Reviews for Well, There Goes My Gallbladder
widgetgirl chapter 1 . 4/9/2008
aw forth story of yours I have read... the pancakes were gritty ;-)
softydog88 chapter 1 . 10/30/2006
Um, hello. softyblue here, (well, the softydog88 half of softyblue) piping in with a review for you and a fishstick for me. I made the monumental decision to read and review stories written by my tireless supporters and you, hannahmuffinisinjured certainly qualify, with a bullet. I decided to start with this story because I simply love the title. Fortunately, the wit didn't end there. I think you did a marvelous job of alluding to Luke's feelings without hitting the reader over the head with them (a good thing; my head is the soft part of softydog). I could clearly see him squirming, feel his ambivalence, sense his gall bladder dissolving in a pool of guilt at the lies he was telling her. Let's see, what other goodies for me on Hallowed Eve's eve? You made Max suitably dull; I was drawn to the dissimilarity of Luke's opinion of him (He was like a knight in shining armor- a teacher, a poet, intelligent and sensitive and polite. He was a damn fairy tale, the guy all women wished for) and his actual personality (“Look at this. The Hartford Courant says the opening of the new museum is at 10 AM, while the New York Times reports it as 10:10.” He shook his head in disbelief. “Fascinating. Fascinating.”). It was funny (“Luke.” Lorelai was beginning to get exasperated at his mime act. “At least pretend to be locked in a box or something. Here, try the tug of war thing. I’ll be at the other end.”) and amusing (Besides the little fact that he was in love with her and would probably stick his head in the wedding cake if he had to witness her union to Max.) and hilarious (Luke turned the invitation face down and lay back onto his bed. Well, there goes my gallbladder.) and any other ways I can think of to describe its jocularity. So, an all-around excellent job. My only criticism is that I wish there was more - and for a criticism, that's always the one you want.

victorialeigh chapter 1 . 10/29/2005
I do like filler stories, but I prefer when they end with Luke and Lorelai together. It was short and sweet, but I understand school does come first. Thanks for writing. (It is the end of Oct. but I just read the story now hope you don't mind the late review)
Dreams-of-Oompa-Loompas chapter 1 . 10/11/2005
wow, i just saw the long reviews in your Hedge Clippers story, and wow, I write nothign compared top that. it makes me feel low, stupid and downright lazy! not that im not. i tried to review for the actual story, but hey, it turns out there are rules! like, u cant review more than once per chapter! who made up that rule! i mean, come on, i feel so inferior against these super long reviews! so, i just am reviewing agiain. if you do not know me, i am the crazy person who always reviews your stories. hmp. as weird as this sound, u are my idol! u are a great writer! so, on with the review, and away from the praising. u are not god. i hope. cause that would just be weird.

so, as i was saying-what was i saying? oh yeah, love the story. here i sit, again, on a school day, being lazy and writing while i should be at school. oops, i hope midterms are tommorow! well, i like all the lukelorelai fluff. to bad lorelai did not really go upstairs to yell at luke. you said that u will update soon! this does not seem like soon. so soon better be soon or soon i will show you what soon really means, soon. who knew u could say soon so many times in one sentence! well, i must sound absolutely crazy now. well, mostly cause i am. i mean it, im crazy. its a miracle they havent put me in a mental institute! well, im not like killer crazy, u kno, with some big crazy ax or something like 'chop chop chop!' that would be weird and totally gross.

so, i love how max was like, 'oh, the museums are opening, and blah blah blah.' its so interesting! hes so crazy! i need more luke lorelai fluff. soon. please. really soon. i hope. well, i want luke to say somthing to lorelai, cause if she runs, it'll be just like in the series.

i like how you wrote about the tootbrush in the toilet. gross. if that ever happened...eww! oh wait, that happened to my sister...wonder who did it? i wonder if she knows? bwa ha ha!

im not evil, seriously, im not.

well, i like 'and we have three syllables.' the entire story is just like it would be in the series. honestly, its good. are u like, amy sherman palladino herself? cause if so, u should have made these things happen! that would explain why you have no disclaimer! cause u own it! or maybe i just missed it. oh well.

