Reviews for Caught on Tape!
Lexi Anima Difensore chapter 1 . 3/10/2007
holy shit this is funny man
Evil Fang chapter 4 . 5/29/2006
HAHAHA This is really good you gota write more soon.
Skarto chapter 4 . 3/8/2006
Yay! Please update soon! *Faves*
Blanky chapter 4 . 2/20/2006
Very good work, I'm looking forward to the next chapter.
perpetually-prototyping chapter 3 . 2/3/2006
XD Another hilarious chapter. I didn't think it sucked in the least; I must say, the scene with Leon getting chased around like that had ME nervous... :shudder:

Good work! I can't wait for the next to see if Leon gets his jacket back.
dafooni chapter 3 . 1/13/2006
OMG OMG OMG I love your parody!

My friend and I finished the game together and we hadn't realized Leon's jacket was gone until we watched the movies from the beginning. Anyway, I loved the thing with the jacket! I can so imagine hahaha.. and man the ass-raped thing was really funny as well.

You had me laughing all the way.

Gotta show this story to my friend now.

Keep writing!
LeonKennedyisSOFINGAWSOME chapter 3 . 1/9/2006
dude, this chapter DOES NOT SUCK REPEAT: DOES NOT SUCK besides if i was in a room with someone who dressed up as my Girlfriend(even though i probaly wont have one until im at least 25 years old) I would be scared shitless as well

"Guess he intends to deal with us later. Or he's gonna let us rot in here. Or there could some sort of toxic gas that's leaking into the room that'll kill us slowly and painfully as i -"

HAHA poor leon, soo retarded anyways please write the next chapter soo soon... OR I WILL RIP YOUR BALLS OF.
SilverSpoons chapter 3 . 12/30/2005
HA! This story had me cracking up! I read all three chapters in like half an hour and they're all great! I really like how you write your take on things in parentheses, it's pretty sweet! Ok and it's so funny how this whole fic is based on Leon's JACKET! Haha! I think that's just the coolest thing, and everyone is trying to hit on him, ha, who wouldn't though? AND the Ganados talk! I love everything about this story! OK well you should seriously continue soon, I'll be waiting!
Lindsay chapter 2 . 12/22/2005

Well, what Saddler says is: "I can feel them, growing ever so strongly inside you..." then Leon charges, "Saddler!" he shouts. Sadler puts out a hand and Leon starts to scream and groan in pain. "Perhaps you can resist, but you cannot disobey" Saddler says. "Now, come to me Ashley." She goes towards him, Leon says "No...Ashley!" and throws a tracker onto her back. Then she walks out of the room with Saddler and Leon gets up. "It's already begun..." he says. And basically that's all of that cutscene. Hope this helps. LOL
Lindsay chapter 2 . 12/22/2005

Well, what Saddler says is: "I can feel them, growing ever so strongly inside you..." then Leon charges, "Saddler!" he shouts. Sadler puts out a hand and Leon starts to scream and groan in pain. "Perhaps you can resist, but you cannot disobey" Saddler says. "Now, come to me Ashley." She goes towards him, Leon says "No...Ashley!" and throws a tracker onto her back. Then she walks out of the room with Saddler and Leon gets up. "It's already begun..." he says. And basically that's all of that cutscene. Hope this helps. LOL
kejsf xbfscfhb afsedg bsgfdsdg chapter 3 . 12/5/2005
Narakusnoone chapter 3 . 12/4/2005
What about Salazar. I wanted to see something with Salazar but this was still funny
Under chapter 3 . 12/3/2005
wow... pretty long and a bit... scary.
ShadesOfBlood chapter 2 . 10/7/2005
Poor Poor Leon...You're going to cause the pretty boy so many years of therapy!

Vair Funny _ I hope you update soon.
gen der chapter 2 . 9/20/2005
Wow...DuDe! Your story is the coolest thing that I've read man! You need to hurry and write more!
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