Reviews for A Team Player
tallsunshine12 chapter 1 . 7/8
You have such a great way of capturing scene and mood. Everyone seemed realistic and the story was highly dramatical. Thanks for sharing the young Saunders with us. I think he's of strong character, too.
Felicity chapter 1 . 1/13
Nicely done, thanks. Always wished we could have seen what happened to Saunders before the Combat! series began. Interesting crossover
Elise Deschat chapter 1 . 12/5/2018
interesting cross-over...liked both shows
southernhorizons chapter 1 . 3/5/2017
I know this is an old story, but I just found it, and enjoyed it very much! Komansky's my favorite character in 12 O'Clock High, and you got his character just right. Of course you always do a good job with Saunders. I sure wish you would write more Combat/ 12 O'Clock High Crossovers, hopefully with Hanley and the rest of the squad also. (or even just 12 O'Clock High stories, since there's a terrible shortage of them.) It would have been nice if they had done crossovers in the actual episodes, but I guess they didn't do stuff like that, and anyway the time period doesn't quite match up, since 12 O'Clock High is before D-Day. But in fanfiction, that could be changed.
3591Dudleigh chapter 1 . 9/4/2014
I have only just discovered "Combat" fan fiction and you are one of my favorite writers. My favorite character is Sarge, so I love stories that center around him. I look forward to more of your work. This story is on my favorite have captured Sarges character beautifully!
Barbara Bogo chapter 1 . 8/30/2013
Really strong work
Freedom4America4ever chapter 1 . 11/19/2010
Sooooooo cool! I love Twelve O'clock High! I didn't know anyone else knew of it. Could you write one of just Twelve O'clock High? Really cool story!
emeraldarrows chapter 1 . 10/22/2010
Excellent story!
Lorrie chapter 1 . 11/27/2007
What a marvelous story! This is the first story which involves a younger Corporal Saunders and dealves into his history of serving in Africa. My two favorite TV shows (Combat! and Twelve O'Clock High) together at last. More, please.
El Gringo Loco chapter 1 . 1/19/2007
An excellent, tastefully done crossover between two series I remember from first run, well over 40 years ago. Cpl Saunders plight, Sgt Komansky's caring, just two of the million untold stories of any war.

WW2 belongs to history, the millions of veterans who fought it, and their loved ones who worried and sacrificed at home. You've treated all with respect. And I thank you for it.
GSJessica chapter 1 . 2/12/2006
I read this story through twice, which is to say it made me want to reread it. Good story, well written and engrossing.
Alison chapter 1 . 10/5/2005
Wonderful story. Combining 2 of my all time favorite shows with two of my heros! Gallagher and Saunders. I liked the interaction between Saunders and Komanski.

Jester chapter 1 . 9/26/2005
Ash - as always a beautiful story! I also am not familiar with 12 O'Clock High but with your writing one need not be in order to enjoy the story. You developed your characters to the point that I knew them, yet wondered just what road each might choose. I am always on the lookout for your stories, please keep up the good work!

combatcrazy chapter 1 . 9/26/2005
My goodness, what a great story. One of the best I've read. I have to admit I also do not remeber 12 o'clock high (as was descussed on our fan fic group site) but the way this is written you don't have to remeber it. Great work. I loved it.

Alice A chapter 1 . 9/25/2005
Oh, Ash, this story was so touching and compassionate that it brought tears to my eyes. Much as I would have liked to see Sgt. Saunders and Gen Savage cross paths, having Cpl. Saunders and Komansky brought together was equally intriguing, especially because of the chemistry between the two in Combat's "Reunion." I didn't watch the show after they killed off Savage so I'm not that familiar with Komansky's character but the story gave us just as much insight into his compassion for the young GI as any of the episodes. I especially love the hurt/comfort aspect of it and how you made Saunders so vulnerable yet kept him in character. More, more, more!
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