Reviews for Beyond The Forest
BorealisSpiral chapter 17 . 12/3/2019
I really liked this story. Honestly, of your complete early works, it’s the one I like the most. I liked it even though I’m not a fan of gruesome stuff, it’s really hard for me to read that. Still, given the concept of the story, the plot and the environment, I understand why you had to make Goku so savage as to tear up and massacre every single person that stayed on his way in such a… gross way.

It was so sad reading how the villagers treat him so badly just because of his demonic appearance, though considering that his strength was inhuman, I can see why everyone feared him. Still, if he would have had the chance of growing in a more civilized environment, he would’ve been a good being, just like how it was proven when he had Chi-Chi. But no, humanity is not as merciful as that, rather it is greedy and ruthless.

I hated when those foreign people took advantage of Goku and Chi-Chi’s condition to make them a freak show. There is nothing I hate more than that. Businessmen are the worst! They just seek their own profit, agh. Those scenes of them being captive were so sad and distressing, specially when Chi-Chi got in labor and that stupid human didn’t let Goku being on her side.

But oh boy, I was not expecting that ending. I was not expecting Chi-Chi to really die. I almost broke down when Goku cried in agony for her death. His outburst was heartbreaking and I actually teared up a little bit. I guess I’m really sensitive, because I almost cried again when Goku died too. That was hard, man. I tell you, I was not expecting that, but now I understand why my mom loves and prefers happy endings. That tragic ending for an as well tragic story was painful to read.

I loved it nonetheless, ‘cause in all honesty, I love tragedies a lot. But I also loved that Gohan ended up living at the end thanks to Bardok and, even though he was a little coward, the fact that he ran away let him save her grandson when was needed, and at the end,Gohan grew up as a fine man by himself.

An interesting experience reading this. Also, I suggest you should set this as complete since it’s finished but it’s not labeled as such.
deathwink chapter 17 . 10/20/2017
Amazing story makes me cry and feel , it's still incredibly touching.
Guest chapter 8 . 7/1/2017
You are sick no more porn
loverofhell chapter 1 . 8/24/2016
i really like this chapter because i really liked that you wrote about goku being the demon in this story good good and brill .
i love reading this story
keep up the work
Star Gaara smile chapter 1 . 1/6/2016
No matter how may times I read this I enjoy this story more and more each and every time
Zugra913 chapter 1 . 7/21/2015
I don't know what to say. This story, the action, the well described characters and the ending. It was just too good. I couldn't put it down. I read it all in one day without interruption. This is how stories should be. I found you and your stories two days ago and I have been reading and finish reading most of them, but this one...this one is my favorite. I can't put into to words how amazing this is. I am speechless. I want to read your story Tribes as well. Please keep up the awesome work. It is totally worth it.
karone5 chapter 16 . 6/15/2014
Dear MajinBroli,

I have read your story “Beyond The Forest”, and let me tell you I’m LOVING it! I am so in love with your story. I have always wanted to read stories similar to something like a beast fall in love with a beauty, or a cold merciless killer fall in love with strong personality beauty girl, or a demon or monster fall in love with a strong headed girl. And this story is just what I’m looking for, a half demon fall in love and stay loyal to only one maiden. And what best is you throw in Dragonball’s characters Goku and Chi-Chi in it, you can’t get any better than this combination. Goku, a half demon fall in loves with a maiden, Chi-Chi. I really love this story.

I’ve spent 3 straight nights reading the story. I a fan of the Goku and Chi-Chi pair. And reading this I feel so happy in one minute and feel sad the next minute, especially at the ending of the story. It is so touching at the end when Chi-Chi died and seeing how Goku was torn apart made me felt miserable. And especially when grandpa Bardock leaves Gohan at the adoption center in the end made I felt so gloomy. I felt so SORRY for the young poor 6 year old Gohan. Bless his heart, he has no idea that his grandpa is about to leave him forever. Thanks goodness, that Raditz and his wife had watched the whole situation and agree to adopt Gohan. I feel a little relieve that at least one good family is taking good care of Gohan. And the grown-up Gohan made me feel so proud because of his smartness and his determination to find out his true heritage. I’m so glad that Gohan found out that he is a quarter of demon and he had found the video tape that showed his father Goku and his mother Chi-Chi. At least he now knows what his parents were look like.

Now back to the main couple, I really love their relationship and their character. I really do feel pity for Goku being treated harsh and chased out by human when he is just a poor little baby who can’t stand properly let alone have to run. Why humans are so cruel and evil. Just because our little Goku looked different than theirs, they have to chase and kill the poor thing. Well, how about the when the blond hair and blue eyes of those foreigners come into town, they are true evil; and just because they look like human, those villagers don’t drive them out. Well, when those foreigners begin to kill the villagers, I can’t help it but feel so satisfy. Those villagers deserved that treatment. It served them well. It’s time they learn their lesson for treating someone that look different than them. Goku didn’t really kill them, he was just defended himself when those bunch bullies began to hit him. So Goku is much better than those foreigners, at least Chi-Chi know that.

