Reviews for Kagome the Annoying One
Guest chapter 1 . 11/24/2017
I totally agree with your poem. I just... HATE KAGOME. In fact, she's hogging Inuyasha. She never thinks about his feelings towards Kikyo. She is kind of abusive and rude. She can't even fight except for an arrow. When she runs out of arrows all she has is her voice. I also hate her when she's all like, "Oh no! Inuyasha!" She is rude to him just because of Kikyo. SHES JEALOUS OF SOMEONE WHO IS ALREADY DEAD!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/6/2016
Lol so good
sapphireLavender chapter 1 . 3/8/2016
Kikyo/Kikyou is my favourite character and she gets so much hate because of Kagome. I hate Kagome for that, plus one time she only thought Inuyasha saw Kikyo/Kikyou and she told him to "sit".
TEAM SasuNaruHina chapter 1 . 12/10/2015
I don't hate or like her much, but you get a 10/10 on this poem!
Haters chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
You know it's all entirely Rumiko Takahashi's own fault.
tsukuyomi67 chapter 1 . 12/25/2013
Oh, I really love this! I don't particularly like Kagome either -(I'll stop here because I might just not stop bashing her)... By the way, I really must say that this poem is a masterpiece. i never saw any poem that really hit their mark. The ending was so priceless! Great job and I can proudly say that this goes to my favorites.
xXxCrimson HeartxXx chapter 1 . 10/28/2011
HAHAHAHAHA! I don't really hate Kagome that much, but this was one hell of a hilarious poem! I mean, it really rhymes! KAGOME HATERS UNITE!
Yukikosnowangle chapter 1 . 8/13/2011
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-cough- Hahahahah! GO KAGOME HATERS! here is why I hate Kagome.

1. She whines alot.

2. She hardly does anything in battle but scream "INUYSHA!"

3. When she saw inu with kik she ran home, IT'S HIS FIRST LOVE GIVE HIM A BREAK!

4. She sits inu WAY too much.

It's not that I mean to hate her but something about her REALLY ticks me off.
Sev'slittlesecret chapter 1 . 8/29/2010
Yes! I love this poem sooooo much! God I hate her to death! I wish she would just fucking die already! Ahhhhh I should metion this in my story that I'm making right now. Is that okay? I wont say that this was mine just tell people to read a really good poem.

Anyway, thanks for making my day! -
Uruha Hellion chapter 1 . 8/5/2010
OMFG Someone in the inuyasha cast should of told someone to maake Sesshomaru kill kagome. I mean, all she does's is whine all the time and calls Inuyasha's name every on saying his name: INUYAHA!. Now heres how I think it nwould go: INUYASHA! NO DIE BITCH! *Sesshomaru comes in and kills kagome* *then bings her back to life again with Tenseiga and chops off her head* Sesshomaru: YESSSS SHE FINALY DEAD! Inu:O.o WTF? . Thats how I think it would go. Yep just about right. I HATE KAGOME SO MUCH. I LIKE KIKYO BETTER THAT HER
Sakura Explosion chapter 1 . 2/13/2010
Ha, that was one of the best poems I've ever read. normally I don't like poetry, but, after this, thanks to you, I might just start doing poems like this!PS: I hate all sakura bashers too. I am a sakura fan.
Sakura Zhang chapter 1 . 8/23/2008
Read no truer poem. Kagome seriously lacks grey matters. And the'under the uniform..' part I can't disagree.
Inumaru12 chapter 1 . 5/14/2008
dude, you just made my day with this, No- my year with this! I hate her too. Thank you for doing this. you win ultimate coolness points!
Chrysolite Heart chapter 1 . 3/27/2008
I actually liked this, even though I don't like flaming either Kag or Kik cuz i love them both a lot of the things you say is true. She can be so annoying and weak and helpless at times, it really does piss me off sometimes. And to the idiots who flame, if you know that this is going to be a kag bashing fic, don't read it. And about what Inufan510 said. Well, im disappointed cuz yur being a hypocrite. haven't u noticed that there are tons and tons and tons and tons of Kik bashing fics out there that make her seem like some sorta slutty bitch when she's not? Ahem. If you have you like need to get glasses or something cuz im not sure how you could have missed them. and so if yur gonna sue us, well i'll make sure i'll be sueing all of u guys first, ok? if u love kag and hate kik then just dont read the fic, simple as that.
Aimlessly Unknown chapter 1 . 3/15/2008
Okay, you have the right to like anyone you wish. But what i'm saying is that Kagome is annoying yes but she is very helpful and if it weren't for her Naraku would've killed my lil Inu-Bunny

But she can be annoying, and btw you can rhyme i dunno why that guy said you couldnt and on the subject of this. YATTA! I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE WHO DISLIKES INO! I don't like her, but i'll tolerate her...only cuz she is gonna get with Shika-Kun. And 'sides she is Saku-Chan's friend. But she should change her hair colour. Cuz only my lil ramen-cup should have blonde hair.

Later Sakuryn! Lubz ya!


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