Reviews for And When That Day Comes
LunaEtSidera chapter 1 . 11/19/2014
Did you know that Shu is the Egyptian god of the atmosphere? Literally the god of hot air. Couldn't resist that little fun fact! :D
Guest chapter 22 . 12/26/2013
Second time reading this and I still love the detail you went into to characterize Wutai's culture and peoples.
Erilin-chan chapter 22 . 11/17/2013
すごい!大好きだよ!(That was amazing! I loved it!) I've actually always had a plot bunny of Vincent being some part of an important clan in Wutai and near civil war happening with the south, so I especially enjoyed this story. I will admit I found the whole reasoning for the marriage a little hard to understand - something about redeeming the honour of House of Shu's family member, but it was a little tenuous, it felt. But then again you were playing on Japanese honour things, and I still don't get that! lol.
Loved the beginning of the romance and it's blossoming. I did find Vincent very talkative, but it was a nice change to normal interpretations of him. I desperately wanna know WHY he was working at a casino, but that's probably lost to the ether. I really liked Yuffie's portrayal, possibly a little bit too young to be so responsible (I would have maybe placed her at 18), but I really liked it. The whole hierarchy and ninja's and stuff was brilliant. The metamorphosis into Da Chao and Leviathan was an interesting idea. Not quite sure how it linked, but it was a really original idea. The ending was a little serious with all the heads rolling, but it fitted well with the story of Japanese tradition.
The end-ending was so good, until he upped and left, the buggery person! So gonna read Star 69 now _
Ligare chapter 22 . 4/17/2011
I wonder why the mice didn't say 'So long and thanks for all the cheese'

I also wonder why the heir to the throne of Wutai gets to keep the shinobi aka assassin squad, independent even from the ruler. If the heir apparent think the current Lord/Lady takes too long to expire, won't it make things easier should the heir wish to stake a kudeta?
EmoPrincess21 chapter 22 . 1/15/2011
yamikinoko chapter 22 . 9/19/2010
Wow. The sheer amount of detail that went into this fic is astounding. Great characterization, and fantastic weaving of the plot. Well done!
dansemacabre chapter 18 . 5/14/2010
Not to seem rude or anything, but why are the names and the names of the clans in Chinese, when Kisaragi, as name grounds, is Japanese?
xandria chapter 22 . 12/25/2009
Interesting story. I couldn't stop reading from the first chapter. It was well-written and riveting. However, I find that I have some unanswered questions - some loose ends that may need typing up. Overall, though, well done! Thanks for sharing this. :-)
Sirona chapter 22 . 11/5/2009
This is a great piece of work. I love the thought and depth you've put into the backstory of Wutai - very believable, very detailed, and a different take to most of what's out there. It was a little difficult at first keeping track of all the names, and I had to flip back and forth a few times, but that didn't detract too much from the actual story itself. Yuffie and Vincent characterisation was very well done, and their relationship was handled beautifully. The ending, however, felt a little unfinished to me - but that might be a personal preference, as I found a few loose ends that just made me wonder...Any chance of you revisiting this world in the future? :)
ladybonerfarts chapter 22 . 7/3/2008
You. Are. Brilliant. And clever and very creative. Your Yuffie is believable, Vincent is awesome, and you make the pairing work as one of the few sane voices in the community. I adore your battle scenes. And Cloud's shitty Wutaian is just too hilarious for words. Other than that, I don't know what else to say. May I have your babies? XD
nitaBonita chapter 22 . 7/1/2008
really interesting fic! i lyked it a lot!
Chaerring Trinity chapter 22 . 4/5/2008
OMG That's it ? So perfect and so ARGGHH frustrating WHAT HAPPENS? but really I liked It was good but what happens?
My-Sanity-Went-B00m chapter 22 . 4/5/2008
Took me a little over an hour and a half to finish this, and now I have to force myself not to go back and read the fighting scene because it so utterly ROCKED. Even though Yuffie having six eyes is a bit creepy. Just a bit.

Five bajillion stars!

Shiakou chapter 13 . 9/6/2007
This is. . . weird. It's definitely still lighter than most Vincent fics tho.
Bahamut.girl chapter 22 . 6/13/2007
brilliant! the ending was perfect. A little sad that they didn't end up together. But that's how life is. i loved the history you put behind Wutai. very creative, i found myself beleiveing every word. Beautiful. wonderful!
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