Reviews for Perfect
Guest chapter 4 . 5/21/2014
This is a different take on all the characters I know you wrote it almost ten years ago your writing is beautiful. Bonpetite
Skyeward MusicLover chapter 6 . 9/4/2012
shadowphantomness chapter 1 . 1/14/2012
This is so sweet *sniff* I love stories where Erik and Christine get together... and the idea that in ALW-verse, he watched over her for years is touching.
FYInichole chapter 6 . 1/4/2011
nooooooo, Is that the ending?
Vampiric Phantoms chapter 6 . 5/29/2008
This was amazing. I absolutely love it. It's not like all the other stories like this where it's the perfect little life. This one has doubts and trials through it. Very nice.
zeeksmom chapter 6 . 4/8/2008
Even though this story is over 2 years old, I just found it and it's wonderful! You've managed to retain the mystery and allure of Gerry's Phantom and still make his love real, and plausible, not an unmotivated longing.

I also found "Perfection," and being a fan of E/C as played by Butler and Rossum, I could picture every second of that wedding night. Lucky, lucky girl!

I'd love to encourage you to do more stories, please.

Umino Akiko chapter 6 . 3/4/2006
Love it! Was that the end of the whole story? If so you absolutely MUST make a sequal!
AHealingRenaissance chapter 6 . 10/26/2005
I agree completely about writing or seeing a shrink :) (Though for me, it's reading or being "Shrunk")The movie makes me cry every time I watch her walk away from his sad eyes and broken heart. Since this box says authors want criticism, the only things I would think of changing are maybe a little more detail to ch. 6 and, since I think Raoul is a flippy-haired fop, I would love to read about her telling him she didn't want to see him again (nice or not nice):p It touched me when Erik told Christine about holding her and nursing her through her fever. I'd fall for that in a second! I thought it more fitting when he shared himself so fully with her than just telling her they must return, as in the movie. You did a really good job of making it clear that Erik's temper was not uncontrollable, and I especially liked that he didn't kill anyone, though I did grin when Bouqet (sp?) found a Punjab lasso under his pillow that night :) That's all I can think of. Hope I've been helpful :)
OperaLover chapter 6 . 10/26/2005
Very touching, very sweet- and nice to have a little 'insight' into the previous lives of Madame and Meg.

Couldn't help myself- had to read the whole thing tonight, and loved every word. Bravissima!
OperaLover chapter 3 . 10/26/2005
How could one not love this Phantom? So sweet and almost child-like. Not quite as innocent as Christine, but still an innocent in some respects. The scene with Madame Giry at the end is especially touching- indeed, she is his mother, sister and friend. Brava!
OperaLover chapter 2 . 10/26/2005
I love the description of Madame Giry- "ever the practical one". She always seemed that way to me, practical and yet a romantic, too. In a word, a Frenchwoman... Wonderful depiction of his anguish and pain and confusion. I felt it with him!
OperaLover chapter 1 . 10/26/2005
A friend recommended your stories to me and I am in awe! I cannot wait to read the next chapters, and wish I could read them all in one night, but... of course, that leaves me with something extremely enjoyable to look forward to!
dancergrl19 chapter 1 . 10/25/2005
Wow! Great story!
HDKingsbury chapter 6 . 10/21/2005
Congratulations on a very well written story. I'm hoping to start Perfection later tonight.

HDKingsbury chapter 5 . 10/20/2005
Again, I love how you've filled in the background for these people. The story of what happened to Fleur and Alphonse is very tragic, and Erik's response to these events and his emergence as the Opera Ghost is logically constructed. I also like how you've made him to be an even more integral part of the opera house - not just a resident ghost, but part of the whole process, the designs, the music. Again, you've taken something only hinted at in the movie and built around it.

Christine's uncertainties are certainly understandable, and it's nice that she has Fleur as a mother figure, an older woman, she can talk to about these "grown up" matters. Yes, a nice mother-daughter conversation.

I was going to read the last chapter, but have decided to keep to my original plan and save the final chapter of this story for tomorrow night.

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