Reviews for Saving the World One Hanyou at a Time
TheElegantFaerie chapter 9 . 8/30/2013
Ooh so if Giles is there is anyone else in the Feudal Era with him or is it just Giles? I can't wait for Buffy to meet Sesshomaru and Koga!
redcristal chapter 9 . 2/27/2009
poke this story sleaping?

well I'll click on alert anyway.

Hope you'll update this wonderfull story soon.
Calico Mogget chapter 9 . 9/24/2008
So, it looks like you haven't updated in a very long time, but I really enjoyed your story and would like to make a request that you complete it. Please? Pretty please?
n chapter 9 . 3/2/2008
u know what i just realized, you havent mentioned shippo or kirara at all.
Corrina chapter 9 . 8/19/2007
Please, please, please, please, please update again! It's been a year it seems. I just so happened to get lucky and find this story. You added Giles at the right time! I so love you, you rock! This story is awesome! Are you going to put Sesshoumaru in it? I would love to see the interaction between Buffy and Sesshoumaru. It could be funny, if not a little scary! LOL Keep up the great work!
LightintheDarkess chapter 9 . 8/4/2007
Great! more! I demand MMOORREE!
PrecariousPersonata chapter 9 . 2/20/2007
aw. are you ever planning to update this?
WhiteTigerMisty chapter 9 . 10/2/2006
That was great! Can't wait till you finish it! It'd be cool to see how it ends!
CallaRose4ever chapter 9 . 7/9/2006
Giles is there! woo hoo! I just wish Spike could come and not turn into a raging ball of fire and ash. This is an interesting story please continue it and update again.
ArT-tHoU-StRaNgE chapter 1 . 6/26/2006
Eh! Where did you go? *Crys* This story is so completle amazing, but you left...It's ok if you're not updating because of tough things, or writers block...My editor (I don't really consider her my editor, because I know more about formatting then she does, but she good with helping me form words and sentances) slash friend, is yelling at me because I have to many works right now, and I need to work on something or other. Well it's a very tiresome argument, but it's true. So I know as an author to author, it's tough (Especially with little diehard editors) but it still doesn't excuse the fact for leaving Giles without saying anything but omph! A brittish omph, but still...Ok, I know I'm a bit...hmm...crazy? But I just had yummy strawberry concentrate! (Yes I'm insane, I know that because only the sane question their sanity!) So please, another chapter...or putting back the ones you put under constrution? I miss them terribly...ok that enough babbeling, I'm sure you have other very important things to do then read my review...ok Um well.

I wish you crazyness to keep you sane!

RemyL89 chapter 9 . 5/9/2006
I LOVE IT! i've read it non-stop for the last hour. it's so good. ya, Giles is there. hm, i wonder how he got there? i can't wait for the next chapter! update soon please!-
Tiger chapter 4 . 4/26/2006
It's me. I'm procrastinating by reading one of your stories I haven't read. I put it off before because I was never into Buffy, but this is interesting. I'm figuring out the Buffy parts, and your writing style is all good.
Justagirlcalledbob chapter 9 . 3/3/2006
yay! Dey makin with de huggles!* bounces around* PLEASE UPDATE CUZ I LOVE BUFFY, INUYASHA, AND YEER STORY!
kagome9854 chapter 7 . 2/11/2006
Great ,Spikes going to wallmark.I wonder what thats going to be wait till next write .
kagome9854 chapter 6 . 2/2/2006
Great chapter.I like the part where Kagome told buffy about the volly ball insedent.I saw the episode where it happened it was wait till next write .
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