Reviews for The Broken Road
MrsWM chapter 21 . 6/17
This was amazing!

Okay, harry and mione were very very very out of character, true. and i hated them in here. i mean, hermione thinking that just because she loves harry it is okay to be with him - for 3/4 months - while he is married to one of her 'best' friends and then not understand why people condemned her attitude? awful. terrible. and harry was, overall, a grade a arsehole (sorry).

i also think that gin could not have possible loved harry as much as she claims. i mean, she gets the divorce and does not, for a single moment, as long as i can recall, grieve her marriage, u know? i imagine such a big treason would make you question a few things, get down a bit. it's like she skipped this whole 'phase' and just went straight to not giving a fuck for harry, as in she 'stopped' feeling in love with him. i don't know if i'm expressing myself clearly enough :/

anywaysss, apart from that? i loved it all. your draco? when he started falling for gin? soooo dreamy. truly loved them. and gin was amazing. such a strong, well-resolved, confident woman. i loved the scene in italy. i loved them at the burrow. i loved gin's conversations with her mum. i loved their 'moments' in bed, when they would connect and talk. and i loved how ginny helped draco grieve for his dad. and i simply adored neville and pansy. they were perfectly cute together! and the pregnancy? perfection.

the ending was a bit abrupt, though. i wish you had written more. specially about what happened to harry/mione and a bit more about gin and draco! but well, what can i do? hehehe

thank you for writing and sharing :)
ultrachols chapter 4 . 11/4/2019
why everyone is writing this garbage hermione and harry. it's disgusting like Ron and Hermione. I don't read the garbage. Goodbye.
Guest chapter 21 . 6/12/2017
Very nice
Guest chapter 21 . 6/12/2017
Hi, I love this story very much. You stayed true with the characters' character. You know what i mean? No? Anyways, the only thing I don't like is the Harry and Hermione pairing because for some reason I can't imagine Hermione with anyone but Ron but that's just me. But I'm satisfied to know that Harry and Hermione is unhappy together, serves them right for being the shameless cheats that they are. Lovely story. You should write more.
Rosissi chapter 12 . 1/27/2016
I really love your story. For a long time I didnt find somethinh so good to read in this site.
Guest chapter 21 . 10/29/2015
I love this story.. thanks for sharing..
connie.flint.125 chapter 21 . 4/28/2015
I know it's an old story but I loved it. Thanks for sharing!
Alexis chapter 21 . 6/27/2014
I read this on the other site but figured i would review on this one seeing as how i started it on this site :) I have to tell you i love this story i feel like it is a significant representation of both of them. This is definitely one of my favorites
Lady Isabelle Black chapter 21 . 5/24/2014
please do a sequel for this story
Lydsyko chapter 21 . 2/1/2013
I honestly very much enjoyed this story, with the exception of not being able to find that one section of chapter 8 that you cut out. I fell in love with the Draco Ginny pairing a while ago, but I find I only like them if the author stays true to the characters. I also fell in love with the Neville Pansy pairing in your story. I think the only pairing I hated horribly was Harry and Hermionie, but that's probably because I can't really see Hermionie with anyone but Ron, and I can't really picture Harry with anyone, mostly because he probably wouldn't be happy, which you did manage to capture. I think this is the second story of yours that I have read and I'll definitely be looking out for more in the future. Happy writing :)
Lydsyko chapter 8 . 1/31/2013
I went to your livejournal but I didn't see Chapter eight on there.
Guest chapter 8 . 1/29/2013
On your live journal I can't find this story only it's sequel
Guest chapter 21 . 10/27/2012
I really liked this story. The way you integrated Rowlings actual story was really well done. One of the best that I've seen of the D/G fics I've read actually. I was also really happy with the way you represented the trio. I feel that a lot of D/G writers overcompensate for the D/G relationship and make the trio look horrible but you didn't do that, in fact you made them look normal. All in all I really enjoyed this fic.
Secret world chapter 17 . 10/22/2012
love it so much
Secret world chapter 3 . 10/22/2012
loved it
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