Reviews for Seeds of Seduction
SL chapter 29 . 5/25
I enjoy the story very much. As a nitpick, Draco leaving the battlefield without any punishment is a tad too unbelievable.
Whit96 chapter 29 . 9/27/2018
sleepyhoney chapter 4 . 8/8/2018
Ergh I hate it when it gets so unreal with the character like Snape and Voldemort refering to others by their first name. I mean, come on! Imagine Voldemort calling Hermione "Hermione". Cringe! He didn't even call her Granger. Mudblood or the girl is more like it. No hate, though. It's just a big turn off, I couldn't read more. And this mission is like a pathetic excuse for Hermione and Draco to get together. All of these characters sound like immature high school students.
Taylor chapter 12 . 4/25/2018
That. Was. Wonderful! One of my top tens! Thank you sooooooooooooooooo much for these chapters! ️️️️️️️
Taylor chapter 8 . 4/25/2018
Yikes! I got A’s in those. Lol! I’m a straight A student! And how sweet of Harry to propose! I personally knew that would happen because it happened in the movies. Well, good luck! That’s all I can say at this moment in time... ️️️
Taylor chapter 1 . 4/22/2018
What? I’m extremely confused...
Khaleesi Kardashian chapter 1 . 3/20/2018
Stopped at chapter 4. This story is really cringey.
Jadeite-eyes chapter 29 . 1/22/2018
This story would've been much better I feel if you'd described the process of them falling in love more. For me, it all happened so fast. It seemed one minutes they were disgusted with each other, the next they were trying to deny their love, with little veto o transition in between.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2017
Stupid story. No subtly and everything is given away right away. Lots of grammatical errors that made me stumble over when reading. And you changed hermione's hair to straight. What the fuck? And Ginny AAAALL OFF A SUDDEN has curly hair? Yeah, okay
Amrita Jana chapter 1 . 3/26/2017
Completed your story at last.. It was marvelous... Each feelings blew through me.. And I just can't explain how I loved it..
Amrita Jana chapter 21 . 3/25/2017
Don't get me wrong..I don't have ideas about lipsticks... But if Last night Hermione wore Earth colored lipstick.. Where did Draco got traces of red lipstick? Do there have red Earth lipsticks?
Indian lily chapter 12 . 6/29/2016
Love the story line. But it is Fitswilliam Darcy. My friend and I are major Pride and Prejudice fans.
As a side note, I like the Bollywood references. At first I thought that I was imaging them. :)
Yogirl chapter 4 . 6/17/2016
Darling I am an Indian n sure enough u r too because that flashback was CLEARLY from kal ho na ho! I love Shahrukh too haha n btw I read that flashback in Preeiti Zinta n Saif's voices. Funnily enpugh u r not gonna see this now as it has been YEARS n u must not be active anymore. But still! Quite still...nice story!
Guest chapter 29 . 3/30/2016
That was so good! I couldn't stop reading it! Oh, I felt all sorts of emotions. Happiness and sadness. You're a really talented writer and I hope you continue writing more fanfictions.
Sunflowergirl22 chapter 5 . 8/24/2015
This is so ridiculously juvenile I want to kill myself.
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