Reviews for Wasting My Time
Guest chapter 2 . 7/2/2018
Lets just hope that Erol was finally put out of his misery in Jak 3
DarkEcoFreak chapter 2 . 3/1/2013
Who said evil can't be awesome?
That was a pretty cool fic, I really liked it!
GreyJedi chapter 2 . 12/1/2006
WOOT! Erol story! I like it when he's not an evil kiniving sociopathic bastard (Hehe big words) no one would choose to be a robot. Poor Erol, my brother hates him, but I think he's really awesome, like Envy. Heh, I'm weird right now. There has to be a reason that Erol's such a troubled soul, and I intend to give him one! He'll be in my story about Torn and Ripp, whenever I get around to posting it, I'll figure out why he is the way he is.

I thought that this was strange, wouldn't Erol notice that there was the eco there? It makes sense for him to try killing Jak, but you made it make sense that he wanted to kill Praxis, and whoe can blame him after Palace Stories and Fullmetal Praximist?

Wow, long review...
MonoSheep chapter 2 . 4/8/2006
That is sweet!
Mystic Midnight chapter 2 . 9/25/2005
You know...I actually hate Errol with a passion, but I loved this view of what could've happened. It was deep and the part were..."At least he's die doing what he" That line hit hard. It's going in my profile under favorite quotes and phrases! Well looking forward to the next update from you from any story.


EyesLikeSilk chapter 1 . 9/24/2005
I liked this. _
Air of Mystery chapter 1 . 9/23/2005
Eh...'beloved'? He does try to run you over with a zoomer...then again, Tess is a real bitch in Jak 3, but I'm not willing to let that be a distraction...

You know what, let's just pretend Jak 3 didn't happen. Tess, you're not an ottsel, Erol, you're dead, Jak, you're not with Ashelin, Ashelin, you're not with Jak, Jinx, where the hell are Grim and Mog and Torn, for god's sake quit moping.

I think that's that.
Sanzi chapter 1 . 9/22/2005
This was so good so I can't say i. It was extremly well writtened and good way of putting in the song, I had fun reading it. You described Erol's feelings so well that I actually began to like the thought of ErolKeira, and he becomes so human when I read it, he's not just crazy, he has his reasons in this one! Good piece, loved it!

Mystic Midnight chapter 1 . 9/22/2005
I've always said "It's better to be hated for who you are then be loved for who you're not."-VansLant' I guess Errol's never heard it. I say if you beleive in something, if you really, truely beleice in something then don't hide it. Hiding it is just like lying. To bad Errol never learned that. Maybe that's why he had a sad end.

When I saw the Choclate Factory I imediantly thought 'Palace Stories' then you said it. I think it would make a perfect Palace Story. Baron Wonka. Yeah, I can see it. Good one Bijoux!

Well this one-shot was very well writen and got in to his mind perfectly. It's very much possible that was what ND was aiming for.

Well g2g
