Reviews for Eternal Obsession
CriesInElvish chapter 3 . 10/5/2011
This is brilliant. Amazing...I searched for a good screamshipping fic, and this is the best one that has come up; I beg of you to continue...I really want to read to more! Please please please continue :)
Blue-Starlight92 chapter 3 . 4/29/2010
This is really creepy. Really good, but really creepy.
donthaveanamem8 chapter 3 . 3/24/2008
This story is so fantastic, screamshipping rules! SM,the way you write is bewitching! You're such a good writer! Please please please update soon.
Sheep-san chapter 3 . 2/8/2008
Gr... YOU HAVE TA UPDATE! I DON'T CARE HOW LONG ITS TAKE UPDATE IT! This review is for all the chapter that I've had read so far, so thats... -counts on fingers- One... Two... Three... -eyes exclaims and shows to you- There! Three chapter into one review! Yay! I hope you don't mind I don't wanna review the other two chapter separately. And I heard that there was two more chapters left to post? Is that true! Is it? I have to know so I can demand you to do a sequel if you already haven't! Til then... I be waitin'... and watchin'...
jjrose chapter 3 . 1/15/2008
This story is very well written, it had me hooked right from the beginning. The Bakura obsesses over Shizuka/Serenity makes me feel... well... i can't describe it. Brilliant work on this. Please update soon.
hazslink chapter 3 . 12/30/2007
omg this story is so amazing. Yami Bakura and Shizuka/Serenity are my fav couple. pleaze continue!
Nightcrawlerlover chapter 1 . 12/27/2007
I love it! Can't wait for Chapter 4! Keep up the good work!
Slayingthedreamer chapter 3 . 12/27/2007
Wow! I love this story! It's dark, thrilling and mysterious, just the way i like it. Thank you for this and please update soon.
goblin-queen-of-the-opera chapter 1 . 10/5/2007
so far it seems to be a good hook in the plot

but it's o hayo gozimasu for good morning, we learned that the first day in japense class
Michelle-chan chapter 2 . 4/19/2006
That was great! Keep up the good work
Heaven Earth chapter 2 . 1/7/2006
WOW, Setalina Muro, you are some type of sorceress! Creating all of those images and playing them into words. COOL! I've come to like this Yami Bakura x Shizuka pairing. It's a lot darker than some others I've heard about. Some to which I know the shippings are called, and some to which I have no idea what the hell they're called. I also like the Ryou x Shizuka pairing. I KNOW! It's very cute, it seems. And they're alike in many ways. I'll leave you to figure out the comparisons. Don't be so lazy and get along with this story, silly!

See Ya 'Round!
Heaven Earth chapter 2 . 1/7/2006
WOW, Setalina Muro, you are some type of sorceress! Creating all of those images and playing them into words. COOL! I've come to like this Yami Bakura x Shizuka pairing. It's a lot darker than some others I've heard about. Some to which I know the shippings are called, and some to which I have no idea what the hell they're called. I also like the Ryou x Shizuka pairing. I KNOW! It's very cute, it seems. And they're alike in many ways. I'll leave you to figure out the comparisons. Don't be so lazy and get along with this story, silly!

See Ya 'Round!
FishyPrincess chapter 2 . 10/7/2005


I have been searching far and wide for a well-written Yami BakuraShizuka. Finally, I have found one. Thank you for writing this! You possess great talent in the writing area. :)

One thing: I noticed some typos-not spelling mistakes-, so you may want to use spell-check. I saw a few "hr's" and other things like that.

Great job; I'll be waiting for more. Please continue soon!
newblue chapter 2 . 9/12/2005
this is so god please update soon!

Flowerperson chapter 2 . 9/9/2005
Naughty Kaiba for throwing a ball at poor Shizuka... oh well, I still love him ((hugs Kaiba plushie)).

Great chapter, I was literally on the edge of my seat ((suddenly falls off)).

Ahem... anyway, Screamshipping rocks and I can't wait for the next chapter!

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