so, i want to say, why do you have two stories. didnt u say, i hate those people who write tons of stories but never update them? hypocrite. u better update your stories soon. mostly cause i wanna read them, but also cause im bored to death and dont wanna have to get on my knees and beg. cause i have no knees. well, not really. i got no mean to mock those without legs, k yall? well, just please update soon. i have no life, so fanfiction makes me happy. well, it keeps me from squirming into a little ball and dying in the corner of my room, chewing on my hair. honestly, update soon. please. sorry if i made horrible jokes in this review. update soon! soon! i mean close this window and type, type, type!
Alexiamanda chapter 1 . 10/2/2005
GASP! What? You have another story? Since when? Ah, apparently September 5th. You could pinch my cheeks off if you really wanted to, but then I would look funny because my face would have no cheeks and I would be cheekless (in the face! HA! Sorry) and would have no cheek, therefore not being able to be sarcastic. So I would urge you to quash your urges (aren't I clever? Don't answer that) to pinch my cheeks off because of the reason stated above and the fact that it would probably be quite painless for me. But if you REALLY want to I guess you could, I mean, time and place, I'll be there. Okay, maybe not. But I'll try! Okay, maybe not. I probably would be like "who is this Muffin person who would like to pinch my cheeks? Why? Is this Muffin person crazy? Or should I allow her to pinch my cheeks off?". You know what, I think I am crazy...

STORY! I'm just gonna start doing that after my...daily reviewal ramble? No. Annual? No. Uh...consistant! Consistant reviewal ramble...whatever. After I ramble in my reviews about no particular subject. BUT- ha! Stick his face in the wedding cake! I would laugh- and join him, I bet Lorelai's wedding cake would be realy yummy. I want cake. I want cake more than fishsticks (gasp!). M...cake. My mom used to watch my mouth out with soap when I lied. And I lied a lot. Caress tasted a lot better than Dial. Irish Spring I never got the pleasure to use, because it was a free gift from the hotel and it was gone rather quickly.

Yes! I have started to watch the re-runs on ABC Family, mostly when my father's not watching golf or football when I get home at 4:03 (grumble). He's either asleep or watching TV. And only one TV gets satellite (sniffle). But I tape them in the mornings when I can and have a Gilmore Girls fanfest for myself at night. It's sad. I threw a party for myself once, complete with Twister and snacks and music and dancing and TV and movies. It lasted all night and I was all by myself. Actually it was quite fun; I tried to put together a 3-D White House (didn't work) and sang all the Anastasia and Lion King songs and ate black olives and Rice Krispy bars (not at the same time) and ended up watching TV on our couch with no springs. I don't believe I made it to bed that night. Sadly enough I did not have any fishsticks.

Okay, I'm shutting up. I don't know why I think you people enjoy listening to my rants. I think it's because I don't know you and I just have so many stories that pop into my head (like the party! Where'd it come from? Oh, GG fanfest) and I just spit them out back to you.

Well, There Goes My Gallbladder.
ChocolatMoosePi chapter 1 . 9/25/2005
all your fics rock, and, seriously, what could possibly top a fic named for a bile-storing organ...?

~ Hannah Banana
jennalynn chapter 1 . 9/24/2005
ok im in love with wait. i hate barry. you know why? because he's not a java junkie in all your stories i have never read one that is not a java junkie. the end just made me want to read it again. just to look for a little bit of closure..but alas...there was none.

i love the line about the slinkie down the water fall, becuase even though its eccentric it actually does sum that feeling up perfectly. i wonder why no one else has ever thought to describe it like that. probably because we are scared someone is going to look at us like we are strange. but thats the beauty of it

Ok, i have to know what you think about the new season. i personally love the nerotic dog. i luaghed and laughed, well until i almost cried at the end when they had the excahnge "you really hurt me" "well right back at you" that part got me

WEll normally i rant or ramble in my reviews but today im feeling at peace with the world and have nothing to rant about and am just a little tired to ramble which is an extremely rare occurence. No wait! i do have something to say..i finally ran across some of that cereal flavored ice cream you have been ranting about for forever. Extrememly weird

So anyway...welcome back you have been missed and your stories have been greatly missed. How was your hiatus?
J.Stone chapter 1 . 9/16/2005
Well, as you said. Posting something is better than posting nothing.

raggedyman-irememberyou chapter 1 . 9/14/2005
ok, so, i have to say it. oy with the oneshots already! why must you torture us with these little bits of Muffin writing! it's like showing a poor person what the President is eating for Thanksgiving dinner, and then giving them a roll. i am skilled at coming up with random analogies, if you haven't already figured that out. which i'm sure you really have, since, well, not to be arrogant or anything, because i'm no such thing, but it's just obvious.

