Reviews for Spider's Web
Devious Purrloin chapter 14 . 12/29/2017
*sigh* hopefully there will be a next time
Devious Purrloin chapter 8 . 12/28/2017
Well that intro wasn't foreboding at all

hmm, luck
Devious Purrloin chapter 2 . 12/28/2017
Are you implying that it will get darker sooner or later?
Devious Purrloin chapter 1 . 12/28/2017
You got me hooked
Nesy girl chapter 14 . 6/14/2015
Fancy that you havent written the next chapter for 7 years kkkkkkj
PrayerGirl chapter 14 . 12/27/2014
This story is very good! Please write more!
MarkTheTinyGiraffe chapter 14 . 4/21/2014
...and this, has officialy become one of my favorite stories. LOVE IT! I CANT WAIT FOR UPDATE! yes u deserve major hugs and kisses. hope u get better soon! and I really hope u pass. Without a doubt, you will suceed english. :) Update plz.
lightsomely chapter 14 . 3/17/2013
Ooh! Ooh! Its like the original Danny Phantom when instead of ghost powers, he had a moter cycle! And (of course) hottness!
Lightsomely chapter 3 . 3/12/2013
I have taken photography classes, so know almost anything about photography.
GrandTheftTARDIS chapter 3 . 8/6/2012
"Dan is the name of some 40 year old broker with a wife, kids, and a drinking problem,"
Or a homicidal ghost man who demolishes everything in his path and wants nothing more than to escape from a can of soup but that works to.
GrandTheftTARDIS chapter 2 . 8/6/2012
"Danny was just thanking God that she didn't see his hand phase right through the pillow and that nothing worse was phased through..."
On one hand I was excited Danny had ghost powers in this, on he other hand on the last part I was like "Holy Shit!"
GrandTheftTARDIS chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
"And she had a little black cat named Lilith who, in her opinion, was about as badass as cats got."
Sounds like one badass cat.
Eyriegirl chapter 14 . 7/16/2012
Why have you not updated this in years? It is such a good story! I love how it does have darker themes and is more realistic, but still retains the essence of the original show(in feel and style that is). You could use some editing, I will admit, but you seem to be a genuinely good author. I am quite disappointed this has not been updated in so long.
Danny Phantom Phanatic chapter 14 . 4/26/2011
Awesome story! I loved how you put everyone in the world of DP so well into this story! And the whole spider aspect of the story is SO COOL! The whole thing's unique and I love it. I hope that ya update it some time, cuz i'd love to hear the rest of the story.
wolfhead chapter 14 . 2/6/2011
Ohh, that was so cool! I'm guessing you're not writing this story anymore, since it hasn't been updated in years... *Sigh* Well, if you ever do work on it more, I will defiantly read it!

Great chapter/story. :)
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