Reviews for Adventures with Aurors
excessivelyperky chapter 34 . 8/16
Yeah, I kind of thought the two of them were leading up to something like this (and the visit in the middle of the night with the dragon and whatnot was probably the final test of her metamorphagus powers).

Have fun with the mausoleum...
excessivelyperky chapter 33 . 8/13
Very good chapter-Tonks has a righteous beef, but even in the middle of a war the innocent get the shaft and the guilty get promoted (Sirius Black being a case in point of um, both).

And Lucy wouldn't get a straight answer from Remus anyway, he's too good at covering for his friends and himself, and making damn hard everyone blames Snape for *everything*. If Snape had any sense of humor, Remus' fur would be any combination of fashionable colors in re the Wolfsbane Potion. *When* Remus remembers to take it.

I like the camaraderie and I feel for poor Thomas. Apparently he's been around a while, does he still have a wife?
excessivelyperky chapter 32 . 8/6
If it's a universal solvent, how is the cauldron holding it? Or is that a question that should not be asked?

Sounds like the muggle is going to be employed and sworn to secrecy, since his speculations on the exciting volitional physics involved are likely to be helpful.

And Longbottom should definitely accept the goblin's invitation and never, ever EVER mess with potions again.
excessivelyperky chapter 31 . 8/1
And yet they still let Longbottom near a cauldron. Why? I'm surprised the British Dept. of Defence hasn't drafted him to go brew for Enemy du jour (cf Quillusion's SOUL SEARCHING, where Longbottom 'fixing' one of Voldemort's potions left a quarter mile crater and a rather high body count).

Nothing wrong with Snape's reflexes, though.

Besides, didn't that street need repaving anyway?
Very Small Prophet chapter 13 . 2/15
Why don’t Tonks and Remus just shack up together? It’s a perfectly common-place and respectable practice for people of Remus’s generation. Marriage is for squares.

Yes, I know Remus is a square, and an insipid one besides, but surely Lucy can bully him into it with a bit of feminist ideology and some alpha-wolf body language. I’m sure that’s what Sirius did back in the day to get Remus into his bed. Minus the feminist ideology, of course.
Guest chapter 35 . 3/9/2019
The eulogy was spot on. Dumbledore abused his power, encouraged inter house animosity and treated the Slytherins unfairly. Seeing no support at the place where they spent the greater part of seven years, how could anyone expect children to go against thier parents, especially considering how that society is structured. Dumbledore had decades to make positive changes, but he chose not to.
Guest chapter 32 . 3/8/2019
Neville as a potions it.
Very Small Prophet chapter 29 . 3/8/2019
Remus smells like being in the presence a god? Remus? That whiney, spineless, passive-aggressive hypocrite who lies like a rug and needs lessons in moral courage from eleven-year-old Neville Longbottom? Alas, love is not only blind, it has no sense of smell. Tonks is so lucky to have escaped him, even if she doesn’t yet realize it.

And Harry is “incorruptible”? Mister Gallant Crucio himself? Of course Tonks doesn’t know about that, so I suppose she’s fooled by his general witlessness. People usually imagine that corruption involves a certain amount of intelligence, but that isn’t always the case.

I’m really enjoying this story, and the way you’re filling in all the background that JKR couldn’t be bothered with. Keep up the good work, and I’ll keep reading.
emmerrr chapter 36 . 2/11/2019
I just love this story. Can't figure out what's going on half the time but it's just brilliant anyway! Love the random quirks of the very novel story line and I'm definitely getting exposed to some interesting new words. I can't wait for the next instalment! Best wishes :)
whitehound chapter 36 . 1/30/2019
Narcissa, of course, is the name of one of the daughters in HE Bates' The Darling Buds of May series.

I had to re-read all of this to remind myself what happened, but I'm glad it's still running.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/15/2018
lmao i out loud so hard. what a scene
SachaSacha chapter 34 . 7/25/2018
I quite like this story. It's different from any other HP fanfic I've read. The pace is fast, sometimes so fast I wonder what's happening in the story and I have to go back a little to read more attentively; the action is never stopping, Tonks hardly ever has a moment to catch her breath before some new bizarre event comes crashing into her. All in all, it's an exhausting read but that's not bad, just different and quite enjoyable in its own way.
I like that magic in your fic is so unpredictable and untamable. You warp the rules of Rowling's world with talent. Magic has never felt as magic to me as in this story.
I'm dreading the moment I'll catch with your writing and have to wait for the updates: your story is so dense, I fear I won't remember the previous chapters precisely when a new chapter will be posted and then I will be a bit lost.
That said, I congragulate you for your writing talent and thank you for the fun read!
Albertasteinthe21st.genius chapter 36 . 7/14/2018
Interesting. Absurd.
Poledne chapter 36 . 6/17/2018
thank for thé new nice chapter
plutoplex chapter 36 . 6/17/2018
Great chapter! Loved seeing more of Narcissa. I am missing Severus, though.
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