Reviews for Meg Giry is not an Alto!
J.E.K chapter 1 . 12/11/2019
You are allowed your own opinions, but you don’t have to be obnoxious about it. This and your companion “story” is just that. Obnoxious.
Child of Dreams chapter 5 . 2/23/2016
(laughing hysterically)
You mean somebody ACTUALLY had the guts to turn Erik into Erika?
Evita chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
Carlotta is not a dramatic soprano, shes a coloratura soprano. Coloraturas are the highest types of sopranos, but dramatic can have the same range as a lyryc soprano but sounds darker.
GuitarGirl97 chapter 5 . 9/1/2013
Hilarious and informative- I loved it! It's nice to read the work of someone who clearly knows this subject inside out and the information will be very helpful for writing POTO fics! My only hope now is that I haven't already written some stupid mistakes... thanks for the information! :)
Phanatic chapter 1 . 6/25/2013
The story is great But Megs The voice part is never specified in the Novel. It is likely that no one knows her range Or fach because she never has to sing. Everybody has a singing voice Hers is probably just mediocre.

And of course however they write it in the musical is correct because it is ALW's Interpretation. The last the last chapter Was super funny.
meggiry chapter 5 . 1/14/2013
Lol i watched ALW but have not read the book yet i am going 2
Stella221 chapter 5 . 5/5/2012
Absolutely hilarious, and a much needed bit of information. I'm glad you did this in such an entertaining manner! I also have a professional music background, and the degree of people's assumptions on musicianship does irk me. It always stuns me how people think "it's so easy!" and disrespects our efforts. The GOAL of a musician is to perform well, and MAKE the long hours of practice LOOK easy.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one to feel off about the different sopranos used for Carlotta/Christine in the musical/movie being able to change parts. You'll notice we don't hear Christine singing Carlotta's parts in the musical (Il muto for instance). The Aria "think of me" was originally written to showcase Christine's voice, so it works when she sings it.

It only makes sense that they were the same type of soprano if she was Erik's choice to replace Carlotta. (Leroux)

I like your Erik comments, it's quite amusing. I'd like to read more.
Consulting Timelady chapter 5 . 6/27/2009
I want to thank you for writing this. I'm in the middle of writing my own story, and I had the outline written, and a few future chapters... Let's just say this is going to help me a lot when I re-write those.

I also checked out "Mary Sue is not an Energizer Bunny" which also helped me.

So, thanks, and stuff. :)
Maudlin Hart chapter 1 . 3/12/2009
Well, as a girl who has the voice of an Orc and is in chorus for some reason... AHAHAHAHAHA! I'm not laughing at your subject matter, just the way you've written this. Gods, you are hilarious.

Poor Erik. Does he need a hug?
VerdeAmor chapter 5 . 1/9/2009
Dear Britomartis,

I have ust read your 'Meg Giry is Not An Alto.'These points are quite obviously made. I thank you for this. Honestly, I will try to make Erik as authentic as possible.

But for the thing on OC's, I must disagree with you. Not all OC's are Mary-Sue's, only the good ones are not. But seeing your information you have gathered, I'll do my best to follow the guidelines.

Plus, the musical gives us another[no matter how badly it's done] view on the story. I really wish that Erik did kill ALW though, have you heard of the Phantom Of Manhattan?

Sincerely submitted,

Christine Ruud chapter 5 . 1/1/2009
THANK YOU! I think this fic needs to be something all phanfic authors read before publishing their first piece of writing to the masses. Very. Worthwhile. Indeed.
Serpina Silver Tongue chapter 2 . 12/16/2008
About the pregnancy and singing career thing, read these:


I was curious because I am a singer and might want to have a baby someday. These articles make me feel a lot better, while what you say would make me want to get my tubes tied, if I hadn't done my research. :)
Serpina Silver Tongue chapter 1 . 12/16/2008
I’ve read this piece before, but this time I’d like to make a few corrective comments on this first chapter. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy this story, I just have some rants to get out.

First, the ALW movie was made in 2004 not 2005. Sadly it has caused a lot of confusion in many areas.

I would not make the blatant statement that Christine could not sing Carlotta’s roles. That is untrue, as she did sing them very well in the book as well as the musical and many other versions. However “Christine” in the movie (i.e. Emmy Rossum) honestly should not be singing opera at all. She does much better as a synthesized pop singer. She is too young for the musical role of Christine, and much too young to sing opera. Just look at Charlotte Church.

Also, nowhere in the novel does Leroux state that Christine is 16-years-old. That would be absurd for two main reasons: her singing and her childhood relationship with Raoul. Leroux does tell us that Raoul is 21; therefore it is reasonable to assume that Christine is near the same age. Childhood sweethearts are rarely more than 2 years apart in age. Can you imagine a 5-years-old and a 10-year-old falling in love? The age of 16 for Christine is yet another movie misconception.

As far as Meg goes, ALW had to give her some voice part. It’s a musical for crying out loud! Sadly, some authors (especially E/M shippers) take this (and her lines during “Angel of Music”) to mean that she wants to be an opera singer too, which she does not.

One further note of complaint. Not all opera singers are Dramatic singers. Several famous Lyric Coloratura opera singers include Lily Pons, Lucia Popp, Beverly Sills, Natalie Dessay, and Sumi Jo. Famous Lyric Sopranos in opera include Angela Gheorghiu, Lisa della Casa, Kiri Te Kanawa, and Victoria de los Angeles. Opera requires a loud voice, but not necessarily a heavy voice. While I do realize that there are many people within specific vocal fachs that should sing opera, that does not mean that no one of the fach should sing opera. Judging from the diverse roles Christine sings in Leroux’s novel (Aida, Juliette, Marguerite, etc.) I would call her either a light and flexible soprano somewhere between lyric and dramatic (since not everyone fits neatly into fachs) or a dramatic coloratura like Joan Southerland. But that is purely speculation.

OK, end of rant. I really do appreciate you effort to clear up musical misconceptions though.
MadLizzy chapter 5 . 11/30/2008
I laughed all through this, mainly because I am not much of an ALW fan and your characterizations were spot on. I'm not sure what made me laugh the most, but I think, "Gerald!" did it. That, and ("Gerald"looking fondly at the torture chamber) "Home sweet home." Brilliant, fun, and thoroughly appreciated. Thank you!
MadLizzy chapter 4 . 11/30/2008
"His inbox gets rather lonely. (pause) My that sounds worse than I meant it." LOL! And again with the LOLing when I read, "He would just like to say that Science is hard and acid burns." If you keep this up, I'll be reading more of your stories. Just thought I should warn ya.
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