guess what? for the first day since school started, I HAVE NO HOMEWORK! i am so buzzed about this. i hate eighth grade. it's not like it's hard or anything, because i could sleep through school and still pull A's (again with the non-arrogance) but i have been getting a crapload of homework! it's sickening. my teachers need to die slowly and painfully. i had so much homework over the weekend (including two projects- in the first week!) that my mom threatened not to let me go to my riding lesson. luckily, she caved (my world- famous perseverance at work here!) and so i got to go ride and then i painted jumps and got high on the fumes.

ok, enough of that. good story, i gotta run. sorry for such a short rant.
CrazyAlwaysClueNever chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
What about his kidneys?
pOnDeReSqUe chapter 1 . 9/9/2005
i'm reviewing this today because I wanted to actually make this review longer than the last one i left you. i know, i have great ambitions. pretty soon people are going to cut my head off and name a salad after me.

i think i was actually like the first one to read this story, 'cause when I read it it had no reviews. and i was like, when does one of muffin's stories not have a review? i think there's actually a whole "Muffin's my Honeybunny" society that spend their days logged on to their email adresses eagerly awaiting a new muffin chapter or muffin story.

Hm... I think we should start calling your stories McMuffins. That would be awesome. Ooh! I just came up with a bit of fanfiction lingo! Do i get a placque or something? Perhaps a signed Luke figurine? I wonder if that can be arranged. Wow, and don't you feel so honored that that lingo is in your honor? And twenty years from now, if this universe hasn't imploded already due to our own self-destructive behavior such as bombing each other for no reason whatsoever, you'll still be a famous figure in fanfictiondom. There'll be a cyber-statue of you erected in the middle of the homepage whatsit drinking coffee with a flower things around your head because you must admit, those flower things are awesome and surely there must be another name for it than 'flower thing.'

H.R. Pufnstuf... You can't get a little 'cause you can't get enough... H.R. Pufnstuf... You can't get a little 'cause you can't get enough...

That charming little commercial break was brought to you by the warped mind of Ponderesque and the old 70's cartoon themes constantly going through her head.

that was a pretty good introduction. But that's just the metaphorical bun. Sesame seed, of course. But we have not yet gotten to the cheese and the meat and the yummy In-N-Out sauce and grilled onions and if you want them and aren't vega-phobic, tomatoes and lettuce. Gah, I'm hungry now. Damnit. (Leaves to eat Jello.) Back. And now the introduction ends. The REAL review begins. Are you excited? I am...


Okay, that was the emotion. Now, the reason. There is a slightly overweight psychologist staring at me behind a desk. His expression: curious. I'm not sure if he's curious about where the small brown spot on the carpet came from or because I suddenly had a random angry outburst.

My feelings: angsty. I am burning deep holes into his brain, and now I am looking somewhere around his stomach, possibly his gallbladder. Are gallbladders near stomachs? I don't know. You seem to be very up with the times on the human anatomy. You knew where spleens were. I mean are. 'Cause if it were past-tense then all of the human race's spleens would be gone and that would probably cause us to die. In any case, clearly you are very intelligent. Going off on a biology tangent now, and as it is now friday i don't feel like talking about school. i'm sure you understand.

and now back to a few sentences ago, when i hated you. remember that?

Deep breath, Laura. You know my name now, so there's no use hiding it with my fake names any longer. My fake name, is coincidentally (oh my god, another coincidence) Trixie. Actually, I have many, but that's my whore name. It's what the pimps in the 'hood call me. Must stop with the tangents!

Tangent gone. And now for the Luke rant.

You must continue this. I am asking you in a very loud voice to continue this. In fact, now I am yelling at you. I know that this is a one-shot. I read the A/N. But my brain does not accept that. My beautiful mind with all of its angstiness and cleverness and brilliantness is shutting down because right now I am pining for another chapter. I read it...and throughout the whole thing I gradually became more and more attached to it... Till in my head it was Luke and I was Lorelai and I was cuddling it and we were nuzzling and yes, I know it's name is Barry and Barry is a very fitting name for it but in my mind it was Luke and in the background "Time After Time" was playing, mostly because at the time I lacked the imagination to come up with a more obscure corny song and yes, "Time After Time" is way overused and I'm sorry, but it was playing and Barry/Luke and I were once again, nuzzling, AND THEN...

I got to the beautiful last sentence. Barry/Luke was gone.

I jumped up from the imaginary bed in my head (oh, a rhyme...tanget oncoming! TANGENT ONCOMING! Whoosh. Danger averted.) And I yelled out, "BARY! LUKE! STELA!" Because in my head as well as not in my head, as in in reality, I was very angry. Where had Barry/Luke gone? Where was "Time After Time"? Why was it replaced with Black Box Recorder who I love but they depress me to no end?

