Reviews for Hold On
LoneWolf004 chapter 9 . 5/18
AHHHHHH I LOVED THIS STORY SO MUCH Thank you for writing it!
LoneWolf004 chapter 7 . 5/18
LoneWolf004 chapter 1 . 5/17
gleamqueen chapter 9 . 8/10/2019
I absolutely love this story. My heart dropped to my stomach because of all the feels and I don't think it'll come back up anytime soon. Thank you so much for such an amazing adventure!
twinkletwinklebubbles chapter 9 . 9/28/2013
Love it
aa chapter 3 . 11/22/2011
I don't think Kyo would have sex with Tohru because of the possibility of her becoming pregnant and having to raise a child without a father :/..
aa chapter 2 . 11/22/2011
This is very well-written so far, but the random Japanese words are distracting and unnecessary...there are English words they translate to, you know :
j.d.y chapter 9 . 4/21/2011
So amazing XD I really loved this XD
FadingNoctis chapter 9 . 8/28/2010
*cries* This is such a beautiful story. I'm really happy that you wrote it. -

The ending was amazing. Especially Kyo being all cool husband-like with lines like "Have you been keeping secrets, love?"

XD Now I kinda wish you wrote the wedding (I know, I know. It wouldn't have fit into the story). Maybe a one-shot? :D

I'm looking forward to that one-shot you mentioned in the last chapter. Can't wait to read it!

This story was AMAZING (as ALWAYS). :)
FadingNoctis chapter 8 . 8/28/2010
You don't know how long I've waited for this to happen! I love the sweet lemon at the end! -

This whole chapter was spectacular. With Kyo coming back and the mystery of the new head of the family, and then of course Kyo and Tohru's reunion. -

I usually don't have favorite lines in fanfiction, but the Yuki's line "Think of it more on Kyou's terms…more like I'm finally breaking free from the cage" took my breath away. Not only did it speak the gravity of Yuki leaving, but it also told the reader the relationship between Yuki and Kyo. It was good to hear. :)

Amazing, as Always.
FadingNoctis chapter 7 . 8/28/2010
Another great chapter! Enjoyed every inch of it. Can't wait to read the next. :D

Amazing, as Always.
FadingNoctis chapter 6 . 8/28/2010
I was Aw-ing thoughout the whole chapter. With the flashback, having the baby named Katsuya, Kagura and Kisa being able to hold the baby (I wonder why?...XD), and with Isuzu admiting that Kyo and Tohru's relationship was rough. It was an excellent chapter. ;)

Amazing, as Always.
FadingNoctis chapter 5 . 8/28/2010
Another great chapter all the way through. Love how Tohru's child is a boy and looks like Kyo. (Like the manga) -

One question through: How did Kyo know Tohru had his baby? It's one thing to dream, but...It seemed like he was really sorry for the fact she got pregnant (I understand and all, but still). I wonder...?

Amazing, as Always. :)
FadingNoctis chapter 4 . 8/28/2010
Another great chapter. I love the little flashbacks you put in the begining with Kyo and Tohru. So sweet. -

I like how you made this fanfic more realistic with Tohru and Yuki seeing the Grandfather. Made it more like story. :)

Amazing, as Always. :)
FadingNoctis chapter 3 . 8/28/2010
LOVED the opening flashback! - Yay for Kyoru! :)

Enjoyed the Haru/Yuki scene. Always adored these two. -

Amazing, as Always.
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