Reviews for Grandpa's Choice
Sparti28 chapter 8 . 12/16/2018
Can’t wait to read the next story thanks for sharing
Guest chapter 3 . 7/15/2013
how come tohru becomes free and then gets retrapped?
flowersfall chapter 1 . 11/4/2007
Yay! I loved this story! I cant wait to read new material from you in the future!

SingingShooter chapter 7 . 4/21/2007
yay I will read
AssassinedAngel chapter 4 . 6/8/2006
so cute! I love it! the best!
AssassinedAngel chapter 1 . 6/8/2006
poor Tohru! Good story!
xXnumbertwoXx chapter 4 . 5/7/2006
im back! u must b so annoyed with me by now. i REALLY luv ur story! yay, yuki and tohru r together!
xXnumbertwoXx chapter 3 . 4/18/2006
yukis plot to kidnap her sounds so cute, even if it is half-baked! o, but now she's gotta meet a new guy. wah! oo, but maybe its YUKI! but i'm jumping to heh heh...damn. im gonna have 2 finish this 2moro. i still have 2 go 2 school and now im gonna get, like, 3 hours of sleep. (sigh)i still have 2 do my homework. Y DOES SHAKESPEARE HAVE 2 BE SO BORING! meh...c ya l8r...or not...i doubt ill ever c u ever ever ever ever ever in my life...but ill review...rite...and now im gonna leave u should try that...z
xXnumbertwoXx chapter 2 . 4/18/2006
i'm back cuz (ill put this bluntly) reviews make writers feel good. so i'm reviewing all the chappies! yay! i just hope i dont 4get 2 sleep again...i do that a lot...i luv this whole story! yuki and tohru are so meant 4 each other...(sigh)...
xXnumbertwoXx chapter 1 . 4/18/2006
oo! i'm really liking this so far! one (evil) thing to say: u mighta heard this, and i personally HATE this comment (i get it a lot...) but, um, when a new person speaks, u make a new paragraph. ...(ponders), lets blow proper editing and just rebel against paragraphs. they suck. i'm gonna stab them all w/ a butterknife! mwa ha ha! (cough cough) erm, just go finish the story now...
xanimejunkie chapter 6 . 12/6/2005
o.o! holy crap! i like this story! i'm going to the sequel now!
Meiko M chapter 4 . 12/5/2005
Aw! _! I was going to wait until the very end of the fanfiction to review, but... I just couldn't help it! This is SUCH an amazing story! SO incredibley sweet! You're very very talented, and you have an amazingly original plot _. PLEASE continue writing, if you don't, will be missing out on a WONDERFUL author! Heheh, the one song I had in my head throughout this entire story was "Mahou no Kotoba~ Would you Marry Me?" By Do As Infinity. You should hear it! Its creepy how it fits _~. Ja mata! ~Meiko
Meiko M chapter 1 . 12/5/2005
O_O! O! I like this plot! _ Very very original and unique! I'm very interested to see what happens next! Great start! Ja mata ~Meiko
CrystalTears730 chapter 6 . 11/14/2005
OMIGOSH! *Jumps up and down in excitement* This is JUST how it's supposed to be! It's probably like a dream come true for Yuki and Tohru! Reading the next chappie is going to be SO intense! Let's just hope that Akito doesn't find out and ruin everything! But, then again, what's a story without a villain, right?
adarabelle chapter 6 . 10/20/2005
I love it so much! Reading the sequal is gonna b so good!
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