But then again those foreigners made Goku and Chi-Chi life miserable. They have no privacy at all being stuck in the cage with numerous cameras following them every move. You know, reading your story I felt something similar to Tarzan and Jane story in the beginning part of your story (Goku is Tarzan and Chi-Chi is Jane) and I felt something similar to movie King Kong in the ending part of your story especially the part where Goku stare at the moon and then begin to transform into big monkey raging the buildings. I am truly felt sorrow for Goku when he has numerous injuries inflicted him by those stupid armies and city people. You know, when Bardock killed that CEO guy that he was the main reason that caused Chi-Chi die, I am SO HAPPY. It served the stupid guy so right. But then again nothing going to change or help the poor couple Chi-Chi and Goku. The damage is already done.

When Chi-Chi died and Goku felt downhearted, I feel so heartbroken for the couple. When can they have their time alone and not being bothered by those villagers and city people? The part where they live together and spent time 4 month together was I feel so happy for them. How ironic that the town people including her father thought Chi-Chi got captured against her will and thought she would get hurt by Goku, but actually it is not. Chi-Chi doesn’t get hurt by Goku at all. She loves Goku for his undying love for her. True that there will be no man compare to Goku’s strength and his love gives to Chi-Chi. And my opinion is exactly like that too. The part where her friends first meet and shocked to see Chi-Chi with Goku made me laugh. I guess they don’t see a beauty company the beast often do they? Her friends are fun, too.

You know, I just realized one thing how Goku come to love Chi-Chi is through the red fur blanket. It’s from her mother. I guess her mother gift had saved her life and bestowed her this lovable man. Goku thought the red fur on her body is one of his kind (that how you described it). He thought she has red fur like him? How cute. And he thought the villagers had skinned her red fur. One question, at later of the story Goku seemed to know that Chi-Chi is a human female, how does Goku realize that Chi-Chi is human female? I mean I thought he thought Chi-Chi is one of his kind meaning he thought she is his race have fur. I mean how and when Goku know that Chi Chi is a human, and even if he did he seemed to love her still. And that is so cute. Yes, there are some love scenes, but I am old to handle it. In fact, it proved they do love each other. I don’t mind reading it.

The part that Chi-Chi taught him to speak in human, he seems so cute. You know what if the villagers hasn’t chase and beat down on Goku, if Goku was to race up like any normal kid, Goku would a be person or demon. He has good characters. He might not kill so much people and become a monster like they made him to be.

Last but not least, your skills and writing style are AMAZING! Your vocabularies are FANASTIC! Not only that but there are so much more. They way you describe the surroundings, the way you describe the characters and their inner thoughts, and the way you describe the actions are a thrill and an addict to read. The way you describe and slowly change the character personality and thoughts into different stage are interesting. All that things are all work well together. I am really IMPRESSED by you. Once I started reading, I couldn’t put down your story. I am eager to read next to find out what happen. And also your story plot is very well planned. I didn’t see it coming at all. Many times I want to yell at you for why you have to created event to separate the poor couple. Why can’t you just leave them alone and create a happy ending them, uh? But then again, I’m not the author of this story so I can’t change it. But then again, if you write a happy ending, then there wouldn’t be a touching story to make viewer like me go totally distress.

I’m sorry for this long review. It’s just I need to let you know how I felt for this story. My email is

I am reading your other story “Breaking Free”. I will definitely write a review for the story because there are many things I wanted to tell you.
chichi musa lynn chapter 17 . 4/12/2014
fantastic, amazing, superb my favorite story from you so far. I love ALL of your stories but this one is awesome. It is well written and unique. Honestly i haven't read a story similar to this one. it is just WOW. Although sad I like the ending. when chichi died i thought the dragon balls would be part of this story and somehow goku would know about it and wish her back to life and then her,bardock gohan and goku can live happilly ever after. This story is so sad . I almost cried...ALMOST. Keep it going. your awesome.

ThexWhitexPhoenix chapter 17 . 2/14/2014
I am NOT crying... I'm not... *sniff sniff*
Diosa Luna chapter 17 . 10/16/2013
:( Me hizo llorar y Badock fue cobarde, pero bueno al menos tuvo mejor oportunidad. Y al saber quien son sus padres se daría cuenta que lo amaban profundamente. Pero llore.
scarecrow09 chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
Love reading this story
TM chapter 17 . 9/30/2013
That was so sad I'm crying really heard i love it even if goku and
Chichi die and what happens to gohan so sad I love it good work.
xXGlamorousGloraXx chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
Appearances...judging him by how he looks and not giving him a chance...
Riju-chan chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
I see you love v/b but I love your g/cc so much, hope you'll continue writing but with happy endings :)
Riju-chan chapter 17 . 4/22/2013
Omg... this was so sad... You killed off everyone! I really wished for a happy ending... this is one of the main reason why I don't like to read angsty stuff, makes me cry so much..
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