Reviews for Changes in Heart
joellejiyun chapter 6 . 6/11
snape is too smart for everyones own good
thehalf.bloodedprince chapter 37 . 5/25/2019
Are you going to continue writing? Or?
Layla chapter 37 . 11/27/2017
This was wonderful
I preferred the snape hermione ending
Thanks for sharing this wonderful story
Kelsie chapter 8 . 7/25/2017
They are SO cute. I'm in love with this chapter 3
bookworm661 chapter 36 . 8/22/2016
Definitely prefer the second ending over the first one. There is more commonalities between Severus and Hermione than there are between Draco and Hermione. I also enjoy the chemistry between Severus and Hermione over her with anyone else.
fuelforthefunnyfarm chapter 8 . 4/21/2015
You bake flour- that sterilizes it. Furthermore, she should have washed her hands before venturing anywhere near ingredients. So how, exactly, does sticking her hand in the bag preclude further usage of the flour? Methinks the author was looking for excuses to throw food.
artemis101814 chapter 37 . 1/14/2015
I loved this story so much! I'm not a big Hermione/Draco fan, but I wanted her to get with her as much as I wanted her to get with Snape! The plot was so good! Now I'm off to read the sequel!
hayam chapter 8 . 8/19/2014
Well, so far I liked it - but this kitchen scene is complete OOC it seems like a page of another book was blown from somwhere else and accidently got archieved in this one. I also dont like that you named the elf Harmony, that brings difficulties in reading, because the brain takes in the "H" and labels it as Hermione. It is simply confusing. Maybe you did it on purpose to use this similarity later on in the plot.
This chapter disappointed me a lot, dont know yet if I will go on reading.
Guest chapter 36 . 6/13/2014
Dear lexi,
First of all: wonderful story!
English is not my first language, so i usually look for fanfics in my language. ( in past i tried to read some in english but it was terrible)
But your story, your writing reminded me of reading the hp books kn english: well structured, you thought everything through, you built up the characters properly ... I could go on now haha..
I usually never leave a comment on a fanfic but inyour case i just had to... Couldnt resist to tell you what a great great story and writing you have! I am actually very saf it ended lol
I wish you the best,
Don't stop writing you have great potential!
Melanie from Vienna :))))))
nicecane135 chapter 37 . 5/5/2014
This is such a fantastic story!
Kurai Ummei chapter 37 . 2/27/2014
squeaky521 chapter 36 . 7/3/2013
Well then. I must say I prefer the alternate SSHG ending. But I'm a faithful fan of SSHG. Obsessive if you will. So, I'll be checking out your 2 sequels. Great story!
squeaky521 chapter 25 . 7/2/2013
You love your cliffie's don't you?
squeaky521 chapter 16 . 7/2/2013
I had assumed the scar was from something similar, but much worse happening to Hermione. I'm frankly glad it was an 'accident'. At least that's what she believes. Great story! Keep it up!
squeaky521 chapter 7 . 7/2/2013
'What on earth is she smokin'?' HA! Love it!
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