Reviews for My Shadow
findingthesunlight chapter 1 . 12/9/2015
i love the story so much. it's the literally the best thing i ever read.
/ faves.
ziyadahrs chapter 1 . 6/25/2014
It kills me to know how much I really love you...
Esthernight chapter 1 . 6/19/2013
this is amazing! I love the symbol of the shadow, things with shadows, darkness, night are great involving Shawn's life.
Toxic Sauna chapter 1 . 8/26/2012
This was terrible.

Why did you compare Cory's face to a potato? Why are they kissing if Cory is still with Topanga? Why did Topanga give up Yale but not NY?

Mediocre writing at best.
snickers-03 chapter 1 . 8/13/2010
awesome. just simply awesome. so angsty it made my heart hurt. but i loved it. :) i think you got both of them perfectly in character.
berta-chan chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
wow really amazing fic! the song 'Jenny was a friend of mine' really fits great with this, i love cory and shawn 3
Fadora Fuze chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
I just wish it could have been a little longer, maybe a little more detailed and not skipping from night to morning. Maybe include a little bit of info about their interactions other than what his naked body the next morning tells us. Other than that, it was an awesome story. Good job. Keep writing.
GlassGem chapter 1 . 2/1/2010
This was just beautiful. Stunning, 3
Black-Rose23 chapter 1 . 3/4/2009
Maybe one day he won't have to live in shadows anymore, and he and Cory will be public as they should be
Americus Sheetah chapter 1 . 11/29/2006
I love Boulevard of Broken dreams I sing it every day in the bus to annoy all the people in it especially a total ass called Eric and a stupid flirty girl called Farah and the girl I like sings with me sometimes in the bus and I like your story but next time write SLASH on it!
Omskivar chapter 1 . 7/2/2006
I had to laugh at "face like a friendly potato". That's a great image and a perfect simile for Cory's head.

I liked this story. You got the characters down pretty well (or at least well enough for me to recognize them - I never did watch BMW a lot), and I liked the angst and the explanation of their relationship.

You were a bit repetetive, though. For example: "Shawn had long ago learned to mute the rancor he wanted to put into sentences like that. "I know," Cory had long ago ceased to hear the rancor (there or not) in sentences like that . . ." I would change the last sentence to "Cory had long ago ceased to hear the rancor whether it was there or not." Otherwise the story sounds like a broken record, and it looks like you're trying to take the easy way out. (Not that I'm implying you are, just that that's what it looks like.) Otherwise, this was pretty good!
coffeexcoffeexcoffee chapter 1 . 6/30/2006
JSYK: Corey met Topanga and then Shawn.

Also, Corey and Shawn NEVER KISSED you crackhead!
dancinbutterfly chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
Hey. So, you rock. Why, you might ask yourself? Well. Hmm. Lemme think. This fic for one. The writing and the pure talent behind it for another. Its beautiful, the moments you wove together, the relationship that spans DECADES in a matter of so few words in such a heart rending blows me away. If you ever do decide to post any of the drafts to the sequel, I'd be VERY anxious to read it.

Dont stop writing. There's too few writers already.
Cortana49 chapter 1 . 3/27/2006
Intense story. The light/dark stuff was interesting.
Rivalovery chapter 1 . 3/25/2006
Wow... this was just... dramatically amazing... Loveable.
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