Reviews for Rusty Armour
Dara chapter 1 . 10/31/2009
Hmm not a fan of the ship but this was nice. Also can't stand Luna in the books but I liked the moments we saw of her here. As someone who loves the characters of both Ginny and Neville, this was sweet !
scowlingpixie chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
Aaw what a sad story! Really well written. I hadn't actually overly thought about Nevil loving Ginny - it does fit... in a sad sort of way.
oceancitygirl chapter 1 . 2/7/2006
I don't know why you're even expecting flames for this fic. It's great, and I never even thought of one-sided neville/ginny. Nice job.
Alex202 chapter 1 . 2/1/2006
I read this story awhile ago, and I haven't been able to get it out of my head since. I congratulate you on having a story that sticks with the reader long after they've read it.
miss itsuki chapter 1 . 12/16/2005
I am French, and I read fics on Neville in English because I don't find any in France. I like much your fics it's very beautiful and sad!neville is my favorite character and you describe his very well.
LittleMissTake chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
Aw, poor lad. You got really well inside Neville's head there, and got him well in canon too. The moral arguement near the beginning was great, and I can imagine Neville thinking those things, where other guys might just be jealous, NEville knows that he wants Ginny to be happy, and tries to convince himself that he shouldn't feel jealoud. THis shows he cares, and is a great touch. Also the fact that he puts homself down all the time. And his daydream. It's all so great and sad.
xxgambitxx chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
This has a been a cute, well written and descriptive story, well done.