So as I was listening to "da da da da da da...Life is unfair, Kill yourself or get over it..." IN my head, I suddenly went spazzy. I convinced myself that I was for some reason trying to sabotage myself and that you had not, in fact, written "this is a one-shot" or a phrase with a similar meaning in your A/N. Hope filled me. I reread your A/N. My hopes were crushed. The BBR blared louder.

I miss Luke/Barry. And now let me tell you WHY... (Ok, THIS is the real review, I promise. The intro has officially ended.)

This. Fic. Is. Bloody. Awesome.

I am speaking very slowly because clearly you are stupid enough to believe that you 'aren't good at writing angst.' Um, hello, Muffin. This is beautiful. It made me laugh and cry and why yes, after Barry/Luke was lost to me I had two ENTIRE bars of dark chocolate. Maybe it's just because I'm a sucker for angst. Oppositely from you, I LOVE writing angst. But not "I hate my life and you suck" Blah angst but gentle angst laced with subtle wit which is exactly what this gorgeous but much too short fic is.

SHALL WE GO OVER SOME OF MY FAVORTIE PARTS? Let's shall. As if your ego isn't bloated enough already. Just let some of it extend into your gallbladder, how 'bout that?

"No matter how much he told himself he didn’t care about her, her smile turned him to jelly. And he hated it. He hated the power she had over him- how it seeped into every aspect of his life; how Rachel, the only woman he thought could make him forget Lorelai, left because of him. Yet Lorelai was still Lorelai, oblivious and stupid and ignorant and wonderful."

WHY YES, I DO KNOW I JUST COPY AND PASTED AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH INTO THIS REVIEW! Just makes it longer. I wish I could marry this paragraph. Seriously, if it were physically possible to make love to a four-sentence bit of prose, this would be the one. Woah, that extends into a dirty that "lapdancing each and every letter" does not quite touch upon. I love that paragraph. It made a sort of sigh go through my body. It made me hug in-my-head-Barry/Luke very hard and go buy him a cookie.

While I am on the subject of your fic, I wanted to point out that Max's middle name is Arturo. Remember? The butcher? The clown? And the...such? I'm sure other fanatics have already pointed it out to you. Not important. Who knows, maybe stupid Max made it up... Because of, his, um, butcher fetish. Ok, let's move on.

"In silence, he could hear them being read aloud in a voice that sounded suspiciously like hers."

Perhaps I should threesome with the paragraph and this sentence. We'd need a large bed, and our children would be very odd looking. But I'm willing to work through it.

"What could he say, really? Her argument was perfect, no holes whatsoever. Besides the little fact that he was in love with her and would probably stick his head in the wedding cake if he had to witness her union to Max. That was more like a gaping crater in the logic. Not a crater that she was aware of, though. And he wasn’t planning to be the one to inform her."

Screw the threesome. Let's break barriers. Make it a foursome. This...paragraph...made shivers run down my skull and it very nearly made me cry. Plus imagining Luke randomly putting his head through a wedding cake made me chuckle. Barry/Luke's shirt got wet. He made me get him another cookie.

"Was it unfair to be hurting her just so he wouldn’t get hurt?"

You know what, if I'm just gonna keep adding things to my "What to Do" list, then let's just call it an orgy and get it over with.

“Luke.” Lorelai was beginning to get exasperated at his mime act. “At least pretend to be locked in a box or something. Here, try the tug of war thing. I’ll be at the other end.”

Laughter. Barry/Luke laughed with me. We had quite a merry time in that head of mine.

Oh yes, and while we are once again on the subject of your fic, I must point out another mistake. I'm assuming the "Ready to speak, Melissa?" is a reference to the book Speak? Well, as I have read that book about eighteen thousand times and watched the movie only to find that it was horrible and I threw my shoe at the TV, much to my mother's disgruntlement and angerment- her name is Melinda. If it's not about Speak, then, well, let's get back to the very long review I'm writing right now.

There's no use speaking about the rest of the fic because I love it with all of my might and only if you could see the very amusing series of expressions on my face while I read and reread it would you understand just how much I love it.

*SIGH.* I know, I know. You need to fulfill your academic integrity and please your inner Rory (is that a dirty?) and be smart and pass all of your classes with a big, fat, shiny A plus, perhaps with a crown and a wand if you really want them there, though frankly if I were a big fat shiny A plus I think I'd have enough hanging on me to worry about the frivolities that are fairy wear, but...but... I... It... But Barry... He... I...

Do you understand, now, the reasoning behind the NO! I HATE YOU!

