parts, I still absolutely love it, and the epilogue- holy shit- THE EPILOGUE. BEST. I love that it's ZoLuZo, and that they didn't exactly do that- you know. *shrug* It's so PERFECT for me because- maybe- I've read how their relationship blossomed so the smut at the end felt EXCELLENT and RIGHT on so many levels. Honestly, after reading this, I CAN'T STOP SMILING. No matter how people are being jerks around me right now, my satisfied happy mood won't falter. Yeah this fic is very influential. Thank you so much. And also, it's not hard to picture out Luffy and Zoro being intimate with each other at the end because their relationship is already deep in canon. Lol. If you know what I mean. Thank you so much. XD
Guest chapter 17 . 1/30/2013
soooo close!
heavenlygothicgirl chapter 14 . 12/25/2012
I knew there would be a Sanji Ussopp pairing! I'm gonna try and get better at reviewing more BTW.
heavenlygothicgirl chapter 13 . 12/24/2012
I have been reading your story for awe but have been to lazy to review due to me hating he touchscreen on my iPhone. I shall make it up to you however! I love your story almost s much as I love the series. It's touching humorous and the characters still have all the qualities I adore. Your work has made me cry and laugh. It's made me feel sentimental and angry. I have not found a single thing I dislike about this story and I probably won't. Now to make this review count I will tell you be ONE thin I have noticed... Grammar could use some work but I still adore this story all the same!
heavenlygothicgirl chapter 7 . 11/18/2012
Heck yea Luffy gets the devil fruit and now he will kick ass! Sadly at the cost of Zoro being reeeeally mad. T.T
heavenlygothicgirl chapter 4 . 11/16/2012
Ok I forgive you! I just wish Luffy had saved Zoro like I know he would. I hope you know you have me addicted now! XD
heavenlygothicgirl chapter 3 . 11/16/2012
I'm gonna cry! Zoro! No! I love you so much! Now I'm mad at you!
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