Reviews for The Flames That Consume Us
Maze-zen chapter 1 . 6/13
Amazing story!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/9/2019
This is amazing!
generalsleepy chapter 1 . 3/3/2018
This was amazing!
Bonpetitepoodles chapter 1 . 10/12/2014
Poor christine gets back bone and gets fried for her trouble
Serpina Silver Tongue chapter 1 . 2/28/2013
Wow, I'm stunned by the disturbingness of this, and yet somehow I like it. Great work.
ktsgran chapter 1 . 10/31/2008
WOW and on Halloween no less. I have said many times before you have a gift but now it seemes it is not all romance novel sweet. This has such a dark vein run through it and yet once again you capture the reader with discription and not all 'he said, she said'. Again, for this Haloween gift of macabeness[sp?] I say thank you. JPL
maidmoiselle mort chapter 1 . 1/30/2007

very good, very creepy.

-Mlle. Morte
my-echo chapter 1 . 12/11/2006
I'm sure I read this an age and a half ago, but I never reviewed, apparently, and I can't remember if I ever added to Faves. Clicking the checkbox just in case.

At any rate, oh, this is wonderfully morbid. Who knew Chrissy could be so connivingly evil?

Sick, twisted, and altogether entrancing, really.

And now, I have a rather embarassing favor to ask.

Could you read my morbid little Leroux oneshot "The Eyes"? You might like it. I don't know. *shrug*

The reason this is embarassing is because I swore once to myself that I'd never go around begging better writers than me to critique my work, so as to avoid putting said writers in a supremely awkward position that Yours Truly knows from past experience.

Sheepishly (and in admiration),

dark-hearted rose chapter 1 . 10/18/2006 creepy.

dark-hearted rose
sabrinafair2 chapter 1 . 10/4/2006
I'm surprised this did not place 1st in the morbidity contest! Well done...I would hate to see the reaction of any Gerik fangirls stumbling upon this.

I love how you portrayed Erik he isn’t the nice Erik you see countless times in mediocre fan fiction.
SimplyElymas chapter 1 . 3/5/2006
You know, someone should lock that girl up. Christine, you ARE the creepy one.

Well done. :) And a nice incorporation of Christine's heritage. I like the way it was told, rather creepily and by rote, giving in an almost fairy tale effect. Very surreal.
ghostwritten2 chapter 1 . 2/23/2006
I love this; it's delightfully morbid, and your writing is rich and wonderful. The description of Erik's body is truly shudder-making! I was wondering whether the Bridegroom's Shirt was going to be similar to the Nessus Shirt in Greek mythology, and I was not disappointed. Well done.
MadLizzy chapter 1 . 1/1/2006
This very creative story gets bonus points for originality and for vocabulary. A "duet of screams" is far from the sweet song Erik may have imagined. ~ML
The Scorpion chapter 1 . 11/7/2005
Oh, just the originality and utter STRANGENESS of this story has made it one of my favorites! Even if it weren't part of the contest, you would have found me fawning over it once I discovered it here ;)

This is one of the most twisted stories I have ever read. And I mean that all in a fabulously good way! Not "twisted" in the sense of a twisted ending, but just plain TWISTED! And the irony was just plain tragic. Erik was horrifically disgusting (in all ways) and Christine was wild! Bravo to you for your bravery in such unflattering portrayals of them both! I loved it!
Titania of the Fae chapter 1 . 11/7/2005
Oh, this one was so much fun! I loved it to bits. When Christine gets mad, she certainly gets MAD, doesn't she? I loved the whole concept... the groom's shirt was a particularly nice touch.

"You wear it on your wedding night, and then, after a long and happy married life, you're buried in it"

Heh, unless your married AND dead on the same day! P

PS- The description of Erik? Props to you for really going with the corpselike Erik idea.
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