Reviews for What The Hell Happened?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/19/2013
Please continue thus is great I hope it goes on :) !
Moonlit Wave chapter 1 . 12/21/2008
this is just...awesome! Gave me the goosebumps, I'd love if this was continued~
bluedragon1836 chapter 1 . 11/24/2007
that is . . . wow. i can't imagine what that would be like. trapped in your own body, able to see, hear, feel; and unable to stop it. wow. you just gave me a new understanding of what it's like to be a host. thank you.
TeacherTam chapter 1 . 1/20/2007
Whoa. This is *not* what I was expecting, but it's so great!

*Is* there a chance of another chapter? I just found this story, today, so that's *my* excuse for not reviewing, before now, and begging/wheedling/cajoling for another chapter.

So, here's my beg/wheedle/cajole.



Thank you.
Banner chapter 1 . 3/16/2006
* cold shivers *

Oh that was horrifying. Very well done.
Trekkie Lizard chapter 1 . 9/7/2005
Wow! What a story!
krysalys chapter 1 . 8/16/2005
Oh hell yah, you have to continue this!

Daniel's been taken by a Goa'uld?

Where're the Jaffa? What happened? (I mean, jeeze, you gotta at least answer THAT everpresent question, dear)

Are the Tok'ra gonna be called in to hopefully get that friggin snake out of Daniel's head? The others KNOW it's a Goa'uld in him, right?

More more more more more more more more more more...

Damnit, if you don't continue this, then I sure as hell will.

With your permission, of course. ;-)

Hell, maybe Daniel even goes catatonic when the snake isn't in control. Couldn't you see it? I mean, crap. The Goa'uld always have to show their arrogant posturing, and they ALWAYS come out to "play" and tell the Tau'ri how they will be crushed under this particular "God's" power.

Please please PLEASE continue?

Are you thinking about it yet?

How about now?


*snicker* I think it's safe to say that I really liked this (and there's the understatement of the frickin' century).


DarkJediQueen chapter 1 . 8/8/2005
I don't know. I think this was perfect...