Reviews for Deprivation
ClockwerkOrange chapter 9 . 3/2/2010
Oh, man. Excellent. Wonderful. I'm clapping for you, I really mean it.

Sonic and Sally have to be together, or the universe will die. This expressed that. Me like.
ClockwerkOrange chapter 1 . 3/2/2010
Fantastic. Didn't see any obvious errors, and I liked it a lot.

Sally is delicious. No exceptions. Death upon the Sally Bashers! :{
Kanto the Slayer chapter 9 . 11/21/2007
Holy. Fucking. SHIT. You are incredible. You will let me know when you write some more of this, and do it immediately. It's just about the most flawless story I've ever seen, especially in grammar and syntax. But what I really like is all the emotional conflicts that Sally ends up in, and Sonic's quite obvious desire to do some good... even if it doesn't always end up happenning.

Good job, son. Make yer readers proud.
hell-officialy-froze-over chapter 9 . 9/26/2007
i like it please write more

maybe you could maybe put a few more references of other characters in it?
Oneshadedarker chapter 9 . 7/2/2006
Aww...Sally finally acknowledges her feelings! Took her long enough too. Introspection is such a wonderful thing -. Well, it's a start at least, one we can only hope Sonic won't mess up. I think Sally is a great character, carrying too much of a burden and only starting to realize that there are others there willing to carry the weight with her. Together, they can rebuild their childhood and give those like Tails a happier one. I'm just so happy you updated and this was an incredibly piece of self-discovery for Sally, progress that. I hope you update soon, take care and happy writing!
Kasumi9 chapter 9 . 6/29/2006
Glad to see your back! I was almost afraid you weren't going to finish. I'm excited to see what you do with it from here on.

BTW, I love the ending and how you wrote the exchange between Sonic and Sally at the end.
Kittysand Katie chapter 9 . 6/29/2006
So much thinking! So much angst! Oh, the angst! -overly dramatic faint- If you can write better than this, I'd love to see it, but I understand- I haven't updated anything since April. Why do I always burn out? But anyway, if a tad bit emo, this was really well-written.
Gryffindor-Sword chapter 9 . 6/28/2006
Not a bad chapter and it's good that you came back to this one since I almost forgot this one. It's well written and very good. Keep up the good work!
Dianna Cooper chapter 1 . 4/20/2006
wow poor Sally you definetly portared her as someone who is trapped forced to be a leader she thinks she isn't. How her child hood was just lost to her. But then again maybe I see that due to our roleplays and also frol the talks we have had about the comics and satam shows. Any ways definetly good and if you do plan on writeing more to this I say go for it and continue with this story never stop you are as everyone has said from what I read of the reviews a great writer, sighed Hershey the Cat.
HidoiKijo chapter 8 . 2/16/2006
Oh, please post the next chapter soon. I've been following your work and I love it. There's not many writers out there that can portray Sally in a story with such an excellent plot as this one. Major kuddos from Puerto Rico and good luck with the chapters to come.
Oneshadedarker chapter 8 . 1/11/2006
Yay for persistance. Here's hoping Sonic fixes what he's broken without breaking a few bones in the process (I wouldn't put it past Sally at this point). Another great chapter, filled with the wit and charm that appeals to me so. Beautiful writing and description make it a treat to read. I'm just sorry it took me so long. I hope you update soon, I can't wait for the next chapter. Peace and much love.
Oneshadedarker chapter 7 . 1/11/2006
I love the moments Tails and Sally share. They are always filled with love. Sally will make a great mom someday, if she can ever find the time...or the person. I just hope Sally will forgive Sonic soon. I feel bad for him, I mean, without her who will make sure he doesn't do something try to think? - I like Sally's internal monologues, they always hold such truth to them, such deep emotion. I really like the way you've given her life and I've grown to respect the princess, in your story if nothing else. And so, ignorance is being replaced by esteem. Who would have thought? Well, you are THAT good of a writer so why am I surprised? Well anyway, great chapter as always, smooth and descriptive in a way that makes me envious. Hope to see more soon. Peace and much love.
Oneshadedarker chapter 6 . 1/11/2006
(hides in corner)Damn Sally, that was cold. Poor Sonic, I don't know why but I feel such pity for him. But I do understand where Sally is coming from. She doesn't want Tails childhood to be taken away like hers was. This chapter was good and Sally was funny with her ADD bit lol. Another great chapter down, more to go. Peace.
Oneshadedarker chapter 5 . 1/11/2006
Aww, poor Sally. To have her trust betrayed must hurt, especially from a friend. And just when she had finally found relief and a helping hand. Really bad timing. I just hope Sonic doesn't get into much trouble. Anyway, awesome chapter, descriptive as always and so's a new view on a new world for me and I'm really enjoying it. Peace and much love.
Oneshadedarker chapter 4 . 1/11/2006
Wow, Sonic paying attention...I think my head just imploded. But its nice to see new resolve in the hedgehog. Though I'm wondering about the backpack and the noise. I think someone really did stow away, could it be Tails? Well, regardless of whether there was or not, great chapter. I look forward to the next one. Later!
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