We are geniuses, apparently. You call me a genius, and you can infer from this review that I think you are a genius. We should take over the world. Screw Bush.

I think this review is actually longer than the story. And now I must leave you. Because I just checked and this thing is FIVE PAGES LONG. Plus I've been typing for almost an hour and a half. I've got mad typing skills.

I am currently pining for Barry/Luke and as this is (it's hard for me to say it loud) a one-shot, I think I need to just move on with my life. I'll look to the future. I'll be optimistic. This McMuffin has entered the world (Ooh, and now i'm USING the lingo) and soon another McMuffin will walk into it, also. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

I've got a very convincing puppy dog face, so watch out.

I love you. I love this fic. Life is unfair. Kill yourself or get over it.

This review is officially WRAPPED.
Pink-x-Moonlight chapter 1 . 9/8/2005
and finaally, the long awaited return has arrived! yay. seeing your username made me excited, im not going to lie. the length of the author's note was kind of startling though. so short in comparison to others! but the story was cute and fillerish and definitely a little bit angsty. damn that barry! I hate when fics get out of control like that. but overall, good one shot. im glad to see you back :)
WeHaveACase chapter 1 . 9/7/2005
Great story...I love that it wasn't completely sappy, and was actually realistic. Cuz seriously...Luke would not have actually told her, like most people would have made him do if they did a filler for that eppy. So I'm seriously lovin the whole "there goes my gallbladder" thing...very original lol. That whole "ready to speak Melissa" thing...thats a book reference right? From the book Speak? And I totally loved her rant about the one syllable thing..."how's bush handling the 9/11 situation"...cute!

I was really happy to see in my mailbox that you had posted another story...and once again you have not disappointed me! I love your writing, and you crack me up everytime I read your author's notes and shout are great! Oh and as a side note...I have finally written a story of my own! lol I would love some feedback from here I go plugging my own story...its called "What Now?" and penname is Bambi McBimbo so please read and review...and not just you Hanna...anyone who's actually reading the reviews...come review my story! Okay enough with the shameless plugging of my own writing...focus back on you :)...keep up the awesome work...and don't make us wait so long this time!
oywidapoodles chapter 1 . 9/7/2005
So, I printed this out so I could read it while my brother was on the computer. I almost forgot to review *shock!*

So, I read my last review again to understand what all you were saying, and I actually did know about her working with Scott Cohen on another show- Law and Order. So funny that he was a murderous-rampage-y guy!

omg, my sister flipped to Encore and Bad Santa was on, and I was like "Change the channel!", and she was like "Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you!", and I was like "a lot of things, but mainly right now that I don't wanna see... that." (yes, I adlibbed a little, but that was pretty much what I said). I just really, really don't want to see that. I mean it's just wrong seeing Lrean with someone other than Luke . Seeing Chris scenes or Jason scenes already makes me nearly puke, I don't need to see her with Billy Bob Thorton! Ew! Okay, finished with that now.

ooh! isn't it wierd when something pretty much scalds your hand with how hot is and you say "Hot!"... Wait, am I the only person who does that?... Anyway what's especially wierd, is that I seem to do the same thing whenever I see Scott I do the same thing, usually just in my head, but it depends on where he is and what he's doing.

omg, it was just my birthday! Yay! ANyway, I got [brag]a Scott Patterson baseball card, an "Everyone loves an Irish girl" tee shirt, and s1 which I really wanted![/brag] I also got some cd's and other clothes 'n stuff, but I just wanted to make you jealous with that. hee hee.

Okay, so I'm reviewing a fic! I almost forgot what I was doing. lol. Awesome, awesome story! It wasn't to agsty. It was less angsty than the Luke stuff in "But not as Cute as Pushkin", and that's like the perfect amount of angstyness... angst for you!

Love that Luke thought the ring was "A little deco." ha ha!

When the title started to make sense and you were saying that it was eating him up inside, I pretty much got that the story would end with him not saying anything. Although, I probably should have already figured that out cuase it's an angsty fic, and cause you said it was like a missing scene. Oh well, I guess I'm just slow sometimes.

favorite part- when uh, ... I don't know it's so sad!

How bout that Lorelai was hurt that Luke didn't seem to want to come? I mean I know it's not good to have your favorite part be a Lorelai being sad part, but it shows how much she wants him there *tear, tear*

BTW, love the idea of Brain-Chex-Mix. Brain-storm totally doesn't make any sense.

Great fic!

Ooh! You know what I like? fishsticks.
Izzpuppy Again chapter 1 . 9/7/2005

P.S. Update And What A Happy Holiday It Is and

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