Reviews for Escapade
Guest chapter 18 . 2/1/2018
Great work. Continue?
Marie chapter 18 . 2/2/2017
This was a delicious read. The whole team. The sun. The beach. Grissom's hat. Grissom finally plucked up the courage to follow his heart. I have two questions, though; first to Brass: Meant no offence, darling Jim-but why Linda and Ellen didn't try to make a move on Grissom? What kind of trick did you employ to maintain their devotion? Second to Miss Jazz: When are you going to come back to finish this one?
Lauri3n chapter 18 . 8/8/2013
This is hilarious! I really like the characters of Linda and Ellen. They are most amusing.
faeriebabies chapter 1 . 5/17/2011
I really wish you would finish this story. I have enjoyed it even though I am getting to it a bit late. I have had a fun time reading it.
Kay Isles chapter 18 . 5/17/2011
I know it's been a couple years since you've updated this, BUT please add some more! This is such a great and funny story! I need more! I loveee it!

RollWithIt chapter 18 . 9/29/2010
HEY WHOA WHOA! You certaninly cannot leave it to en like THIS! PLEASE! You are suck an amazing writer and this story is just perfect :) Keep it up !:D
Madison chapter 18 . 8/5/2010
Oh my gosh! I absolutly love this story. Definitly the best vaction story out there. It's soo cute, Please keep writing it!
linelm chapter 18 . 6/6/2010
Nice, sweet story!
BellaDonnaButterfly chapter 18 . 2/15/2010
just re-reading this story again for i don't remember what number of times...totally enjoyed it again, and am so glad to have it readily available. So BIG question is? Are you gonna be adding anymore chapters or finishing it or ? Once again, this story rocks and is lighthearted and funny and doesn't lose any of its appeal on the 10th or 13 read! Please, please, please...give me more! pretty please! thanks again,

RoxasSerenity chapter 18 . 1/11/2010
Please finish this if you can

I'm LOVIN it!
ILoveJorja chapter 1 . 9/24/2009
love the premise
Morgan CSI Level 3 chapter 18 . 7/13/2009
I 3 This Story Keep Going!
BaneLupine chapter 8 . 7/6/2009
yay “And why the hell is he wearing that damn straw hat? Doesn’t he know the thing is hideous?” the infamous hat make an appearance! waho *huggles and apples* for you
Marguerite06 chapter 18 . 7/2/2009
Really great ! Can't wait for the end !
sdbeth chapter 18 . 6/29/2009
LOL. Thanks so much for updating. This story is a lot of fun. I enjoyed the fluff.

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