Reviews for On The Run
Target-Run-And-Done chapter 34 . 3/20
This was so great
Guest chapter 1 . 1/10
Guest chapter 17 . 4/26/2019
At this point I'm only reading because it's become comical. I think I've found the crux of the problem; your characters are all impaired to the point of unbelievability. They are so lacking in complexity that it is impossible to "get to know" them and they think, speak, and act in ways that normal humans simply do not.
It isn't just Sirius' utter incompetence which has shocked me before.
The entire school saw Harry being sorted. And yet, Ron and Neville are both surprised to meet Harry Potter. Neville is sitting next to him for an entire class period, and upon introducing himself, Neville is shocked at who Harry is. Why? It's not like Hogwarts is a big place, even so, there are only 4 people in their dormitory (Harry will make 5), how slow does he have to be to not make this connection? Neville doesn't seem to realize that Harry will have potions at the same time as him, despite the fact that houses take their core classes together. They seem to have a disturbing short term memory loss. Further, their conversation skills are severely stunted. Good Heavens, they're 15! How are they this forgetful/socially inept/brainless?

Snape is...suffering from multiple personality disorder? Harry knows all about Snape, and then he doesn't. Snape despises Harry, and then he doesn't, and then he does. Harry is a potions prodigy, and then he's the worst student in class.

Remus has not interacted with Sirius since they were 21/22. They are now about 35. That is 13 years worth of adulthood to grow and change. Remus functions in a professional capacity with other adults, as well as with students who grow and mature. Further, he is well aware that Sirius spent years in a soul sucking prison, followed by many more years on the run raising a child. Why on other was he so fixated on the idea that Sirius would still act like a teenager. It wasn't just a passing thought either, it came up multiple times-which, for your story, is as in depth as anything could be, translating into an obsession. Every adult realises that they and their friends are nothing like their teenage selves by the time they spend 2-3 years out of high school. How is it that Remus is so jolted by this?
Guest chapter 10 . 4/26/2019
It's like a bad addiction, or a train wreck; I know I'll be disturbed by it, but I can't tear my eyes away.
Here is the latest recap:
Sirius and Harry's very lives depend on a mastermind scheme to get them through this very difficult situation, which is actually a major international incident which they have been oppressed by for a decade, unscathed. Never to worry, though, because in chapter 8 Sirius spent an entire FIFTEEN MINUTES devising a plan. What could go wrong?

I am therefore unsurprised at his oversight on the time difference. It is early morning in Texas, Harry asked Sirius why he must go so early. Sirius expects that the students will be asleep at that time, so he can get through the castle unnoticed. His cleverly divined 15 minute plan didn't account for the fact that morning in texas is midday in Scotland. And yet, when he arrives the castle is eerily silent. I guess this is a cultural difference, and the wizarding population of the UK is nocturnal.
Guest chapter 7 . 4/26/2019
So, let me get this straight... In a castle that is probably teeming with critters, especially rats, Remus' first assumption is that the rat he stunned is actually a student. However, upon further examination he realizes that it is NOT a student, so he just decides it would be a great idea to carry a stunned rat around in his pocket. Gross.

I see that this was written a number of years ago, so I highly doubt this is going to help you much. I hope by now you've given up any hope of fixing this story. Perhaps you still write, though, so here are my thoughts:

1) Your spelling needs work-it is distracting.
2) The body of your story is laid out like a summary
3) Summary is spelled with an A, not an E (you have made that mistake in the heading of each chapter so far). I highly doubt that your spell check has missed it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
4) In your author's notes you clarify things that are either already blatantly obvious from your chapter OR you throw in information that you made absolutely no mention of in your actual story. If you need to get information to the readers, write it in your story instead of throwing it in as an author's note
5) Most people are taught the difference between they're, their, and there in early elementary school.
6) Why doesn't Sirius confund the school officials? Dumbledore did so to the muggles at the orphanage that Tom Riddle went to. There is evidence in canon that muggles are regularly manipulated in such ways without the ministry of magic finding out. Isn't it significantly more conspicuous to constantly be moving and leaving a ridiculously obvious paper trail?
7) How have Harry and Sirius survived 10 years when your version of Sirius is so utterly incompetent? People the world over are searching for Sirius Black and Harry Potter. Your solution is that they spent the remainder of their money carefully concealing their identities. All that they actually did, however, was change their names to Sirius and Harry Brown.
8) You (shoddily) summarized the first 10 years of their relationship into less than a chapter. You called it a flashback. A flashback would actually refer to a singular event or a small series of similar events, not an entire decade of life. What actually annoys me, though, is that after the 10 year summary you proceded to take several chapters to build up a single conversation. "The principal wants to see you." "OH GOD, THE PRINCIPAL WANTS TO SEE MEEEEEEEEEE." "It's okay that we have to see the principal" "Nooooooo, it's not okay that the principal wants to see me." And after you miserably drew that out, and incorrectly at that (Sirius finally confronted Harry on Sunday night just before he went to bed and told him not to let Monday's impending conversation put a damper on the weekend...shouldn't he have mentioned that before the weekend was over?), you made the actual conversation last about half a second.
9) Does every quarter own a Lupin? Possessive nouns/pronouns vs plural words is also something that is taught in early elementary school.
10) Everybody makes mistakes, even world renowned authors. Nobody is expected to please everybody with their work. Fanfiction is an outlet, it is okay to change things up to make them your own. However, when you have plot holes within your own story, when you completely omit necessary information, when you contradict yourself, when you don't do research to spell basic words both related and unrelated to canon (Animagus)-it is pure laziness. If you're prone to excruciating spelling and grammar issues, use spell check! If you think that something is so critical to your story that you absolutely must make an author's note to explain it, write it in your story to begin with! Get a beta to help with structuring your story so that it doesn't read like a junior high student's diary.

So. Anyhow. I can't handle reading beyond this chapter. Not that you care. You don't even know me. When all is said and done, it isn't your story that truly inspired this rant. I'm disappointed in the American education system, and your writing abilities are only more fuel for the fire.
LibbyRose chapter 34 . 7/13/2018
loved it all! great story!
Guest chapter 16 . 6/11/2018
That just made me think, imagine instead of the British 'Areoplane' he spelt it 'airplane' like we Americans do? What if other people who came to the UK for an advanced education where docked off points?
Guest chapter 8 . 6/11/2018
End of chapter eight is a good headline. I mean, fourth wall? Pshhh
Samuel chapter 15 . 9/13/2017
You really seemed biased towards Gryffindor.
SortingHat chapter 14 . 9/13/2017
I doubt anybody reads these reviews but Lily was a Slytherin. Through and through.
SortingHat chapter 12 . 9/13/2017
Rather then going thru the sorting BS at this time Dumbledore could just have Harry stay at his office?
Samuel chapter 8 . 9/13/2017
The headline read "END OF CHAPTER EIGHT!" In great seriousness we regret to tell you the end of chapter eight has arrived!
SortingHat chapter 5 . 9/13/2017
Would Sirius tamper with the electricity to bypass the meter?
SortingHat chapter 2 . 9/13/2017
This is how you do AN on a fanfic. A lot of authors abuse it and turn it into a chat room like 4chan.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/20/2017
There's some fact confusion in your story. When Harry met Remus they talked about how Severus taught potions and harry commented that he would hate him off the bat, then a few chapters later harry had no idea who was teaching potions or why he would treat him badly. Then a chapter or so after that Severus says that harry is very talented at potions and then in this chapter Remus just told Sirius that Harry is not doing very good in potions...?
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