Reviews for Mute
Squee-bunny chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
Wow... Heart-wrenchingly beautiful! This story very much resonates with the darker themes of the manga and does so accurately. It felt like we climbed right into Kyo's head...

I love how despite the depression Kyo finds himself at the end, somehow he's learned to rely on Kazuma for security and comfort.
08406823 chapter 1 . 11/20/2010
*SuperFavorites Story*

*SuperFavorites Author's Other Stories*

*SuperFavorites Author*
keita2061 chapter 1 . 12/25/2009
k so... all I can say is 'It made me cry'

That's hard to now... cuz im done being depressed over every goddamn thing that I come across... but this fic...

was written eloquently, it was sweet and angsty and it made me cry... you made my day/night whatever

i really enjoyed it thnxx
foxy crimefighta chapter 1 . 10/13/2006
so of course, if you had a Yuki angst-emo fic, i HAD to read your Kyou one.


& i liked this a lot, too.

[ still not coherent ]

i'm SO glad you hard Haru in there.

if only for a second.

[ gawds. people ask me; Kyou or Yuki? &i'm all, "Haru, bish!"


.. yeah. he's love.

i also like how you inserted Shigure in both of these.

[ Make sure he doesn’t disappear. Cats tend to go wherever insures their aloneness when they plan to die ]

i really like that line.

makes an impact, like "O_O"


good job.
BlackHalliwell chapter 1 . 10/5/2006
Vince from Shamwow chapter 1 . 8/1/2006
(dances) this is so good
aelita stones chapter 1 . 7/3/2006
aw. this is so sad! the kazuma kyo relationship is cute.
RekkaKouyuu chapter 1 . 5/20/2006
This fic is really good. You had me in tears.
CyborgRockStar chapter 1 . 4/19/2006
wow. this is really good...but really sad...but really good. extremely well-written, great job conveying emotion and creating imagery. superly sad but ultimately lovely little fic you have here.

have a nice day
kingleby chapter 1 . 3/4/2006
that was so beautifully written. love it! _
Wintermist chapter 1 . 2/24/2006
All the angst i could hope for and then more!

This was a very well written story. I think your approach on the character's feelings and thoughts is pretty accurate and quite realistic.

I was able to feel the pain Kyou and Kazuma were experiencing, and even got a chill through my spine (for real!) at the part when, after going back 2 normal from his transformation, Kyou is being held by Kazuma and weakly says through sobs that he didn't start the fight.

Amazing hehe, keep writing like that please :D

The only problem i saw were some minor grammar mistakes, but that was all.

Congrats! And sorry for the long comment .; I don't usually do that.
Count Napula chapter 1 . 2/23/2006
Oh that's so sweet! I wish there were more fics like this.
kayla chapter 1 . 1/2/2006
I really liked it. You really brought Kyo's character, and feelings as a child to life.

-Keep wrighting!0!
Pikajenn chapter 1 . 10/19/2005
Please write more! I love your take on little Kyou!
CheezWiz chapter 1 . 9/23/2005
dude that is really really good. i luved it. theres nothin else to say, it was excellent.
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